Neuroeconomic models of PG: Risk preference and delay discounting

Neuroeconomic models of PG:
Risk preference and delay
Kate Lomakina
9 November 2012
• Risk aversion
Expected value vs. expected utility theory
Risk-taking models
Risk perception
Individual risk attitudes
• Delay discounting
• Delay discounting in pathological gambling
Expected value theory
• In mid of XVII century people were
believed to maximize the expected
(monetary) value of the gamble – the
expected value theory
• However it was rejected due to the socalled St Petersburg paradox.
• Assume that casino offers you a
following game of chance: the croupier
flips the coin until the first time tail
appears and pay you back 2#of heads.
• How much are you willing to pay to
enter this game?
• What is the fair price of the game?
Expected utility theory
• “The determination of the value of an item must
not be based on the price, but rather on the utility
it yields…. There is no doubt that a gain of one
thousand ducats is more significant to the pauper
than to a rich man though both gain the same
amount”, D. Bernoulli
• Saying this he has proposed expected utility
where u(x) is some concave utility function which
somehow disassociate wealth and money.
Expected utility theory
• Assume that utility function is a
power function
parameter can serve as
individual’s degree of risk
• > 1 can signal risk-seeking
behavior, when < 1 is a sign of
risk—aversive behavior.
• According to Von Neumann–
Morgenstern utility theorem
under certain axioms we can
prove that there utility function
can be uniquely determined given
a set of simple lotteries.
Risk aversion model
• On the basis of Expected Utility model two measures of risk
aversion were proposed by Arrow & Pratt (1964)
• The Arrow-Pratt absolute risk aversion measure:
• The Arrow-Pratt relative risk aversion measure:
Relative risk attitude
• The Arrow-Pratt measure was later replaced by relative risk
attitude (Dyer & Sarin, 1982) measure
which accounts for the domain different decrease in marginal
value v(x) (the difference between two houses and one house
is different than between one saved life and two).
• Unfortunately, comparison of these measures to behavioral
studies showed that they can predict real behavior in a small
number of cases (Keller, 1985).
Risk return model
• Another way to resolve St Petersburg paradox is a risk-return
model where willingness to pay (WTP) is a tradeoff between
the options’s return V(X) and a its risk R(X) with the
assumption that people will try to minimize level of risk for a
given level of return:
• Parameter b can serve as an individual difference index of risk
Risk return model
• This risk–return tradeoff model is widely used in finance, e.g.,
in the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM; Sharpe, 1964; Bodie
& Merton, 1999), and can be seen as a quadratic
approximation to a power or exponential utility function.
• However experimental evidence as well as choice patterns
observed in the real world suggests that individuals often do
not behave in a manner consistent with either of expected
utility or risk-return model (McFadden, 1999; Camerer, 2000).
• There are two types of uncertainty:
• Aleatory uncertainty, i.e., objective and irreducible uncertainty
about future occurrences that is due to inherent stochasticity in
physical or biological systems (the outcome of the coin flip)
• Epistemic uncertainty, which is subjective and reducible, because
it results from a lack of knowledge about the quantities or
processes identified within a system (the probability of the
• Learning from description allows to minimize epistemic
• Learning from experience minimizes aleatory uncertainty.
Risk and Uncertainty
• It is important to distinguish between Risk and Uncertainty.
• Risk – I know how likely is that I will fail but I still want to try.
• Uncertainty – I have no idea how dangerous it is.
• It was shown (Ellsberg, 1961) that people clearly distinguish
between these risky and uncertain options and clearly prefer
former ones.
Risk perception
• Studies of financial decisions typically find that the EV of risky
investment options presented in decisions from description is
a good approximation of expected returns (Weber et al., 2005)
• However our estimation of the uncertainty also has its limits.
Survey data assessed in populations known to differ in actual
risk-taking behavior suggest that risk-takers judge the
expected benefits of risky choice options to be higher than do
control groups (Hanoch et al., 2006).
