TasTAFE Aboriginal Training Programs 54a Alanvale Road, Newnham PO Box 1308, Launceston, TAS 7250 Australia Ph (03) 6336 4209 Fax (03) 63364224 23 December 2013 Review of Indigenous Training and Employment TasTAFE is the post-compulsory public vocational education and training provider in Tasmania. TasTAFE operates within the broader Tasmanian educational system, as a commercially autonomous organisation, that has a specific role to: Engage with individuals who require support to gain vocational ready skills Deliver vocational qualifications to individuals who wish to advance their career opportunities Create a more rewarding and sustainable future for the community Assist employers to lift the productivity of their workforces through skill development. Aboriginal Training Programs (ATP) is the Indigenous unit for TasTAFE, and as such, supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to achieve their goals on their pathway to gaining qualifications, skills and employment. The role of pre-employment and skills development Pre-employment and skills development programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at TasTAFE have made a significant difference in many of our student’s lives. There is value in foundation skills training that may not lead immediately to a job – improving language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills, building confidence and finding the right vocational pathway. Overcoming generational unemployment is difficult and it may take several attempts to find the right course at the right time in that person’s life when they are able to overcome their personal barriers and concentrate on their future goals. Foundation skills training including LLN skills are not always a ‘quick fix’ for Indigenous people, particularly mature people in our community. There can be great benefits to the individual as well as the broader community (government and non-government) from students building better life skills which reduce the dependency on public services. In 2013 over 40% of 2012 Aboriginal students in the Certificate I in Active Volunteering course were still volunteering in their local community and 66% continued onto further training up to Certificate III this year. This is a cost benefit to the community and has provided these Indigenous students with a much more positive perspective of their place in society. A number of these students who had been repeat enrollers have not returned to TAFE as they have fulfilling roles volunteering. A key factor in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people gaining and maintaining employment at the beginning of their working life, whatever their age, hinges on their aspirations. If they do not aspire to get a qualification or a job then they are not going to be committed to obtaining either. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our communities have been raised in families where generational unemployment is the norm. To change a person’s aspirations can be tough providing positive experiences, ensuring that there are successful Indigenous people involved in programs as role models and expanding student experience to demonstrate opportunities that will generate interest for a future that includes employment. The value of training and employment policies and programmes for Indigenous people Improving employment outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is a goal that we in ATP at TasTAFE aspire to. How to bridge the gap between training and employment – build in LLN support through team teaching with a VET teacher and a literacy teacher in pre-entry programs prior to a full qualification is one strategy to build student confidence and basic skills. Students greatly improve their chance of being accepted into the full qualification and successfully completing. Provide project based learning as a core component for the delivery of VET. Build in supported work experience/placement into lower level vocational courses (below Certificate III) so that the students have time in a real work place (must be supported by the employer to provide meaningful work while there) and preparing students for the realities of work before entering a workplace as part of their vocational course. In 2006 a successful training to employment transition strategy for two groups of our students was through the engagement of an employment consultant who reverse marketed students who gained their certificates in hairdressing or construction to employers in the local region. The facilitation of bringing an employer and a graduating student together resulted in 60% gaining traineeships, apprenticeships was funded by DEEWR’s Structured Training and Employment Program (STEP). TAFE can offer many opportunities but new strategies and interventions must be funded adequately to create positive change for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whether they are young people who have disengaged from the compulsory education system, those youth transitioning from year 12 into further education, mature age students, second chance learners or those who need to reskill due to losing their job or through injury. Accountability and information In the 2011 MCEECDYA consultation on the National Indigenous Education Action Plan 2010-2014 http://www.mceecdya.edu.au/verve/_resources/IEAP_Stage_Two_Consultation_Draft_(2).pdf the Tasmanian Polytechnic (now TasTAFE) strongly supported the development of a companion document as sited on p.17 under ‘Pathways to real post-school options’ National collaborative action 40. MCEECDYA will request that the Ministerial Council on Tertiary Education and Employment develop a companion document to the Indigenous Education Action Plan that outlines actions to close the gap in training, university and employment outcomes. This companion document would improve links between the school sector and the training, tertiary education and employment services sectors. To date this document has yet to be developed but it has the potential to focus jurisdictions on agreed actions and outcomes specific to post compulsory education and training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and ensure improved collaboration between VET providers, Job Search Agencies and employers. All stakeholders need to have the capacity, and indeed the flexibility, within their service delivery contracts/agreements to work cooperatively with other agencies to achieve employment outcomes for Indigenous people. Lyndel Holton State Manager Michelle Purdy Aboriginal VET Officer