Victor Valley College District 18422 Bear Valley Road Victorville, CA 92395-5850 Attn: Frank Smith VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE DISTRICT REQUEST FOR /PROPOSAL/ FOR: ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION – VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE DISTRICT DATE: 2 APRIL 2012 PROJECT #: IT001 PROJECT DUE DATE AND TIME: 25 APRIL 2012 (NLT 3:00 PM) Table of Contents Deployment Options Summary Introduction ORGANIZATION Information (“About Us”) PROJECT OBJECTIVES PROJECT SCOPE Product Demonstrations Deployment STRATEGY Flexible Capture Configuration TIME LINE CONTACT INFORMATION CONDITIONS EVALUATION CRITERIA Vendor Response Format 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 Executive Summary 10 Section 1: Vendor Profile Company Overview Relationship to Manufacturer Finance and Legal Patents Partnerships Industry Leadership and Recognition General Software Functionality Integration Integrated Workflow Support for Regulatory and Operational Compliance Initiatives Support Ease of Use Deploy Rapidly Comprehensive Support Options 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 Section 2: Software 12 Section 3: Professional Services 12 Section 4: Product Training and Product Support 12 Section 5: Hardware 13 Appendices 14 Appendix 1: Software Functional Requirements Table 15 Appendix 2: Contracts 44 Exhibit A: Vendor’s Standard Terms and Conditions 45 Exhibit B: Vendor’s Software Maintenance and Support Contract 47 Appendix 3: Additional Materials 48 DEPLOYMENT OPTIONS SUMMARY In the “Introduction,” “Project Objectives,” and/or “Project Scope” sections on the following page, describe the type of deployment option you organization prefers. For reference, content management systems – at the single department or enterprise level – can be deployed in a variety of ways, each with their own advantages depending on what an organization is seeking in a solution. Key considerations include: 1. Licensing: You may purchase licenses outright (referred to as “perpetual licensing,” up front; or you may subscribe to licenses for a fixed initial term – typically 36 months – with a lower upfront capital expenditure and low, regularly scheduled payments. 2. Hosting: This refers to the physical location of your software, hardware and data. Organizations with sufficient IT resources may prefer to host their own solutions internally on their premises. Others may choose to have the vendor host the solution in a secure data center. Again, either option offers great benefits depending on your particular needs and IT best practices. 3. Administration: This refers both to the software and to the hardware and infrastructure. In a traditional on-site deployment, you purchase the software. The software is installed and configured on your servers and workstations at your site. Your IT staff bears administrative responsibility for tasks like adding or deleting users, configuring user, group, document or other access rights and levels, and running routine maintenance and backups. Depending on your needs, you could have the vendor host your hardware, software and data, but keep the admin rights for your IT staff to manage remotely. Conversely, if you have limited IT resources, you could keep the server, software and solution on your premises, but allow the vendor to remotely administer any changes such as nightly or weekly backups of your data or adding or deleting users. While the information above does not touch on every possible deployment option, it does illustrate that there are many possible deployment options. You simply need to decide what is right for your organization based on your business requirements, technical environment, and preferences. Deployment Option Licensing Solution Location Purchase Subscription (“Perpetual”) “Traditional” ● Hosted ● Customer Vendor Data Center Data Center ● Administration1 Customer ● ● Subscription on Premises ● Software as a Service ● Vendor ● ● ● ● ● 1 “Administration” encompasses a wide array of activities from adding a new user to coordinating online, offline and offsite backup and storage of your data. Vendors should be prepared to clearly define the specific administrative tasks they will perform versus those that the customer will be required to perform. Vendors sometimes offer to perform a subset of administrative tasks typically performed by the customer when the customer lacks sufficient IT resources. Think of “Traditional/Perpetual” as customer self service, such as an organization’s internal e-mail client. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Software as a Service is a full-service solution such as where all management and ongoing maintenance is executed by the vendor. INTRODUCTION Victor Valley Community College District is looking for an Enterprise Document Management Solution that will primarily meet the need of Student Services, but untimely meet the needs for the entire enterprise. This solution must provide for a seamless connection to the campus Student Information System (Datatel Colleague), while allowing standalone use by other District programs and functions. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION (“ABOUT US”) Victor Valley College District is located at 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA 92395-5850 Number of Employees: 900 Initial System Deployment: at seven locations/departments Current number of image files in image/index storage: 2,743,561 Current space used for the image/index storage: 596GB PROJECT OBJECTIVES Our objectives for the deployment include: Integrate with Datatel Colleague Student Information System, this integration must require little or no program development and provide a seamless connection. Provide solutions/options for phased installation of products including a roadmap of requirements for future expansion. Proposed time-line for the implementation and deployment. Integrate with Datatel Portal (minimum) and Microsoft SharePoint (optional), including price points for solutions Provide stand-alone support for non-Datatel Colleague Student Information System users Integrate with standard Microsoft Office applications and programs, especially in the case of stand-alone use of the solution proposed. Ability to use any existing Xerox MFP and other scanners for adding documents to storage Provide a list of compatible scanning devices for the proposed solution and life expectancy of equipment. Initial installation/solution will include at a minimum, document scanning/integration with Datatel Colleague Student Information System Initial installation/solution will include at a minimum, document scanning/integration with nonDatatel Colleague Student Information Systems (such as standard Microsoft office applications) Provide read/print access for an unlimited number of users Provide training on all solutions provided Provide e-form creation and workflow management, including any price points for this option. Plan on an initially creating 10 forms while providing the appropriate training for at least 5 personnel. Provide additional price points for the development of additional forms. Provide users with simple electronic access to documents, records and information. Streamline the processing of documents and information, including the ability to capture Paper documents, emails, faxes, transcripts and other records and submit them directly to workflow for processing. Provide staff with instant and simultaneous access to documents. Create quality images of handwritten or electronically created documents and meet legal requirements for Title IV and V requirements. Partner with a stable company with quality references. Provide a compelling price with rapid return on the investment. Provide an optional solution for e-forms with price points for developing and/or assisting the campus in development of e-forms. Provide optional ongoing support with several price points Provide an assessment and suggestions of end-user computer requirements and specifications required to integrate with the proposed solution. Migrate all current image and index files with appropriate metadata to the proposed system/solution. Provide and option for back scanning and indexing documents, with various price points. Allow for redaction of information within any document or stored imaged. Provide workflow support for all documents Provide OCR scanning as