Plant Practice Quiz - School District of Clayton

Practice Quiz
Key Words:
Nonvascular Plant
Vascular Plant
1. In most living things, energy is released from food by____________________________.
2. _____________________________ is a light-dependent process conducted by green plants
but not by animals.
3. Angiosperm is to flower as ______________________ is to cone.
4. Phloem is to food transport as ___________________ is to water transport.
5. Vascular plant is to horsetail as __________________________ is to liverwort.
6. ____________________ are a type of plant that have a series of tubes that connect all of the
7. ____________________ are tiny holes in the leaf that aid in gas exchange and release water.
8. ______________________ is in chloroplasts and is where photosynthesis occurs.
9. Cell walls are made out of ___________________ which is a very strong material.
10. Apple trees and daffodils are examples of ________________________ since they have
covered seeds.
11. ____________________carries food down the plant.
12. _____What are the plant structures that anchor the plant called?
A. Stems
B. Roots
C. Leaves
D. Guard Cells
13. _____What group has plants that are only a few cells thick?
A. Moss
B. Liverworts
C. Ferns
D. Gymnosperms
14. _____What kind of plants have structures that move water and other substances?
A. Vascular
B. Nonvascular
C. Protist
D. Bacterial
15. _____Which one of the following do ferns have?
A. Cones
B. Rhizoids
C. Spores
D. Seeds
16. _____Which of these is an advantage to life on land for plants?
A. More direct sunlight
B. Less carbon dioxide
C. Greater space to grow
D. Less competition for food
17. _____What raw material needed by plants enters through open stomata?
A. Sugar
B. Chlorophyll
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Cellulose
18. _____What chemical absorbs light energy which plants use in photosynthesis?
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Chlorophyll
D. Glucose
19. _____What happens when a plant is losing too much water?
A. stomata close
B. stomata open
C. Guard cells swell
20. _____Leaves change colors because what substance breaks down?
A. Xylem
B. Phloem
C. Cellulose
D. Chlorophyll
D. respiration increases