slides grading criteria

Instructions to Prepare Draft of Slides for Radhakrishnan’s MGTC24 Spring 06 sections
Grading Sheet:
Here is an evaluation of the degree to which the slides….
Relative Dimension
Had a clear introductory & concluding component with 3 or fewer points (1)
Are well structured & the logic of the organization is clear (1)
Have clear & accurate headings & subheadings (.25)
Have an appropriate amount of material in each slide (.75)
Cover an appropriate amount of material for the time allotted (.5)
Are focused on the most relevant/confusing aspect of the assigned material (1.5)
Give explanations that are appropriate for the type of material: provides definitions, examples, counterexamples for concepts; uses graphics/phrases to illustrate theories/processes; discusses & demonstrates
inadequacy of audience’s implicit theory to explain “hard-to-believe” ideas (2)
Total Actual Points (out of 7)
Numeric translations of relative grade: A+=90%; A=85%; A-=80%; B+=77% B=73%; B-=70; C+=67; C=63%; C-=60%;
D+=57%; D=53%; D-=50%; F=0%
Additional Instructions
--Use only a staple to fasten your slides (no binder clips etc. due to weight considerations)
--Write your name, section meeting time, student id and on your submission
---You may, but are not required to write out more explanations below each slide (in the notes option) if you feel
that will better convey your points on the slides
--Print 5-6 slides per page rather than printing each slide on a separate page (in MS-Power-point, go to “print”, and
choose ‘handouts’ at the bottom left corner of the pane)