option The initial rollout will include 10 scanning stations, 17 power users, and 54 document retrieval work stations Provide costs and options for Document scanning and retrieval, e-forms, workflow, OCR, redaction, and SharePoint integration as a minimum Provide compatibility information with common operating systems such as Win 95, Windows Vista, Windows Seven, etc. PROJECT SCOPE The solution will provide for an enterprise imaging, storage, and retrieval solution with multiple secure levels of access. The current imaging solution is based on the Hershey Systems (Singularity) that contains between approximately 2.7 million images (thumbnail and full image) and indexes. The storage for these files comprises about 596GB of storage. These current images will need to be migrated to any new solution including all metadata, indexing currently used. The District has hundreds of forms that will need to be converted to e-forms, however, initially we will want at least 10 personnel to undergo training to convert approximately 10 paper forms to e-forms. The remaining District forms will be converted in house. Data validation will be conducted by each department as documents are scanned and stored. This project should only minimally interfere with the normal operations of the campus. This section details our intended scope of deployment. Departments participating in the scope of this project include: Department / Business Process 1. Admissions and Records 2. Financial Aid 3. Counseling Estimated Concurrent User Count Business Application(s) and Version # of Scanning Stations 10 retrieval Datatel Colleague and MS Office 2 Document Type(s): Transcripts and other documents 10 retrieval Datatel Colleague and MS Office Document Type(s): Various documents 14 retrieval Datatel Colleague and MS Office 2 2 4. DSPS 5. EOPS 6. CalWorks 7. Human Resources Document Type(s): Various documents 5 retrieval Datatel Colleague and MS Office Document Type(s): Various documents 5 retrieval Datatel Colleague and MS Office Document Type(s): Various documents 5 retrieval Datatel Colleague and MS Office Document Type(s): Various documents 5 retrieval MS Office Applications 1 1 0 2 Document Type(s): Various documents PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS As part of the evaluation process, we require a live integration demonstration for vendors chosen as finalists. Each vendor must prove its ability to configure the proposed solution to integrate with our business application(s) without programming. Selected vendors must demonstrate on-site integration with the application(s) listed in the previous table. DEPLOYMENT STRATEGY The initial deployment will be for Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, DSPS, EOPS, CalWorks, Counseling and Human Resources. The remainder of the campus will be deployed over time and will require comprehensive train the trainer type instruction on the use and deployment of the imaging solution. The solution will ultimately be deployed at remote locations that are logically connected to the district networking infrastructure. The district intends to purchase the software up front and manage the solution ourselves. Some type of maintenance agreement will need to be in place. However other options for this deployment (SaaS, Hosted, subscription, etc.) will be reviewed for possible consideration. FLEXIBLE CAPTURE CONFIGURATION We require a solution that allows for distributed scanning and distributed capture functions. The initial deployment will consist of 10 scanning locations located in separate areas of the campus TIME LINE Vendors will be required to adhere to the following time line. Any modifications to the time line will be communicated via an addendum (sent by e-mail/posted to our website). Date Milestone April 2, 2012 April 2 – April 13, 2012 April 9 – April 13, 2012 RFP released Advertisement April 18, 2012 April 25, 2012 April 30, 2012 May 7, 2012 May 8, 2012 May 14, 2012 June 12, 2012 July 9 2012 Responses to vendor questions distributed RFP responses due, no later than 3:00 PM PST First round evaluation; finalists named On-site demonstrations and interview Selection of vendor/Project award Submission to the BOT for June 12, 2012 Meeting Board of Trustees Review Project kickoff: Planning begins Vendor questions due by 5:00 PM 13 April, 2012 CONTACT INFORMATION Any questions regarding this document must be submitted via e-mail to Frank Smith at Your question(s) and our response(s) will be forwarded to all participating vendors in a timely fashion (based on the timeline/schedule above). Any changes to project scope or deadline will be communicated via an addendum (e-mailed to your address of record). CONDITIONS Vendors are responsible for all costs associated with the preparation and delivery of their proposals. Vendors are responsible for all costs associated with travel for bidder conferences and on-site demonstrations. Questions regarding this document are due by 5:00 p.m. April 13, 2012, via e-mail to All RFP vendor questions send via email must have the following subject line: “Enterprise Document Imaging Solution Questions, vendor name”. (Replace the vendor name with your company name). Victor Valley College is not responsible for any network issues that may delay your email. Responses will be compiled and distributed to all vendors via e-mail on April 18, 2012. Proposals (1 original and 5 copies) are due by 3:00 p.m., April 25, 2012, to: Frank Smith Executive Dean of Technology and Information Resources Attn: Theresa Bazurto VICTOR VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA 92395 Building 21, Room 110 Tel: 760-245-4271 Ext. 2314 or Ext. 2333 In order to be considered, one (1) original and five (5) copies of the proposal must be received by the District at the address stated below by personal delivery or by U.S. Mail by the following date and time: April 25, 2012, by 3:00pm The District reserves the right to reject any proposal received after the deadline stated immediately above. Proposals must be completed according to the instructions provided in this section and throughout this document. Incomplete proposals will be disqualified. In particular, vendors must provide responses to each requirement in Appendix 1: Software Functional Requirements Table. During on-site demonstrations, if selected, vendors should be prepared to demonstrate any of the cited functionality upon request. Vendors should provide their standard terms and conditions, software maintenance agreements and related contractual documents related to this proposal where indicated. Summary pricing should be presented in the executive summary. This should include all options/suggestions and pricing associated with this project. All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure the privacy of vendors. Vendors will mark any confidential or proprietary information as such in their proposals. Proposals will be circulated among the evaluation committee only. Unsuccessful proposals will be destroyed pending award to the successful vendor(s). EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals received by the stated deadline will be evaluated based in no particular order on the following: The proposed solution’s ability to meet the general and specific requirements that have been detailed in this document. Whether the vendor is the manufacturer of the software solution, a reseller or third-party partner. The proposed solution’s ability to integrate non-programmatically with existing business applications. The vendor’s ability to provide an affirmative and comprehensive response to each of the requirements in this document. Product functionality that is currently part of the manufacturer’s product. Other functionality included in the manufacturer’s product which may not be included in the initial scope of deployment, but may be desired in a future phase of the project. Total projected cost of the proposed solution. Projected time line to complete implementation. Vendor experience in providing similar document management solutions at least 3 other higher education institutions Compliance with delivery requirements as specified in this document. Integration with existing campus applications (SharePoint, Datatel Colleague, Microsoft Office) Integration of solution other parts of the proposed solution. VENDOR RESPONSE FORMAT Vendor responses to this document should follow the outline provided below, with details on the subsequent pages. You should respond directly and thoroughly when prompted. 