
My Personal Education Plan – Post 16
(From June 2015.)
Before the meeting starts, check that the organiser has:
A clear idea of what course(s) I am taking
A copy of my last PEP
My current grades, target grades and expected grades
Up-to-date school/college information on my attendance and punctuality
Update by 6th
provider prior
to meeting
Social worker/
personal adviser to
update at meeting
YP to complete
prior to meeting
Personal Education Plan Meeting Information
My name:
Penny Brown
Date of birth
White British
 Female X Other 
My school/college/learning provider
Smith College
Date of my Education Plan Meeting
Autumn term (15th November )
Name of person completing my Education Plan
Mrs Y (Social worker) with Ms Z (Smith College)
People attending my Education Plan Meeting (please tick and name if present)
Social Worker/PA ………Mrs Y………………………………
Learning Provider ………Ms Z…………………………….
Carer ……………………………Mr P (Jones residential homes)
LACES …………………………Next steps mentor ………………................
I was present at the meeting
My signature …………P Brown ………………
I am receiving my 16 – 19 bursary
It is being used to purchase specialist catering equipment and text books. Next year I will
have to use my bursary to support with travel costs (i.e. bus pass)
My personal Education Plan Meeting Record
Attainment, Progress and Achievement Post 16
(To be completed by school/college/learning provider prior to my Education Plan Meeting)
Course(s) Information
Course (s)
Entry Level
1 year
September 2014
July 2015
Length of course (s)
State date (s)
End date (s)
Qualification Information
Year 12
Year 13
My Punctuality and Attendance
Current attendance (%) 80%
Unauthorised absence (%) 2%
Current punctuality (%) 98%
Attendance target (%) 95%
Authorised absence (%) 18%
Punctuality target (%) 100%
My views (To be completed by the young person/social worker/PA prior to
the Education Plan meeting )
My long term goal for when I leave school/college/learning provider is:
I want to get a job in a school kitchen because my auntie worked in one and liked it. She also
got long holidays which made child care easier for her.
I would consider an apprenticeship so I can get some more experience.
My steps to get there are:
I need to speak to college careers advisor about apprenticeships and general chef job
options, including part time work.
I need to register with national apprenticeship service (NAS).
Views of school/college/provider on my work and progress
Penny is progressing well when she is in sessions but poor attendance is preventing her
completing her assignments in practical cookery sessions. She is also missing a
significant number of her literacy sessions which is preventing her from making
expected progress. Numeracy sessions do not appear to be an issue and her attendance
to these lessons is in the mid 90’s.
When in college Penny is well presented and participates in her numeracy and practical
cooking classes. She generally stays on task when in lessons but can become distracted
by some of the other students in the class. Penny has got behind with some of her
cookery course work but this is likely to be due to her lack of confidence in writing
rather than her actual ability to understand the content.
Penny has some good friends in cookery and numeracy but she appears to be isolated in
literacy. Penny often states she does not have clean uniform and is not prepared to
borrow one from the kitchens. Her practical cookery sessions are timetabled in the
afternoon following her literacy classes.
Penny has potential to progress onto the next level of this course, though we feel she
would benefit from another year in college before applying for an apprenticeship.
My Educational/Training Needs and Strengths
(Update at Education Plan Meeting to feed into Pathway Plan)
What needs to happen next
Who will help me
Short term
Penny ’s attendance to improve by
10% in practical food and literacy.
Penny will receive
additional incentive
payments from the
home if her weekly
attendance is above
A spare uniform to be
given to the residential
home so they can
insure clean clothing is
available for
Wednesdays and
Thursdays. (Thursdays
tend to be the main
College mentor to
offer one to one
sessions on Thursday
morning during
literacy for literacy
coursework catch up
and offer emotional
By when
End of Autumn term
Residential home/social
Starting next week, to be
reviewed at end of Autumn
College/residential home
Following meeting today
Starting next week, to be
reviewed at end of Autumn
To attend functional skills
additional classes for
remainder of the term.
Monday afternoons
Starting next week, sessions
are provided up until exams
To complete module/units
on nutritional guidelines
Mentor to work on
completing these modules
whilst also providing
support with literacy
Starting next week, focus to
change once module has been
To liaise with secondary
school re outcome of
dyslexia assessments
By end of term
Medium term
 To complete all Catering
modules within set
Date/time of my next
education plan
Mentor to work on
completing these modules
whilst also providing
support with literacy
Summer term: 2nd April (an
additional meeting to be held
early January if attendance
does not improve)
From today until reviewed at
next PEP in April
Venue: College
Please send completed password protected electronic file to Virtual School/LACES at: or post to LACES, Civic Centre 2, Floor 3, Earl Street, Coventry. CV1 5RS
Phone number:- 024 76834162
Copies of the draft plan should be given to young person/social worker on the day of the meeting.
LACES to upload onto protocol