Case Study SA-JW6 COST-BENEFIT MODEL FOR BIOGAS PRODUCTION Anaerobic digestion and biogas generation technology is well established in South Africa. However, the development of models to allow for scenario simulation to provide approximate costing and biogas yields projections associated with CHP are not widely used or available. This case study explores the use of a simplified model to assist planning and financing requirements, as a replicable approach for further case studies. Page | 1 Cost-Benefit Models and Simulation to Plan, Motivate and Cost Biogas Production Description of Process: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) refers to the thermo-dynamics of cleaning and combustion of gas that will result in 40% of the energy source as heat and 35% as electrical power. In order to assess and project the outputs and cost of this technology, a simplified model was developed by Johannesburg Water to create the experimental conditions for the CHP biogas project in a way that will translate to the expected outcomes for later comparison to the directly measured outcomes upon project commissioning. CHP is done via prime movers such as gas turbines or reciprocating engines, following a course of cell lysis and biogas scrubbing. The project has been commissioned, but practice indicated that modeling of the expected (and later confirmed) outputs would add benefit to the motivation and planning processes that preceded the actual design and construction phases. The model and simulation have been developed in such way that it would be evaluated by its consistency to empirical data and to reproducible results, using ‘Microsoft Office Excel’ as basis. The following factors have been used to verify the simplified biogas model: Ability to explain observations and predict future observations Cost of use, especially in combination with other models Estimation of the degree of confidence in the model Simplicity or even aesthetic appeal. Potential Interventions Ensure a cost-benefit model is in place whereby CHP can be modelled and simulated in the planned environment Ensure that biogas yield, input flow, sludge volume energy cost, capex and opex figures are contained in the CHP model in order to simulate various scenarios. Ensure that the % heat and % electricity from CHP is determined upfront. Range of potential Savings CHP is capable of producing 9.2 MWe electrical energy and 10.0 MW heat from 5 wastewater treatment plants treating 1 022 700 m3/day (2011). The simulation model serves to project and predict the associated cost and biogas yield against variable input flow scenarios. Case Study SA-JW6 Page | 2 COST-BENEFIT MODEL FOR BIOGAS PRODUCTION Case Study SA-JW6 Ref Response information, description and remarks Location: Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant situated in South Africa, Gauteng Province. High density urban space. Central Gauteng with plant located in the northern catchment Sector: Sewage sludge Works Owner or Operator: The plant is owned by the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) Metropolitan Municipality and operated by Johannesburg Water of behalf of CoJ, as part of the City of the Future – Municipal Entities. Size: Plant size is 450 Ml/day; actual flow is 430 000 m3/dy. Produce 85 tons dry sludge/day. PE estimated at 990 000 households, with an average of 6 persons per household, water consumption: 75 ℓ/c/d; sewer production: 60 ℓ/c/d (=80% of water consumption). Energy Provider: Power is in form of electricity, provided by the national electricity agency, ESKOM. Plant requires 7.5 MW energy, with potential to generate 4.4 MW electrical energy and 4.8 MW heat. Process: Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge with optimization of methane gas for energy production purposes. CHP plant is under construction and commissioning planned for November 2013. Component: Sludge digestion, whereby ‘sludge’ consist of primary-, excess secondary-, and waste activated sludge. The model uses plant flow and sludge volume as input parameter. Motivation for the case study: The increased electricity tariffs by ESKOM have been a key driver to investigate biogas generation. Electrical power costs will treble over the next 7 - 10 years, with 25% increases already incurred over past 3 years. ESKOM has incentives in place for off-peak power use, and for green energy development. In order to develop biogas generation, a model was developed to overcome problems associated with yield estimation, capex and operational cost requirements and ROI. 16% over next 5 yrs proposed Process/Plant changes: The model incorporates various input values, including input flow, sludge volume energy cost, and electricity cost (at 2012 tariffs), and simulates different scenarios in order to produce output values. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page | 3 Civil/Physical Changes: The model does not involve any civil or physical changes to the CHP plant. Operational Changes: The model does not involve any operational changes to the plant, but can be used in conjunction with operational software to compliment the output. The design and use of the model does required engineering or scientific expertise. 