1. Executive Summary 2. Vendor Profile 3. Software Components 4. Professional Services 5. Technical Services (Training and Support) 6. Detailed Pricing – Licenses, Maintenance and Support, Professional Services, Training, Hardware, and optional and/or proposed solutions. 7. Appendices Appendix 1: Software Functional Requirements Table Appendix 2: Contracts Exhibit A: Vendor’s Standard Terms and Conditions Exhibit B: Vendor’s Software Maintenance and Support Contract Appendix 3: Additional Materials (Additional supporting materials such as case studies, brochures or data sheets. Include product technical specifications for the shipping version of your product, as well as an ROI report conducted independently by a third-party provider.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Include the following information in your executive summary. Summarize your understanding of our business requirements. Detail your understanding of our environment, our current business process challenges and how the proposed solution will resolve these challenges. Provide summary pricing for the proposed software licenses, professional services, technical services (training, maintenance and support) and applicable hardware components. SECTION 1: VENDOR PROFILE COMPANY OVERVIEW We require the chosen Vendor to have an excellent record of accomplishment with its customers and to operate profitably based on sound business practices. Describe your position in the enterprise document management sector. In addition, provide at least three higher education institutions (preferably from a California Community College) references from customers currently using the proposed document management solution integrated with Datatel Colleague. Shortlisted vendors will be asked to coordinate meetings or site visits between the judging committee and reference account contacts. RELATIONSHIP TO MANUFACTURER It is our strong desire to deal directly with the software manufacturer. Clearly state whether the Vendor is the manufacturer of the proposed solution, an authorized reseller or a third-party partner. Describe the Vendor’s ownership structure. If the Vendor is a reseller, also describe the software manufacturer’s ownership structure. FINANCE AND LEGAL State whether the vendor and the vendor’s parent company (if applicable) operate at a profit. Clearly state the percentage of annual revenue that is directed toward research and development. If the Vendor is not the software solution’s manufacturer, provide this information for the manufacturing entity. State the Vendor’s average growth percentage over the last five fiscal years. What were the Vendor’s total sales in the last five fiscal years? If a reseller, provide this information for the manufacturer. PATENTS Does the Vendor hold any patents for the proposed document management solution, or for related technologies? Provide detail. PARTNERSHIPS List major industry, strategic and/or certified partnerships and the nature of each relationship. Identify partners who also use the proposed software. To what extent does the Vendor use the proposed solution internally? If not at all, why not? INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP AND RECOGNITION List awards or honors the Vendor or its products have earned. If a reseller, list the manufacturer’s awards. GENERAL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITY We require a document management solution that provides functionality for image capture, indexing, storage, retrieval, display and distribution via print, fax or e-mail. The solution must include integrated workflow software that provides easily implemented automation of document-centric and task-based processes. INTEGRATION We require a document management solution that integrates with our Datatel Colleague Student Information System with no modification of our existing application systems or database tables. Does your system support this requirement, and if so, how? Vendors will be required to demonstrate this if selected for the next round of consideration. INTEGRATED WORKFLOW We require a solution that includes document-centric and task-based workflow functionality. Workflow should be configurable by users via a graphical design tool. The solution should support a rich array of routing options, inbound/outbound processing controls and trigger/alarm mechanisms. Please describe how the proposed solution meets these requirements. SUPPORT FOR REGULATORY AND OPERATIONAL COMPLIANCE INITIATIVES We require a document management solution that supports our compliance initiatives. The proposed solution must provide a comprehensive set of configuration options and controls for access management, security implementation, and comprehensive audit and activity tracking and reporting. Clearly state which industry standards and regulatory acts with which the Vendor’s solution is compliant. SUPPORT EASE OF USE We require a solution that provides an intuitive user experience. Please describe how the proposed solution supports this requirement. DEPLOY RAPIDLY We require a solution whose deployment limits time on site. In the section entitled “Professional Services,” state the vendor’s on-site presence including the number of personnel to be expected. Also provide a narrative or provide supporting documentation describing the Vendor’s project methodology and other important aspects of the implementation process. COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT OPTIONS We prefer to purchase a solution directly from the manufacturer. Also, we require direct support from the manufacturer of the proposed solution. Describe the Vendor’s support mechanism, stating clearly whether support is provided directly by the Vendor or by a third-party. In the section entitled “Product Training and Product Support,” provide detailed comments regarding the Vendor’s training options and support structure and attach any supporting documentation. SECTION 2: SOFTWARE Include the following information in your proposal. Include line-item detail – including brief descriptions – of each software component proposed as part of the Vendor’s solution. SECTION 3: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Include the following information in your proposal. Explain your services benefits. Describe your project methodology regarding implementation of the solution. Include a breakout of expected roles and responsibilities. Attach supporting documentation as needed. List keys to project success as you define them. Describe available services for converting our existing data to the system proposed as part of your solution. Define any assumptions or constraints based on your understanding of our requirements. Discuss any additional, post-implementation professional services you offer. Finally, detail the specific services related to the proposed solution. SECTION 4: PRODUCT TRAINING AND PRODUCT SUPPORT Include the following information regarding training and ongoing support options. Discuss your training options. o Courses offered o Delivery methods and requirements Discuss your product support structure. o Hours of availability o Telephone support o Point of contact for support issues o Online support including website, chat, e-mail, online communities, message boards, discussion groups or self service options o Documentation SECTION 5: HARDWARE Discuss any hardware required as part of the proposed solution. APPENDICES The “Attachments” section of vendor proposals should include at minimum the following sections, labeled as indicated. Appendix 1: Software Functional Requirements Table (included) Appendix 2: Contracts Exhibit A: Victor Valley College’s Terms and Conditions Exhibit B: Vendor’s Standard Terms and Conditions Exhibit C: Vendor’s Software Maintenance and Support Contract Appendix 3: Additional Materials (additional supporting materials such as Software Technical Specifications for the shipping version, an ROI report prepared by an independent auditor, case studies, brochures or data sheets) APPENDIX 1: SOFTWARE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE Instructions: Respond to each of the following required features. Use the “Details” field following each requirement to elaborate on the solution’s ability to meet or exceed the stated requirement. Limit