Practice Exam 2 - Iowa State University

Leader: Kirsten Karkow
Course: Biol 211 - Wilsey
Date: 2/14/2012
Practice Exam 2
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Answer the following multiple-choice questions by choosing the best answer.
1. The ancestral protist of plants is a _____________ . The ancestral protist of animals is a
______________ .
a. Cyanobacterium; protozoan
b. Charophycean; choanoflagellate
c. Chlorophycean; protozoan
d. Charophycean; choanocyte
2. Which are the first terrestrial adaptations of plants?
a. Cellulose walls, chloroplasts, rhizoids
b. Cuticles, stomata, seeds
c. Rhizoids, cuticles, stomata
d. Xylem, phloem, cuticles
3. Spores develop into ______________ . Gametes develop into ______________ .
a. Sporophytes; gametophytes
b. Gametangia; sporangia
c. Megasporangia; microsporangia
d. Gametophytes; sporophytes
4. In plants, spores are produced through ______________ . Gametes are produced by
______________ . Spores are ______________ .
a. Mitosis; meiosis; diploid
b. Mitosis; meiosis; haploid
c. Meiosis; mitosis; diploid
d. Meiosis; mitosis; haploid
5. The sporophyte stage begins when…
a. Gametes fertilize
b. Spores are formed by meiosis
c. Gametes germinate
d. Spores germinate
6. Which of the following describes a heterosporous plant?
a. Megaspores form male gametophytes. Microspores form female gametophytes.
b. Asexual spores form bisexual gametophytes.
c. Microspores form male gametophytes. Megaspores form female gametophytes.
d. Spores form unisex gametophytes. The sex of the gametophyte depends on the
sexes of the organisms around it.
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
7. Partially decayed, carbon-rich material is known as…
a. Peat
b. Coal
c. Protonemata
d. Lignin
e. Both a and b
f. Both c and d
8. Bryophytes are ______________, _____________ plants. Ferns are ______________ ,
______________ plants.
a. Seedless, vascular; seedless, vascular
b. Seedless, avascular; seedless, vascular
c. Seedless, vascular; seeded, vascular
d. Seedless, avascular; seeded, avascular
9. How do strobili compare to sori?
a. Strobili occur on bryophytes. Sori occur on ferns.
b. Strobili are present on sporophytes. Sori are present on gametophytes.
c. Strobili are cones of sporangia. Sori are clusters of sporangia.
d. Strobili produce female sporangia. Sori produce male sporangia.
10. Seeds are mature ______________ . Fruits are mature ______________ .
a. Ovules; ovaries
b. Zygotes; flowers
c. Eggs; ovaries
d. Ovaries; flowers
11. Which plants have a dependent generation?
a. Bryophytes
b. Ferns
c. Gymnosperms
d. All of the above
e. Both a and b
f. Both c and a
12. Which plants are said to have naked seeds?
a. Gymnosperms
b. Ferns
c. Gingkophyta
d. More than one of the above
e. None of the above
13. Which series lists clades in order from smallest/least diverse to largest/most diverse?
a. Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, Cycadophyta
b. Anthocerophyta, Pteridophyta, Anthophyta
c. Cycadophyta, Anthophyta, Coniferophyta
d. Gnetophyta, Sphenophyta, Gingkophyta
14. ______________ are male structures. ______________ are female structures.
a. Stigma; ovaries
b. Pistils; carpels
c. Stamens; carpels
d. Anthers; filaments
15. Double fertilization is important because…
a. It allows two zygotes to form at once, increasing reproductive success.
b. The egg in flowering plants must be fertilized twice to create a zygote.
c. It provides a food source for the zygote.
d. It provides a back-up in case one sperm is defective.
16. Which of the following describes a monoecious plant?
a. Imperfect flower, stamens and pistils on one plant.
b. Perfect flower, both stamens and pistils found on one plant.
c. Perfect flower, stamens on certain blossoms, pistils on others.
d. Imperfect flower, stamens and pistils on separate plants.
17. How do monocots compare to dicots?
a. Monocots have taproots. Dicots have fibrous roots.
b. Monocots a larger endosperm. Dicots have a smaller endosperm.
c. Monocots have one cotyledon. Dicots have none.
d. Monocots have netted veins. Dicots have parallel veins.
18. Tissues in animals are formed by the process of ___________ . Endoderm will develop
into ____________ . Ectoderm will develop into ____________ .
a. Cleavage; the intestinal tract; skin
b. Cytokinesis; muscle; nervous tissue
c. Cleavage; muscle; skin and nervous tissue
d. Gastrulation; intestines; skin and nervous tissue
19. Protostomes have _______________ . Deuterostomes have _______________ .
a. Spiral, determinate cleavage; radial, indeterminate cleavage
b. A single mouth/anus opening; a separate mouth and anus
c. Radial, determinate cleavage; spiral, indeterminate cleavage
d. A gastrovascular cavity; a complete gastrointestinal tract
20. Porifera are…
a. Polyps
b. Hermaphrodites
c. Acoelomates
d. Both b and c
State whether the following statements are true or false.
21. Phloem is the main source of structural support in plants.
22. The female gametophyte is never released from seeded, vascular plants.
23. Seeds and pollen grains are the only dispersed components of plants.
24. After pollination, sperm cells will travel down the pollen tube made by the pistil.
25. Animals are multicellular heterotrophs that feed by ingestion and lack cell walls.
26. Animals differ from other kingdoms in that most have nervous and muscle tissues.
27. Cnidaria are the only diploblastic animals.
28. Annelida are the only acoelomates.
29. All Platyhelminthes are parasitic.
30. All molluscs have a foot, visceral mass, mantle, and closed circulatory system.