mid-term answers Q10

10. In what ways would a traditional person-job fit approach to selection need to be modified in
order to add an effective person-organization fit component? You may list and explain.
An effective person-job fit selection process would include a number of tools to be effective: cognitive
ability tests,(Hough,2001), structured interview, (Huffcut,1998), and most valuable work
sampling,(Schmidt,1996), etc. In hypothesizing about the relationship between pre- and post-entry
perceptions of person-organization fit, Saks and Ashforth set out to measure (1)job satisfaction, (2)
organizational commitment, (3) organizational identity, and (4) intentions to quit.
The person-organization fit was tested using a four point scale that was consistent with previous research
on fit,(Cable,1996). The subjective person-organization fit scale included the following four items:
1. “To what extent are the values of this organization similar to your own values?”
2. “To what extent does your personality match the personality or image of the organization?”
3. “To what extent does the organization fulfill your needs?”
4. “To what extent is the organization a good fit for you?”
An effective way to add these elements to a selection process would be to introduce realistic job previews.
Realistic Job Previews(RJPs) that include future supervisors and co-workers as the interviewers offer
greater opportunity for the applicant to address the above list of questions, thus enhancing their ability to
make an informed choice regarding the adequacy of person-organization fit.
Explain three potential benefits and of incorporating a person-organization fit emphasis to the
selection process
The benefits of Realistic Job Previews are found to provide several mechanisms that improve the ability
of the applicant to determine person-organization fit:
Met expectations - RJPs influence satisfaction by lowering inflated job expectations. Those whose
expectations are met or exceeded are more satisfied with the job.
Honesty and openness effect – More and better information for the applicant means a better informed
choice to accept the offer with greater commitment and a better attitude.
Ability to cope – if employees are aware of problems before the hire, they are better prepared to deal with
Explain three potential problems of incorporating a person-organization fit emphasis to the
selection process
If person-organization fit is always emphasized in the selection process, then there may be a lack of
diversity in the organization which could impede overall performance and put the company at risk for
discrimination claims by the EEOC.
Competitive advantage may be lost due to the loss of candidates that may be more talented, but don’t fit
to the organization as well … eventually competitors will hire them.
By emphasizing person-organization fit in the selection process, the company could be duplicating
inherent weaknesses in the current staff by hiring those who share the weakness.
11. A traditional approach to employee selection has been to focus primarily on a person-job fit.
This generally involves conducting a job analysis and identifying the knowledge, skills and
abilities (KSA's) necessary to perform a job and then utilizing a selection process to hire an
individual who possesses the KSA's needed to perform the job. In this case, the selection
process often involves screening application blanks/resumes and conducting interviews to
assess whether one has the relevant KSA's to adequately (if not superbly) perform the job
duties and responsibilities. A more contemporary addition to the selection process focuses on a
person-organization fit. A two part question:
a. Outline a selection process that would be effective in hiring for both a person-job fits and
a person-organization fit. Briefly explain the importance of each of your steps toward
attaining an effective selection procedure.
Implementation of (1)work samples, measuring job skills by demonstrated ability to perform tasks that
are similar to those performed on the job, (2)cognitive ability tests, measuring mental abilities like logcic,
reading comprehension, verbal or mathematical reasoning, and perceptual abilities, (3) integrity tests,
measuring attitudes and experiences related to a person’s honesty, dependability, trustworthiness, and
reliability, (4) and reference check should increase the quality of hiring. The information shared
throughout the process should be consistent with realistic job preview methodologies. Having the budget
for this process would be the complicated part of this process.
b. List and explain two potential benefits and two potential problems associated with hiring
for a person-organization fit.
Benefits: pick two
Met expectations - RJPs influence satisfaction by lowering inflated job expectations. Those whose
expectations are met or exceeded are more satisfied with the job.
Honesty and openness effect – More and better information for the applicant means a better informed
choice to accept the offer with greater commitment and a better attitude.
Ability to cope – if employees are aware of problems before the hire, they are better prepared to deal with
Problems: pick two
If person-organization fit is always emphasized in the selection process, then there may be a lack of
diversity in the organization which could impede overall performance and put the company at risk for
discrimination claims by the EEOC.
Competitive advantage may be lost due to the loss of candidates that may be more talented, but don’t fit
to the organization as well … eventually competitors will hire them.
By emphasizing person-organization fit in the selection process, the company could be duplicating
inherent weaknesses in the current staff by hiring those who share the weakness.