narrative to a maximum of one page per item. References to additional supporting materials alone will be considered non-responsive. Sufficient information should be included in response to each requirement as to provide a clear understanding of the proposed solution’s compliance in each case. Note: Features that are not currently shipping as of the due date of this document must be identified in your response. Functionality in beta testing may not be considered as currently shipping. Indicate in the “Details” fields the month and year the Vendor anticipates that these features will reach market for General Availability. Annotation / Redaction Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Ability to create or append sticky note annotations, with full tracking of text entry by date, time and user Details: Function 8. Yes Support for attaching OLE objects and URLs as annotations Details: Function 7. Yes Support for automatic redaction Details: Function 6. Yes Flexible, easy-to-use, secure redaction Details: Function 5. Yes Original images in object store remain unaltered by annotations Details: Function 4. Yes User and group-specific annotation security profiles Details: Function 3. Yes Comprehensive set of annotation tools Ability to create customizable text annotations Details: Function 9. Ability to highlight portions of an image via annotation, with customizable color options Yes Details: Function 10. Yes Details: Function 11. Yes Ability to rapidly change properties of individual annotations and audit a specific annotation’s history Details: Function 15. Yes Ability to apply dynamic stamp annotations to images, with options for dynamic date, time, and user name in predefined stamp formats. Details: Function 14. Yes Ability to apply predefined stamp annotations to images and create and apply custom stamps Details: Function 13. Yes Ability to create resizable check mark annotations in any color Details: Function 12. Yes Ability to customize and apply multiple variations of line-based annotation tools such as pen, line, arrow, rectangle, and oval Ability to print, fax, or export documents with or without all annotations or only visible annotations Details: Application Interface Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Ability to define a user-specific default view or start-up action in the application’s user interface Details: Function 4. Yes User interface provides interactive views based on integration presets, batches, predefined document sets, user-entered searches, projects, tasks, and workflow Details: Function 3. Yes Flexible, configurable application toolbar provides direct access to batches, documents, projects, tasks, reports, workflow, capture, management, and integration settings Ability to take actions on documents, batches, projects, and tasks in interactive views, without being required to open and view the contents of each item Details: Function 5. Ability to print and export the rows and columns of text which list documents, batches, projects, and tasks in interactive views Yes Details: Function 6. Yes Details: Function 7. Yes Administrative option to secure the user interface against customization Details: Function 9. Yes Ability to create multiple copies of documents, while maintaining a single physical document reference, in support of EOB and similar document reconciliation needs Details: Function 8. Yes Extensive use of “drag and drop” to simplify and enhance the moving of objects within, into, and out of document management system windows System provides a recycle bin to allow users to recover accidentally deleted documents and ensure documents are only permanently deleted from the repository by authorized users, if so configured Details: Clients Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Option for embeddable clients which can add document management system functions to the interfaces of third-party platforms and applications such as eCopy, Epic, ESRI, HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft SharePoint Details: Function 3. Yes Both thick and thin client options on a variety of platforms Ability to securely interact with documents and participate in workflow via WAN, LAN, VPN, from any location via TCP/IP Details: Function 4. Automatic client log-off initiated by new log-on from different location Details: Yes Function 5. Client can be installed or auto-updated from the server Details: Yes Function 6. Automatic log-in process to speed access to application by OS-authenticated user Details: Yes Function 7. Ability to temporarily exceed the number of purchased client licenses in compliance with a predefined license auditing program Details: Yes Function 8. Integrated tool to assess performance of client workstation hardware and network configuration directly from desktop Details: Yes Function 9. Integrated tool to track efficiency of key operations in the client from an end-user perspective, such as the time to open a document or route an item in workflow Details: Yes Full client workstation support (out of the box) Yes No Windows XP Professional SP2 or SP3 Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) Web client browser support Yes No Internet Explorer 7.x, 8.x, or 9.x (Windows) Apple Safari5.x (Windows and Mac 10.6) Mozilla FireFox 3.x (Windows and Macintosh) Google Chrome COLD/Enterprise Report Management Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Capture basic and advanced print streams in ASCII, EBCDIC text, PDF, IBM AFP, Xerox Metacode, HP PCL, and PostScript formats Details: Function 3. Yes Capture wide variety of print output from line-of-business systems and convert into searchable, non-proprietary PDF files Monitor a different directory for each type of print stream Details: Function 4. Yes Details: Function 5. Yes Provide user access to select, formatted pages related to records in the business application, such as a single invoice from a large print stream Details: Function 7. Yes Allow searches against line item values, not just index values Details: Function 6. Yes Provide an enterprise report user interface optimized for searching, viewing, and previewing report documents Define a different set of graphical form overlays for each type of print stream Details: Collaboration and Project Support Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Tools for annotating, or marking up, bitmap images for review, approval, or other processing purposes Details: Function 6. Yes Ability to define relevant, standardized reason phrases that can be used to record intent related to specific user actions and enhance communication between users Details: Function 5. Yes Ability to assign tasks, outside of formal workflow, which instruct a coworker or business partner to perform a document- or project-related action such as signing, addressing document and project deficiencies, or reviewing Details: Function 4. Yes Version control option that allows multiple users and groups to collaborate on documents with complete check-in/check-out privileges, version management, digital signing, and the ability to input comments for other users when doing check-ins and check-outs Details: Function 3. Yes Integrated workflow environment providing rapid customization, configurable user privileges, and automated routing and alerts options, all in support of group collaboration Option to store a field of free-form text with each image, in support of group collaboration Details: Function 7. Capability to associate customizable electronic data collection forms with documents and projects in the system, to assist users in sharing information Yes Details: Function 8. Yes Details: Function 9. Yes Ability to group related documents in user-definable categories distinct from their index values in support of project organization and collaboration Ability to create, define, and view relationships between projects Details: Function 10. Interface allows rapid drag-and-drop creation of system “shortcut” icons that are linked to and associated with distinct imaging system entities such as documents, batches, projects, workflow queues, and search queries Yes Details: Function 11. Ad hoc shared document viewing, allowing one user to invite another user to simultaneously view a document on screen without first closing or putting document in workflow Yes Details: Function 12. Ability to send messages to individual imaging system users or