Variance perception
• Observed variance or standard deviation of outcomes also
fails to account for perceived risk, for a variety of reasons:
• Perceptions of riskiness tend to be affected far more by downside
variation contraty to the mathematically defined variance (e.g.,
Luce and Weber, 1986).
• Variability in outcomes is perceived relative to average returns
• The coefficient of variation (CV) provides a relative measure of
risk, i.e., risk per unit of return.
Coefficient of variation
• Coefficient of variation (CV) is used in many applied domains,
and provides a vastly superior fit to the risk-taking data of
foraging animals and people who make decisions from
experience (Weber et al., 2004).
• Weber et al. (2004) also show that simple reinforcement
learning models that describe choices in such learning
environments predict behavior that is proportional to the CV
and not the variance.
• Neuroimaging studies suggest that there is strong path
dependence in the brain’s reaction to economic quantities like
likelihood or risk/variance.
• Manipulations on probabilities of different outcomes or their
magnitudes (or both), results different patterns of activation
when looking at the effect of EV and variance on risk-taking
Contrary to finance models of risk-taking (Preuschoff et al.,
2006 vs Figner et al., 2007).
• Different patterns of brain activation were found in studies
examining loss aversion depending on whether each decision
is resolved or not (Tom et al., 2007 vs Huettel et al., 2006), or
whether people make decisions or just contemplate the
options (Breiter et al., 2001).
Individual risk attitude
• Risk-taking is far from stable across situations for most
individuals (Bromiley & Curley, 1992).
• There is no single measure of “risk attitude” that can be
inferred from observed levels of risk-taking.
• The same person often shows different degrees of risk-taking
in financial, career, health and safety, ethical, recreational, and
social decisions (MacCrimmon & Wehrung, 1986; Weber et al.,
2002; Hanoch et al., 2006). This leaves two options:
• There is no stable individual difference in people’s attitude
towards risk.
• We still need to find a way to measure risk attitude in a way that
shows stability across domains.
How to measure risk attitude
• Purpose specific. Prediction and intervention problems require
very different levels of deepness.
• Domain specific. Assessed risk-taking for monetary gambling
worked far worse to predict real-world investment decisions
than assessed risk-taking for investment (Weber et al., 2004)
Delay discounting
• Delay discounting is the tendency for motivation recruited by
expected events to be inversely related to their delay.
• Indifference point is a point where values discounted by there
delay become equal: 45$ now or 100$ in a year time.
• Delay discounting allows to model conflicting values in case of
addiction: one cigarette now vs. healthy lungs in twenty years.
“beta-delta” model
• There are rational reasons to the delay discounting such as
opportunity costs. According to them there is a constant
discount rate which exponentially decrease the value with
• However lab results show that people rate differently
difference between “now” and “in one day” and difference
between 99 and 100 days. One simple model makes “now”
special by introducing a parameter β < 1. This model
sometimes refers as “beta-delta” model.
Hyperbolic model
• Another simple model assumes hyperbolic discount with a
single parameter:
Neuroimaging findings
• In a study by McClure et al. (2004) the hypothesis
was made that “beta” part of “beta-delta” model
is mediated by limbic structures and “delta” by the
lateral prefrontal cortex and associated structures
supporting higher cognitive functions.
• Their neuroimaging findings support their
hypothesis showing higher limbic/paralimbic
structures activity when the immediate reward
was present and also when chosen.
“delta” network
“beta” network
Neuroimaging findings
• There are some consistent evidences that lateral prefrontal
cortex during decision-making biases toward later but larger
alternatives (Weber & Huettel, 2008; Lue et al., 2011;
Christakou et al., 2011; Cho et al., 2010; Figner et al., 2010).
• However the function of “beta” network was criticized. It was
shown by that “beta” network was not differentially sensitive
to immediacy but rather tracked overall value (Kable &
Glimcher, 2007).
• This disagreement with initial theory was consistent with
other studies (Weber & Huettel, 2008; Lue et al., 2011;
Wittmann et al, 2007);
Delay discounting and
• It is one source of systematic irrationality that has been most
conclusively linked to addiction.
• There are many reports that drug addicts and pathological
gamblers discount steeper.
