November Journal - PetrucciGrade6Math

November Journal
By Ashley Ancharski
3 Goals to Improve My Study Habits
To improve my study habits for math I can
• Study with a family member or friend
• Have someone make up a fake quiz
• Make hand written flashcards and someone
reads the definition while you figure out the
Trick for Math
A trick I know for math is when you multiply a
number with a zero at the end of a number, take
off the zero and multiply the rest of the number,
then add how many zeros you took away.
100 you take away the zeros
x 3
x 3
That means the answer is 300 because you add two
zeros because that’s how many you took away.
Game that Relates to Math
A game that I play that relates to math is
monopoly. You add together all your money to
see how much money you have total.
Free choice
What are something's you are going to use math
for in the future?
Things I will use math for in the future is,
rounding to see how much money you spend at
a store to see if you have enough money to buy
what you need. I will subtract my total amount
of money when I spend some money. I will add
all my money together to see how much money
I have.
How Positive and Negative Numbers
are used in Weather Forecast
Positive numbers are used when they tell you the
temperature such as 64 degrees. The forecast uses
negative numbers to tell the temperature too, such as 6 degrees.
Hope you enjoyed
my November