all users currently logged on, directly from the administrative interface Yes Details: Document Control Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Document control offers options for multiple client types and extends document control and digital signatures directly to interfaces of third-party applications Details: Function 5. Yes Document control flexibility, allowing individual use or group collaboration Details: Function 4. Yes Document control incorporates digital signatures based on stringent Suite B and PKI standards Details: Function 3. Yes Industry-standard document library services Extend document control and digital signatures to other platforms and their applications Details: Function 6. Track document control activities Yes Details: Function 7. Yes Details: Function 8. Yes Ability to append additional documents to a previously digitally signed document Details: Function 9. Yes Ability to edit text directly within the document viewer Ability to pre-populate an addendum from RTF template Details: Document Viewer Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Easily select preset page region views, both system- and user-defined. Details: Function 8. Yes Multiple options for zooming in document viewer Details: Function 7. Yes Multi-page (MDI) viewing—display two or more pages simultaneously on the user’s screen Details: Function 6. Yes Single-page viewing Details: Function 5. Yes Ability to display documents side-by-side with records in the business application Details: Function 4. Yes Document viewer allows flexible, user-configurable display of index keys, document properties, document notes, predefined actions, tasks, page thumbnails, associated eForms, and toolbars Details: Function 3. Yes Document viewer can display a wide range of digital object types in their native formats, including Microsoft Office, PDF, JPEG, TIFF, HTML, XML, DWG, DXF, and audio/video media files Multiple view panning options to easily adjust current position of viewed area on magnified image Details: Function 9. Apply document annotations such as stamps, sticky notes, text, and redactions to bitmap images directly within document view interface Yes Details: Function 10. Rotate documents in document viewer and save rotated views Yes Details: Function 11. Integrated view enhancement options such as on-screen image inversion (reverse black and white) and smoothing Yes Details: Function 12. Ability to reorder pages within the document view interface, and add pages to existing document via drag and drop Yes Details: Function 13. Perform common operations such as re-index, copy, e-mail, export, print, fax, and delete pages within document view interface Yes Details: Function 14. Copy or move pages from one document to another from within the document view interface Yes Details: Function 15. Document viewer works with familiar, existing desktop e-mail software for simplified sending of images (or links to images) to e-mail recipients outside of the imaging system’s workflow Yes Details: Function 16. E-mail selected documents or document links directly from document viewer interface, with options for page selection, annotation inclusion, multi-page TIFF generation, selectable headers and footers, and file renaming Yes Details: Function 17. Convenient and flexible page selection interface within document viewer Yes Details: Function 18. Ability to open a viewer-displayed document in an associated application for viewing or editing Yes Details: Function 19. Ability to designate documents for collection into user-defined project groupings directly from document viewer, without using index values Yes Details: Function 20. Ability to add documents to workflow or route documents within workflow directly from document viewer Yes Details: Function 21. Yes Details: Function 22. Ability to copy and paste document text Yes Details: Function 23. Ability to define relationships between documents and display related documents in a view integrated with the currently displayed document Yes Details: eForms Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Option for validation of user-entered eForm data from external ODBC data source and resulting auto-population of defined fields in eForm Details: Function 8. Yes eForms can be automatically pre-populated with data such as user information Details Function 7. Yes eForms can use industry-standard HTML, XSLT, CSS, and JavaScript for design, navigation, data collection, and validation processing Details: Function 6. Yes User-friendly form designer to allow for easy creation of custom electronic forms Details: Function 5. Yes eForms can be associated with projects Details: Function 4. Yes eForms features available in thick and thin clients Details: Function 3. Yes Integrated feature to capture information using fully customizable, formatted, electronic data collection forms (eForms) either as a standalone document or a document associated with existing documents and projects in the system Allow collected eForm data to populate document index values and custom properties and to be shared with external ODBC data sources Details: Function 9. Yes Details: Function 10. Yes Yes eForm source files used by multiple eForms can be uploaded once and shared for increased efficiency and a common look and feel. Details: Function 16. Multiple eForms can be associated with each document Details: Function 17. Yes Ability to convert standalone and supplemental form types from HTML to TIFF to allow annotation and e-mailing of forms. Details: Function 15. Yes Ability to print eForms as hard copy, electronic formats, or document management system files Details Function 14. Yes eForms can be moved, resized, hidden, and docked to the document viewer window Details: Function 13. Yes Ability to submit eForm to version control Yes Function 12. Yes Ability to add attachments to an eForm Details: Function 11. Yes eForms can be associated with documents inside or outside of workflow Pre-built sample eForms are included to illustrate eForm methods and features such as dynamic navigation, data management, and validation Details: Electronic Capture and Object Support Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Capture a variety of physical and digital objects — paper documents, digital photos, faxes, e-mail, COLD output, native document files, and the print output of any Windows application with a print function — in a single, electronic repository Import, store, and display a wide range of digital object types in their native formats, including Microsoft Office, PDF, JPEG, TIFF, HTML, XML, DWG, DXF, and audio/video media files Details: Function 3. Allows for easy import of digital photographs, directly from a user’s camera Yes Details: Function 4. Yes Details: Function 5. Yes Allow any user or application with network access to convert a PCL5 print stream into images, simultaneously creating physical print output and sending indexed images of the print output to the document management system Details: Function 14. Yes Ability to “print” documents, in bulk, directly to the imaging system from printing activity triggered by Windows batch scripts, UNIX "cron" jobs, or applications that schedule their own output, and perform text extraction without OCR Details: Function 13. Yes Ability to “print” documents from typical desktop business applications (e-mail, Office, Acrobat, proprietary applications that offer a print command) directly to the imaging system, without manual printing and scanning, at no extra charge Details: Function 12. Yes Provide multiple methods for automatically importing faxes Details: Function 11. Yes Automatically import, index, and route e-mail and attached files, preserving the original format of all attachments Details: Function 10. Yes Split or un-bundle multi-page TIFFs on import Details: Function 9. Yes Provide multiple methods for automatically indexing imported files Details: Function 8. Yes Import files into the imaging system on demand using the desktop client software, thin client software, and business application-specific client modules Details: Function 7. Yes Automatically import single files or batches and send them directly into the imaging system’s workflow environment Details: Function 6. Yes Support for compound documents (page 1 = TIFF, page 2 = Word document, page 3 = PDF) and on-demand document merging Provide multiple options for capturing EDI