• However the causality is not obvious, whether it is addiction
which affects discounting or steeper discounting imposes high
risk of addiction.
• Perhaps, the steeper discounting in drug addicts can be
explained by relative weakness of the “delta” network. Which
can also lead to weakening of prefrontal inhibitory modulation
of the limbic system which is known to be associated with
chronic drug use.
Delay discounting in PG
• In the study by Petry (2001) the additive effect of
pathological gambling and substance addictions was
• He compared three groups of subjects: non-substanceabusing pathological gamblers, substance-abusing
pathological gamblers and controls. Controls were
matched to the gamblers.
• Subjects from all three groups performed set of decisions
to choose between certain value now or 1000$ after a
delay. Rewards varied across 1$ and 999$ and delays
across 6hrs and 25 years.
Delay discounting in PG
Delay discounting in PG
• Under the hyperbolic delay discounting model he has
discovered significant difference not only between healthy
controls and pathological gamblers but also between
substance addicted and non-addicted pathological gamblers.
• The values of the steepness parameter K were 0.02 (0.00-0.11)
for control group )open triangles), 0.06 (0.02-0.22) for nonsubstance abusing PG (open squares) and 0.29 (0.05-1.93) for
substance-abusing PG (open diamonds).
Delay discounting in PG
• The difference between non-substance abusing and
substance-abusing gamblers was not only in the
steepness of the discounting rate but also in cigarette
and alcohol consumption and SOGS score.
• Also the significant correlation between K and number of
days gambled in last 90 days was observed.
• However the causality between excessive behavior and
delay discounting is not clear at all. Some data have
suggested that abstinent smokers and alcoholics and
drug users have reduced discounting rates compared
with active users.
Delay discounting in PG –
additive effect
• The additive effect of two types of addictions is supported by
the previous study which has shown that “pure” substanceabusers show nearly the same steepness (K = 0,05) of the
delay discounting as “pure” PG (K=0,06).
• Some studies using personality questionnaires have also
shown that substance abusers with gambling problems scored
higher than “pure” substance abusers on impulsivity
personality inventories.
• In PCA analysis of a behavioral study by Petry (2001) three
distinctive components have emerged: impulsivity, sensation
seeking and time orientation. The presence of PG and
substance abuse together had additive effects on impulsivity
and time orientation but not sensation seeking.
Delay discounting in PG –
• The results lend some credit to the classification of PG and
substance use disorders as problems of impulse control.
However compulsivity component of the addictions was not
the focus of the study.
• The overlap in cross addictions and family history also
supports the common nature of these two types of disease
and manifestation of the particular form may depend on social
acceptability or accessibility of drug use or gambling.
Delay discounting in PG –
Preference reversals
• Delay discounting may serve as a method for quantifying
individual differences related to the preference reversals
• When both casino and mortgage default are far in time user
would rationally give the higher priority to the interest rate
payment however when already in casino the immediate
gambling reward can outweigh and change the preferences.
• Rational delay discounting could not model this.
Delay discounting in PG – wins
and losses discounting
• A wide literature demonstrates that small rewards are
discounted more rapidly than large ones (Kirby et al, 1999;
Myerson & Green, 1995). In gambling, say, 1$ bet will loose
half of its subjective value in a matter of minutes, whereas a
$1000 win will not loose half of its value for 1 year or more.
• It was suggested (Rachilin, 1990) that gambler bet in “strings”
in which subjective losses are not considered until the next
win occurs. And the cumulative effect of every “string” is
greatly devaluated due to the rapid discounting of relatively
small bets.
• There are inconsistent findings on whether losses are
discounted more rapidly than wins. However it was shown
that both substance abusers and PG are relatively insensitive
to delayed losses (Petry et al., 1998; Petry, 2001).
• Risk aversion is highly unstable among individuals also as
within one individual’s behavior.
• Risk and variance perception can also be unstable and thus
• No reliable risk aversion measure is proposed so far.
• Delay discounting seems to reliably capture the impulsivity
component of pathological gambling.
• Different types of addictions seem to have an additive effect
on the impulsiveness.
Thank you!