chapters-18-20-ancient-rome olivia sierra kyra

Chapter 18-20
By Sierra, Kyra and Olivia
Chapter 18: Gladiators and
People love to be entertained, and Rome's leaders were
expert in exploiting this human desire for their own
purposes. The understood that staging extravagant shows
featuring wild beasts and gladiators- and charging no
admission- would win over a rowdy crowd. The violence
featured in many of these spectacles reflected Rome’s
celebration of military conquest.
Was a egg-shaped amphitheatre made of concrete
and stone
Is a circular or oval shaped enclosed area made to show
theatre or sports
Where they held festival-like events, to entertain the people
( mainly in coliseums)
What kinds of shows were popular in
Rome during the empire?
What were the origins of the ludi? What
were some of the major festivals?
Describe what the popular ludi were
How were sucessful performers (gladiators
and chariot racers) treated?
“The Roman people were
devoted to two things: food
and free shows”
What was his opinion of the average Roman?
Build an artifact or recreate a
scene with play dough from the
ancient roman ludi: coliseum,
swords, chariot races, food
Chapter 19: How to Get rich in Rome
A vibrant economy maintained and enriched More’s great
empire. Roman citizens grew and depended upon goods
from all over the world. These included essentials, such as
grain from North Africa, as well as luxuries such as ivory,
perfumes, and silk from the East. In return, Rome’s
currency brought prosperity to the lands under its control.
Map of Trade Routes
What did the wool makers of Pompeii do?
Why is it so exciting for historians to find an
Roman shipwreck?
A wind system that influences large climatic regions and reverses direction
seasonally. In this case were talking about the monsoon around the Indian ocean.
How did the monsoon effect Roman trade?
According to the map, what trade
goods would Rome get from the
Monsoon Route?
Study the map of trading products
in the Roman Empire and
surrounding regions. Then answer
the questions.
Chapter 20: The restless Builder:
The Emperor Hadrian
The Emperor Hadrian did not fit the mold of
Roman ruler. He loved the arts more than war and
did not attempt to hide his admiration of Greek
Civilization. Yet this acentric man brought peace
and security to Rome’s territories for more than
20 years.
Why did some people refer to the
young Hadrian as the “Little Greek”?
Why did Hadrian take two tours of the
What famous structure did Hadrian
build that showed his desire to defend
the empire’s borders?
What is unusual about the buildings
Hadrian built on his retreat 20 miles
outside of Rome?
Newspaper Article
Write a newspaper report that tells
about Hadrian's famous wall. What
was its purpose? What were the
weather conditions during building?
How did the soldiers live?