data. Details: Forms Processing Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Provide context verification of text field contents for uncertain characters Details: Function 9. Yes Provide group verification of uncertain characters Details: Function 8. Yes Ability to extract line-item data from forms Details: Function 7. Yes Ability to process both structured and semi-structured forms Details: Function 6. Yes Automatically index forms based on extracted data Details: Function 5. Yes Distinguish between document types (i.e., invoices versus transcripts) and identify variations within types (i.e., Company A invoice versus Company B invoice) Details: Function 4. Yes Option to collect data from forms acquired as bitmap-format documents through either the software’s own scanning subsystem or through an automatic import process from external systems Details: Function 3. Yes Option to collect data from scanned forms using advanced OCR functionality capable of following predefined rule sets Provide tools to configure rule set-based recognition for a wide range of both structured and semi-structured documents, as well as custom forms design Details: Function 10. Share validated data with third-party applications in a variety of formats Yes Details: Function 11. Automatically route captured and validated forms into workflow module of imaging system Yes Details: Function 12. Tight integration of forms processing and imaging system Yes Details: Indexing / Advanced Metadata Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Index documents to records in existing business software without manual entry Details: Function 9. Yes Automatic scan-time indexing via OCR Details: Function 8. Yes Automatic scan-time indexing via bar code Details: Function 7. Yes Configure document key assignments via user prompt prior to scanning Details: Function 6. Yes Ability to distribute indexing process among workstations and locations Details: Function 5. Yes Creation and assignment of custom properties based on document type Details: Function 4. Yes Dedicated “Document Type” index key to help classify documents and control security Details: Function 3. Yes Flexible, customizable indexing options Use single keystroke to index multiple fields during batch processing Details: Function 10. Ability to re-index documents via manual entry or single click associated with host records Yes Details: Function 11. Ability to configure and select pre-defined index values via a drop-down menu or “pick list” Yes Details: Function 12. Index documents with user-configurable data elements not taken from the host application, such as date/time, unique ID, serial number, predefined list, and free-form text entry Yes Details: Function 13. Index multiple documents as a group without re-entering index values for each page Yes Details: Function 14. Automatically index documents, based on a single known document key, through the retrieval and application of related index values from an external database Yes Details: Function 15. Automatically and periodically validate existing document keys against an external database Yes Details: Function 16. Individual documents can easily be indexed “same as last document” Yes Details: Integration Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Non-programmatic integration with a character cell application delivered via a terminal emulator Details: Function 8. Yes Non-programmatic integration with Citrix-delivered applications Details: Function 7. Yes Non-programmatic integration with browser-delivered applications Details: Function 6. Yes Non-programmatic integration with Windows applications Details: Function 5. Yes Graphical user interface allows visual, interactive, centralized design and testing of nonprogrammatic application integration configurations Details: Function 4. Yes Direct integration with many business applications without programming Details: Function 3. Yes Options for both programmatic and non-programmatic integration Extended integration functionality that allows placement of imaging application icon in the screens of business applications to initiate document retrieval or other actions in the imaging system Details: Function 9. Yes Prior history of integration with Oracle/PeopleSoft solutions Details: Function 10. Prior history of integration with Lawson solutions Yes Details: Function 11. Prior history of integration with Microsoft Great Plains / Microsoft Dynamics solutions Yes Details: Function 12. Prior history of integration with Datatel solutions Yes Details: Function 13. Prior history of integration with SAP solutions Yes Details: Function 14. Prior history of integration with custom, “home-grown” applications Yes Details: Function 15. Ability to demonstrate integration capabilities during the sales process by performing an actual integration demonstration Yes Details: Function 16. Available integration with HL7 systems Yes Details: Function 17. Integration via web services standards Yes Details: Printing / Faxing / Output Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Print single selected pages within a multi-page document Details: Function 4. Yes Ability to print documents with or without all annotations or only visible annotations Details: Function 3. Yes Print to any print device within a platform’s standard desktop/network printing environment Print multiple pages Details: Function 5. Yes Details: Function 6. Yes Control printing permissions through application security Details: Function 9. Yes Option to selectively overprint relevant document values such as page number, date and time, and document keys on each page Details: Function 8. Yes Print a list of documents, rather than the documents themselves, from a list view such as search results or a workflow queue Details: Function 7. Yes Print documents from a list view such as search results or workflow queue, without opening each document Integrated outbound faxing Details: Function 10. Option to selectively export files in their original formats Yes Details: Function 11. Option to selectively export files in alternate formats such as PDF or TIFF Yes Details: Function 12. Ability to save, recall, and secure predefined output configurations for the control of automated document output, including options for native and converted file export, emailing, printing, and faxing Yes Details: Function 13. Automated printing and exporting triggered by workflow events, server APIs, other application modules, or values generated by external applications Yes Details: Reporting/Business Intelligence Function 1. Yes Comprehensive set of business intelligence features to provide workflow, security, content and data deficiencies, and user activity reporting through the familiar ECM interface Details: Function 2. Dashboard capabilities to provide users with an at-a-glance overview of ECM-supported business processes Yes Details: Function 3. Yes Details: Function 4. Yes Ability to present reports and dashboards to all ECM users or restrict reporting to authorized users Details: Function 6. Yes Ability to schedule, execute, view, and distribute report instances Details: Function 5. Yes Drag and drop report and dashboard creation and modification Comprehensive report library with ongoing report definition development based on user input Details: Retention Policy Management Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Track information lifecycle with comprehensive auditing Details: Function 7. Yes Require approvals on dispositions Details: Function 6. Yes Manage retention policies for and track the physical location of paper documents Details: Function 5. Yes Create litigation and audit holds which prevent modification and deletion of information Details: Function 4. Yes Support for automated document dispositions and transfers Details: Function 3. Yes Easily defined, rules-based retention and disposition policies Create reports with retention data Details: Retrieval / Search / Presentation Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Ability to display calculated statistics about the documents and document properties contained within a list view Details: Function 11. Yes Ability to search on and find text located within the results grid Details: Function 10. Yes Ability to save and customize prompted search queries Details: Function 9. Yes Ability for both individual users and groups to customize and save the