T.C. FATIH UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING GENETICS AND BIOENGINEERING PROJECT TITLE WRITE HERE STDNO NAME SURNAME GRADUATION SENIOR PROJECT ISTANBUL 2015-2016 ABSTRACT (This section must be written after project completion thus during Senior Project-II course) DONOT PRINT THIS PAGE WHILE SUBMISSION I - INTRODUCTION (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) If there are figure or tables in your project document entitle them properly 1.1 Problem Description (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) 1.2 Problem Solution (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) II - AIM AND SCOPE (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) III – RELATED LITERATURE REVIEW (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) IV - MATERIALS AND METHODS (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) V - INNOVATIVE SIDES (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes) VI - PROJECT MILESTONES (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes). Rewrite the example statements with your own in the Table PNo Package Title/Description Personel 1 INSTALLATION VPS LAMP Sunucusunun kurulumu ve konfigurasyonu Proje Yürütücüsü,Yazılım Uzmanları, Bursiyer1, Bursiyer2 2 DB DESIGN Veri tabanın konfigurasyonu ve sisteme göre alt yapının oturturulması Proje Yürütücüsü, Yazılım Uzmanları, Bursiyer1, Bursiyer2 3 Temel modüllerinin uygulanması Yazılım Uzmanları, Bursiyer1, Bursiyer2 4 Sistemin kontrol motor kısmının oluşturulması Yazılım Uzmanları, Bursiyer1, Bursiyer2 5 Mesajlaşma modülünün uygulanması Yazılım Uzmanları, Bursiyer1, Bursiyer2 Table xx: Title for the above table Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VII – BUDGET (Write this section according to explanations and guidelines provided in the course and Lecture Notes). Rewrite the example statements with your own Table PREDICTED BUSINESS IDEA BUDGET Budget Items Amount/Number Cost (include KDV ) Machine, Software,Program 2 12680 Experimental Materials 1 32705 Advising and Service Procurement 1 9750 Personal Cost 3 15000 General Company Cost 10 1000 TOTAL 71135 Table xx: Title for the above table Table 2: The equipments, software, and chemicals amount or number and cost Name Predicted Cost (TL) Computer (1) 1500 Erlenmeyer Flasks(100mL and 500 mL,X20) 500 Pipettes(different kinds,20,1000) 1000 Pipet tips (blue,yellow) 1500 Inorganic Salts (5 kg for every one) (K2HPO4.3H2O, MgSO4.7 H2O, FeSO4.7 H2O, 500 ZnSO4.7 H2O, NiCI2.6 H2O) Sodium Bicorbonate 189 Gloves 531 Lab. Glasses 200 Autoclave Indicator Band 200 Fractional Distillation Equipment 2000 Other Chemicals such as HCl 1000 Other Laboratory Tools 18330 Stationary and Office Equipments 1500 Printing and Cover Defrays 1500 1/2" 29 Guage Insulin Syringe 1265 9mm Cannula (x200) 990 TOTAL 32705 Table xx: Title for the above table VIII – EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN (IMPLEMENTATION, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS) (This section must be written after project completion thus during Senior Project-II course) DONOT PRINT THIS PAGE WHILE SUBMISSION Figure xx. Prototype test in use IX - CONCLUSIONS (This section must be written after project completion thus during Senior Project-II course) DONOT PRINT THIS SECTION WHILE SUBMISSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Genetic and Bioengineering department at Fatih University and the faculty members who devoted their time and knowledge and provided me with the expertise, and technical support in the project implementation. REFERENCES (Mention citation style here) 1. 2. 3. 4. … … … Zager, R.A., B.A. Schimpf, and D.J. Gmur, Physiological pH. Effects on posthypoxic proximal tubular injury. Circ Res, 1993. 72(4): p. 837-46. Bing, O.H., W.W. Brooks, and J.V. Messer, Heart muscle viability following hypoxia: protective effect of acidosis. Science, 1973. 180(4092): p. 1297-8. Sing, R.F., C.A. Branas, and R.F. Sing, Bicarbonate therapy in the treatment of lactic acidosis: medicine or toxin? J Am Osteopath Assoc, 1995. 95(1): p. 52-7. Luft, F.C., Lactic acidosis update for critical care clinicians. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2001. 12 Suppl 17: p. S15-9.