Chemquest 2 Significant Figures Ch. 3 Sect. 1 Significant Figures Every nonzero digit is always significant. 2. Zeros at the beginning of a number are never significant. 3. Zeros that are between two nonzero numbers are always significant. 4. Zeros at the end of the number are not significant unless there is a decimal point in the number. A decimal anywhere in the number makes zeros at the end of the number significant. 1. Multiplying and Dividing Count the number of significant figures in each number. 2. Round you answer to the least number of significant figures. 1. Adding and Subtracting Round to the least specific decimal place of any number in the problem. 175,398.456 Less specific Skills Practice 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 325.2 18,000 0.0175 0.790 28,910,000 27 4.9 x 1012 1.86 x 105