presentation of search queries by column configuration, sort order, and grouping of results Details: Function 8. Yes Ability for both individual users and groups to customize and refine the standard conditions of saved searches Details: Function 7. Yes Ability to secure saved searches and the presentation of documents and projects by both individual user and group Details: Function 6. Yes Ability to save both simple and complex queries for future use, creating dynamically generated lists of documents, projects, and tasks that meet both predefined and variable conditions such as current user name or current record value in an external application Details: Function 5. Yes Build complex, multi-condition queries on documents, projects, and tasks Details: Function 4. Yes Search documents, projects, and tasks via a single search condition relevant to the context currently being viewed Details: Function 3. Yes Integrated document retrieval from business applications; single-click access to documents from any student or employee record displayed Full-text search the content of scanned documents and a wide range of native document formats simultaneously, with both full text and natural language search options and a variety of concept, proximity, and evidence operators Details: Function 12. Yes Details: Function 13. Yes Determine item display sort order, before or after a search, using any combination of item metadata individually designated as ascending or descending Details: Function 14. Yes Build and execute searches for enterprise/COLD reports from the same familiar interface as that used for simple, complex, and full text searches Ability to group the display of documents and projects in any list view Details: Scanning and Quality Assurance Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Easily configure, name, save, select, and distribute capture settings such as document source, proposed index keys, workflow routing, and OCR and page content indexing Details: Function 9. Yes Option to send scanning output directly to a user-specified collection of documents Details: Function 8. Yes Option to send scanning output directly to workflow Details: Function 7. Yes Scan batches locally and upload batches to server at a time the user specifies Details: Function 6. Yes Upload scanned batches directly to the server Details: Function 5. Yes Supports both centralized and decentralized scanning operations, including remote scanning to multiple locations via TCP/IP route Details: Function 4. Yes Batch scanning capabilities for high-volume production environment Details: Function 3. Yes Save scanned images in open, industry-standard graphics format Configure, save, and apply scanner settings such as resolution, page size, orientation, brightness, threshold, and image processing Details: Function 10. Yes Details: Function 11. Yes Support for scanning within a Citrix environment Details: Function 16. Distribute quality assurance of scanned batches to locations/resources outside of the scanning location Details: Yes Function 17. Yes Options to perform quality assurance (QA) on images at scan time, and bypass QA if desired Details: Function 15. Yes Support for wide range of scan-time image processing filters (please detail) Details: Function 14. Yes Support for deletion of blank pages during scanning Details: Function 13. Yes Compatibility with Kofax VirtualReScan (VRS) scanning software Details: Function 12. Yes Support for a full range of entry-level to high-speed scanners from a choice of manufacturers, with options including simplex and duplex, monochrome and color Ability to integrate and scan from Xerox MFP Copiers Details: Security Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Server storage subsystem with encrypted object path metadata, secure object store connectivity (no client-level direct access or drive mapping required) and the availability of volume-level data protection Details: Function 4. Yes Option for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption Details: Function 3. Yes Encrypted communication between server and clients Comprehensive designation of system privileges by user and group Details: Function 5. Yes Details: Function 6. Yes Provide options for logging client, server, and user authentication actions Details: Function 17. Yes Automatic client log-off can be initiated by new a log-on from a different location Details: Function 16. Yes Configurable, automatic user log-off due to inactivity Details: Function 15. Yes Multiple user authentication options which build on a company’s existing security infrastructure, including user names, passwords, and identity servers (Identify whether your response applies to a customer-hosted or a vendor-hosted solution.) Details: Function 14. Yes Control ability to manage all workflow processes or only specific ones Details: Function 13. Yes Control access to project types Details: Function 12. Yes Control document access via workflow queue Details: Function 11. Yes Control access to integration presets Details: Function 10. Yes Control users’ batch access Details: Function 9. Yes Control users’ actions on documents based on defined “document type” value Details: Function 8. Yes Document access control via logical filing hierarchy Details: Function 7. Yes Ability to copy user and group privileges to simplify security configuration Audit actions of defined clients from an administrative interface Details: Server Architecture Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Encryption of object storage path for enhanced document security on server file system Details: Function 9. Yes Ability to store or retrieve documents without drive mapping Details: Function 8. Yes Multiple user authentication options which build on a company’s existing security infrastructure, including user names, passwords, and identity servers (Identify whether your response applies to a customer-hosted or a vendor-hosted solution.) Details: Function 7. Yes Secure single-port client/server TCP/IP communication for efficient performance across firewalls Details: Function 6. Yes Support for clustering and load balancing Details: Function 5. Yes Support for high availability configuration Details: Function 4. Yes Scalable server design Details: Function 3. Yes Flexible n-Tier client-server design that supports centralizing or distributing processes via any combination of Microsoft or UNIX server platforms Use of platform-specific database drivers for maximum performance Details: Function 10. Server-side extensibility, including scripting and web services Yes Details: Function 11. Supports wide variety of non-proprietary storage options, including RAID, Server Attached Storage, NAS, SAN, and hierarchical storage management schemes Yes Details: Function 12. Consistent performance regardless of document quantity Yes Details: Function 13. Consistent performance regardless of user load Yes Details: Server/System Administration Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Monitor license availability and usage from administrative interface Details: Function 9. Yes Ability to disable user accounts without deleting them Details: Function 8. Yes Configurable, automatic user log-off due to inactivity Details: Function 7. Yes Monitor workflow queues from administrative interface Details: Function 6. Yes Ability to send messages to individual imaging system users or all users currently logged on, directly from the administrative interface Details: Function 5. Yes Ability to automatically distribute capture and device profiles to clients Details: Function 4. Yes Ability to configure all server settings on one screen Details: Function 3. Yes Graphical administrator interface on Windows servers View real-time list of logged-on clients, with information about licensing, group membership, IP address, and time connected Details: Function 10. Integrated server-side tools to provide on-demand performance analysis of server processes Yes Details: Function 11. Audit specific actions of defined clients from the administrative interface Yes Details: Function 12. View all database table names and properties directly from the administrative interface Yes Details: Function 13. View server log files from the administrative interface Yes Details: Function 14. Graphical interface for document repository configuration such as mirroring, spanning, set creation, tree creation, tree