10 11 Risks and Dependencies: 12 13 Implementation: The model was designed and tested by in-house expertise within the municipality. Energy Efficiency gains The model project that a flow of 100 Ml/day will save R9.32/kWh (14.32 – 5.0), which will result in payback period of <3 years (years 2012 – 2014) Cost / Benefit analysis: Payback period of <3 years in asset terms, reduction of 35 000 ton CO2 in terms of emissions / environmental benefit Project review: The model and simulation can be refined after commissioning of the CHP plant by making accuracy comparisons between the model output and actual real time outputs. Confidence grade: Low confidence until such time that model output data can be verified with actual output data. 14 15 16 17 Low risk involved if applied properly with correct input values. When model is tested and output compared to actual outputs from the CHP system (once commissioned), adjustments can be made before replicating the use of the model elsewhere. It is estimated that by 2020, the cost of electricity for the treatment of wastewater in Johannesburg would have risen from the present R 97 m per annum (2010) to around R 300 m per annum (excluding the proposed 16% increase for the next 5 years), making the existing wastewater treatment operation possibly unaffordable. Failure of the wastewater treatment operations would have a devastating effect on the economy, environment, health services and social activities of the City. Johannesburg Water operates and maintains six wastewater treatment works and treated about 1 022 700 m3 / day (2011 figures), generating approximately 260 dry tons of sludge per day. Combined Heat and Power generation has been installed firstly at the Northern WWTW during 2011 as a test facility, with commissioning of the installation due in 2013. A simplified model and simulation exercise benefitted the City and its stakeholders Page | 4 to plan, project and cost the expected outputs from this project, and may serve as a replicable model for other municipal users who endeavour to install CHP in similar projects. The Process A simplified model was developed by Johannesburg Water to create the experimental conditions for the CHP biogas project in a way that will translate to the expected outcomes for later comparison to the directly measured outcomes upon project commissioning. Direct measurement of outcomes under controlled conditions will always be more reliable than modelled estimates of outcomes. However, modelling of the scenario and its expected outcomes hold significant benefit to the municipality for various reasons: Allow for simulation which represent the implementation of the model Allow a steady state simulation which provide information about the system at a specific instant in time Allow for dynamic simulation that will provide information over time Mode simulation brings a model to life and shows how a particular object or phenomenon will behave, thereby being useful for testing, analysis, or training in those cases where real-world systems or concepts are being tested or piloted. The model and simulation have been developed in such way that it would be evaluated by its consistency to empirical data and to reproducible results, using ‘Microsoft Office Excel’ as basis. The following factors have been used to verify the simplified biogas model: Ability to explain observations Ability to predict future observations Cost of use, especially in combination with other models Estimation of the degree of confidence in the model Simplicity or even aesthetic appeal. Results: The model allows for the following input and output parameters (input parameters marked in Yellow): Input: flow treated in Ml/day kWe selection for associated flow sludge production (e.g. between 0.5-0.65 for 50-65% sludge production) – maximum will be 0.80 when input sewage to plant is augmented with a carbon rich supplement, cell lysis, power factor correction etc. Electricity (power) costs selection Assumptions: heat:power= = 1.25:1 94 m3 biogas per Ml treated where 1 m 3=35.3 ft3 38% efficiency 92% system availability Page | 5 4500 BTU/h per kWh where 1 kJ=0.95 BTU Output: Civil, mechanical, electrical and total Capex as kWe (across scenario 280 to 3040 kWe Fixed cost per annum Variable cost per kWh per annum Total O&M cost per annum Total sludge (required and installed) as kWe Sludge flow from stated baseline with projections and annual % increases over time (e.g. 2013 to 2020) Power cost after saving Total cost which represent Return on Investment in years. The model assumes that the installation is a “green fields” project. The O and M function is outsourced to a private company for a 7 year period and that the O and M costs consist of a fixed monthly cost and variable monthly cost for the kWh produced. The variable cost also allows for the refurbishment of the prime movers after a period of 6 years operation. Figure: Snapshot profile of input and output scenario where the flow is 100 Ml/day (only alter number in yellow box) Page | 6 kWe 280 380 Civil 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.6 3.2 3.7 4.3 4.9 Mechanical 6.3 7.8 10.5 13.4 15.2 18.0 23.3 28.6 33.9 39.2 44.5 Electrical 3.3 4.1 5.5 7.1 8.0 11.5 14.9 18.3 21.8 25.2 28.6 Total Capex 10.5 12.9 17.3 22.2 25.1 31.5 40.8 50.1 59.4 68.7 78.0 Fixed cost per annum Rmil 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Variable cost per kWh pa 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.2 Total O and M pa 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.7 5.2 3420 3800 4180 4560 4940 5320 5700 6080 6460 6840 7220 kWe 560 760 880 1140 1520 1900 2280 2660 3040 Civil 5.5 6.1 6.7 7.2 9.7 10.4 11.1 11.8 12.5 13.2 14.0 Mechanical 49.8 55.2 60.5 65.8 75.3 80.9 86.5 92.1 97.8 103.5 109.0 Electrical 32.0 35.3 38.7 42.2 39.5 42.5 45.5 48.5 51.4 54.3 57.3 Total Capex 87.3 96.6 105.9 115.2 124.5 133.8 143.1 152.4 161.7 171.0 180.3 Fixed cost per annum Rmil 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 Variable cost per kWh pa 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.6 5.9 6.2 6.5 Total O and M pa 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2 8.7 9.2 9.7 10.2 10.7 Key aspects taken from case study: The model proved itself valuable to simulate various scenarios by opting for different input parameters: biogas yield, input flow, sludge volume, energy cost, capex and opex figures. Acknowledgements: Johannesburg Water, Shaun Deacon. Page | 7