Music Appreciation - Portal

North Arkansas College
Course Syllabus for Music Appreciation
Course Identification
Course Name: (MUS 1003) Music Appreciation
Instructor: Reece Conrad
Office Location: M162
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 – 10:30
Home phone: 743-3258
Catalog Course Description
Music appreciation is a survey of music history literature with emphasis on listening and
evaluating all types of music. It includes the works and influence of the major
composers, the media through which music is produced, instruments of the orchestra,
voice, solo and ensemble combinations, music elements, and music terminology.
Rationale for Course
Music appreciation is one of the educational core classes and is transferable to other
Audience for Course
Music Appreciation is open to any Northark student.
General Course Goals
Understand the fundamental properties of music
Become familiar with different musical instruments
Learn about major historical figures throughout the history of music
Identify some of the important works of music
Be able to identify and discuss the basic elements that make up a musical
Specific Course Outcomes/Objectives/Competencies
By the end of the semester students will be able to:
Identify different instruments and sections of the orchestra
Identify various compositions of music
Identify different styles of music
Identify various musical vocabulary terms
Understand the uniqueness and importance of various composers throughout
different periods of history
Resources Needed for the Course (REQUIRED MATERIALS)
Personal computer: The student is expected to have access to a computer with
these system requirements. If you have any problems with your computer, ie,
computer crashes, internet goes down, or etc., it is your responsibility to have a
backup plan.
Email Account: A Northark email account was issued to you automatically when
you enrolled in your classes. To access your email, navigate to Northark’s Web
site at On the Students tab, you should see a link Student
Email. You may also access your email from Your email
address will be your
Textbook: Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation, Seventh Brief Edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. 2011. ISBN: 0078025095
Accompanying 5-CD set
Resources Available for the Course
Resources on the north and south campus including the library, computer labs, and
the Learning Assistance Center (math & science tutors, writing lab, testing center)
The website for your textbook: offers you the ability to
purchase access to the ebook verison of your text as well as all of the music on the
Instructional/Teaching Methods
Textbook reading and video viewing on the internet will be encouraged through
thought-provoking assignments.
Student-Lead discussions with guidance from the instructor
Attendance policy
Students in online courses must take a proctored final/major exam. If you are
unable to be on Northark’s campus for the proctored final/major exam then it is
your responsibility to find your own test proctor and complete the Proctor
Nomination form which can be obtained from your instructor. Arrangements
must be approved by your instructor at least 2 weeks before the exam. Students
are expected to keep notes from listening examples and class lectures.
Additional instructor requirements for physical attendance, i.e., on-campus
testing, labs, etc.
Course Evaluation (Grading) Procedures
Weekly Assignments
For each week, I will post an assignment with instructions and a due date/time.
Assignments will require you to read the text material and listen to the CDs that
accompany your text. Assignments may also require you to view videos on sites such as, and/or participate in discussion forums. The average of your weekly
assignments will account for 70% of your final grade.
Mid-term and Final
There will be 2 listening exams during the semester, one at midterm and one at final
exam time. For these exams, you will be required to correctly identify musical
compositions (title and composer). The average of your 2 listening exams will account
for 30% of your final grade.
You can earn limited extra credit in this course by attending a classical music concert and
completing a short written assignment. Please contact me if you are interested in earning
extra credit.
The following grading scale will be used in this class:
F=59% and below
Missing Assignments
You will not be allowed to make up assignments after the due date has passed. Please
complete all assignments on time.
Assistance available for the course
If you are having any issues in your online course, the first person you should contact is
your instructor by email. If you need technical assistance for logon issues, contact Brenda
Freitas (Northark IT department) at or 870.391.3275.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty, as defined in the Student Handbook, will not be tolerated. Any
form of academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, test tampering, and
facilitating academic dishonesty, will be reported and will result in disciplinary action.
Please consult the Student Handbook for information on how to resolve disciplinary
Provision for Changing the Syllabus
The syllabus is always subject to change. In the event of a change, I will upload an
addendum to the syllabus and post an announcement in “Course Announcements".
Online Participation Policy
The instructor may drop a student from a class when the student does not participate for 2
weeks. Participation may be in a variety of forms:
Submit an assignment
Participate in discussion
Respond to email
Contact the instructor
Academic Dishonesty
Academic fraud and dishonesty are defined as follows:
Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials,
information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or
attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Test tampering: Intentionally gaining access to restricted test booklets, banks,
questions, or answers before a test is given; or tampering with questions or
answers after a test is taken.
Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words and ideas of
another as one's own in any academic exercise.
Academic dishonesty will not be permitted. It shall be at the instructor’s discretion to fail
the student for that assignment, remove the student from the class, reduce the student’s
grade or petition to have the student suspended from the college.
Accommodations for Students with Special Needs:
North Arkansas College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special
accommodations should make their requests in the following way: (1) talk to the
instructor after class or during office hours about their disability or special need related to
classroom work; and/or (2) contact Special Services in Room M188 and ask to speak to
Kim Brecklein.
The syllabus acknowledgment must be returned via File Exchange by the 10 th day of the