properties Yes Details: Function 15. Add new users in bulk from the Windows domain, LDAP server, text file, or local machine Yes Details: Function 16. Import of users from text file allows multiple delimiter types and interactive field mapping Yes Details: Function 17. Available automatic synchronization of imaging system users and groups with those on an LDAP server or LDAP-enabled Active Directory server Yes Details: Server operating systems supported Supported Not supported Yes No Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or later (32-bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32-bit or 64-bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) Linux (Intel) (RedHat Linux, version 4 and 5, or SUSE Linux, Enterprise 10 and 11) IBM AIX 5.2 or 5.3 Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC processor) Database Compatibility Oracle 10g/11g Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2008 R2 (Standard or Enterprise) Storage Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Support for mirroring object stores—Distribute duplicate object storage structures to multiple sites Details: Function 7. Yes Support for spanning object stores—Represent several physical drives as one logical drive, allowing a single designated storage area to be much larger Details: Function 6. Yes Support for flexible configuration and management of document storage structures Details: Function 5. Yes Server storage subsystem includes secure object path metadata, secure object store connectivity and the availability of volume-level data protection Details: Function 4. Yes Support for multiple, customer-selected storage technologies, including hard drive, RAID, NAS, SAN, and optical Details: Function 3. Yes Data storage subsystem uses industry-standard file formats, file systems, and storage devices Support for data set management—Move, copy, delete, and reconfigure object store structures based on business needs Details: Web Services Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Web services-based data exchange with external applications over firewall-friendly HTTP or HTTPS with support for SSL and WS security standards Details: Function 3. Yes API to allow integration with external applications on a variety of platforms via web services-based data exchange Allow external applications to retrieve documents or place them in the workflow process without invoking the document management system’s user interface Details: Function 4. Allow development of external interactive applications based on web services standards such as SOAP, XML and WSDL, maximizing options for development environments and platforms Yes Details: Function 5. Yes Details: Function 6. Yes Asynchronous messaging option for web services to reduce complexity of real-world integration projects Details: Function 7. Yes Allow development of external interactive applications based on Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) standards, maximizing options for development environments and platforms Option to initiate outbound web service requests to external applications and systems, and easily create and configure these services through the use of a user-friendly GUI Details: Workflow Function 1. Yes Details: Function 2. Yes Ability to configure “out of office” setting for workflow users, in support of document rerouting and other automated actions Details: Function 8. Yes Ability to structure workflow efficiently in support of staff absences, turnover and workload balancing Details: Function 7. Yes Ability to both print and export graphical workflow diagrams Details: Function 6. Yes Ability to copy and move workflow queues to easily facilitate workflow creation Details: Function 5. Yes Point-and-click interface for assigning users and groups to queues and defining detailed routing privileges Details: Function 4. Yes Drag and drop graphical workflow design tool Details: Function 3. Yes Integrated workflow environment at no extra cost Ability to use workflow independently, without integration into business applications Details: Function 9. Yes Details: Function 10. Yes Full range of route types including sequential, sequential automatic, conditional, parallel, conditional parallel, inter-process routes, and automatic system queues Details: Function 19. Yes Ability to dynamically display queue-specific workflow status, workflow alarms, and administrator messages on each client’s workstation Details: Function 18. Yes Ability to create workflow alarms that are centralized, reusable, and provide multiple notification methods Details: Function 17. Yes Ability to create workflow alarms based on triggers such as number of documents in queue, defined index values, document type, length of time in queue, custom properties, previous queue, and project type Details: Function 16. Yes Ability to create and apply custom scripts written in industry-standard scripting language to automate queue actions on current, inbound, or outbound documents Details: Function 15. Yes Ability to automatically set a document property based on its position in workflow Details: Function 14. Yes Ability to use annotations on a document to drive routing Details: Function 13. Yes Ability to automate workflow routing based on defined index values, priority, creation time, document type, length of time in queue, user/group who routed document, previous queue, document type, custom properties, and project type Details: Function 12. Yes Ability to create advanced workflow logic using plain language, meeting many workflow objectives without scripting Details: Function 11. Yes Ability to use document management system independently, without requiring users to take advantage of workflow features Availability of a workflow queue type that contains a collection of distinct sub-queues which perform the same workflow function, reducing the number of alarms, routes and rules that are needed Details: Function 20. Ability to route not only scanned paper but electronic objects such as e-mail, faxes, PDFs, Office documents and more Yes Details: Function 21. Yes Details: Function 22. Yes Ability to define, customize and view dynamically generated lists of workflow processes and queue-specific documents, according to user-specified preferences Details: Function 30. Yes Ability to create automatic system queues that perform a specific action on the items that you route to them Details: Function 29. Yes Ability to send documents and projects into a specific workflow queue by dragging and dropping Details: Function 28. Yes Ability to link document index values to a host application within a queue or validate document index values while routing forward or back Details: Function 27. Yes Ability to set queue-specific default destination queues for routed objects Details: Function 26. Yes Ability to route objects that are only partially indexed Details: Function 25. Yes Ability to automatically perform time-based document removal actions from any workflow queue Details: Function 24. Yes Ability to assign specific workflow process and queue management roles to defined users and groups Details: Function 23. Yes Ability to capture information about workflow user actions and document routing— including the queues a document has been in, user interaction with the document, and additional relevant data for reporting Ability to assign tasks, outside of formal workflow, which instruct a coworker or business partner to perform a document- or project-related action such as signing, addressing document and project deficiencies, or reviewing Details: Function 31. Ability to assign a series of task dependencies which can optionally be defined in a hierarchical manner Yes Details: APPENDIX 2: CONTRACTS EXHIBIT A: VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS General Conditions any other associated contract documents that may be associated with this RFP are located at EXHIBIT B: VENDOR’S STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Vendors are to insert their standard terms and conditions here. EXHIBIT C: VENDOR’S SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT CONTRACT Insert the software maintenance and support contract including any applicable service level agreements. APPENDIX 3: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS List and attach any additional materials that would assist Victor Valley College in the evaluation of your proposal.