Pillars donors - Braille Institute

Pillars are donors who have made donations to Braille Institute for at least five years. Year after year, it
is this group of generous friends that helps provide the strong financial foundation that has made it
possible for Braille Institute to continue to provide its programs and services – free of charge – for the
past 95 years.
Braille Institute is blessed to have hundreds of loyal donors who belong to this club; however, space
limitations allow us to list only those donors who have given gifts from January 1 through December 31,
2013, and who have made at least one donation a year for 30 or more years, not necessarily in
consecutive years.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Aaron
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Albrecht
Ms. Mary J. Alcala
Kathy Andre
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. Bargmann
Mr. Kenneth P. Barrere
Mrs. Fred Bartman
Mrs. Betty Baruch
Mrs. Daniel B. Beck
Mr. & Mrs. P. Thomas Beeghly
Dr. Richard W. Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Bishop
Frederic & Madge E. Blasgen
Mr. Walter J. Bloch
Mr. Karl L. Boeckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Braddock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Braman
Mrs. Ernestine Brass, TTEE
Mr. David M. Brauns
Mr. Eugene Braxton
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Brooks
Ms. Mary Jane Brown
Mrs. Edith N. Brownstone
Mr. Leonard C. Bunyon
Mr. Barry L. Cagle
Mr. & Mrs. William Cairns
Mr. Rafael Cardenas
John R. & Matilde P. Carl
Mrs. Solveig Carlsen
Mr. Ken Carmichael
Ms. Karen Childs
Mr. H. Perry Cook
Ms. Vivian R. Cummings
Mr. Randolph Currin, Jr.
Mrs. Mary S. Vickie De Grazio
Ms. Mercedes De La Pena
Ms. Marilyn A. Dettmann
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Deutsch
Ms. Doris E. Dosser
Mrs. Edmund Dubois
Mr. John D. Duffin
Mr. Chester A. Duke, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Endicott
Miss Charlene Farnsworth
Mr. Gail H. Feldman
Ms. Karen M. Fink
Mr. Stanley Fishfader
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Fitterer
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Forker
Mrs. Harry B. Foulger
Mr. Thomas A. Fox
Mrs. Lynda Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fridberg
Mr. Herb Friedenthal
Mr. Arnold Friedman
Mr. Morton Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshio Fujioka
Mr. Edgar Fukutaki
Mr. David C. Gakenheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Spart Galieti
Ms. Anne Gaydos
Mrs. Kathe Gibb
Mr. Bruce Glidden
Ms. Bessie Gonos
Ms. Evelyn B. Greenwald
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred E. Haick
Franklin D. & Phyllis M. Halladay
Mrs. Ruth B. Hanshe
Mr. James A. Hart
Mr. Eldon M. Hastain
Mrs. Barbara Hayden
Mr. Rufus L. Hayden
Dr. Rosalyn S. Heyman
Mr. Otto H. Holzer
Mrs. Diane M. Honjiyo
Mrs. James R. Horst
Mr. Arthur H. Host
Mrs. Peggy J. Hulce
Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter
Mr. Hans Inpijn
Mr. John M. Irigoyen
Mr. Ben Izzo
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Jackson, Jr.
Mr. Marcus J. Jacobson
Mrs. Martha Johnson
Mr. Robert A. Johnson
Mr. Philip D. Jontz
Dr. Solomon Kaplan
Mr. Stanley N. Karakawa
Miss Svea O. Karlsson
Mr. Laurence S. Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Kawaguchi
Mrs. John D. Kegler
Mr. Anton Killian
Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Kirbey
Mrs. Georgia R. Kirby
Mr. Neal Kleiner
Ms. Toni Kopek
Mr. David A. Kourlas
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf D. Kuecherer
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Landler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lauter
Mr. Uri J. Leder
Mrs. Dolores M. Lee
Mr. W. Stanley Lisiewicz
Kleo Loba
Mr. & Mrs. Nuell C. Lunde
Ms. Natha R. Lusk
Mr. Henry Shing-yi Ma, Sr.
Mr. Robert L. MacKay
Ms. Kathryn W. Madara
Leona Mandelbaum
Mr. Joseph T. Mannix
Dr. & Mrs. Harold S. Marcus
Ms. Frances Marion
Mrs. Estelle Markowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Martin
Mr. George Matranga
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mayer
Mr. Ramsay McCue
Mrs. Katherine M. McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. David A. McGrath
N. Jeanine McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Mehelich
Ms. Bonnie S. Mellinger
Mrs. Ruth Miller
Mr. Wallace V. Mills
Mr. Dean S. Mitchell
Mr. James T. Miyao
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Moffitt
Mr. Oscar L. Monroe
Mr. Alfio L. Montanari
Ms. Martha Jo Morehouse
Mr. Richard Moreno
Patricia Rynd Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Myerson
Mr. Irving J. Nast
Mrs. Daniel J. Nendick
Mr. Irwin J. Newman
Mr. John S. Niendorff
Mrs. Norma O’Donnell
Ms. Linda D. Ohmstede
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Olsen
Mr. Faustino P. Pacheco
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pearson
Ricardo & Julia Pena
Ms. Nancy Lou Pepper
Mrs. Virginia H. Pepper
Ms. Margrett L. Persley
Mr. Paul E. Pettler
Claire Pfenniger-Hanrahan
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Pflug
Mr. Stacy Picascia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ponzi
Mr. Bruce G. Powers
Mr. Jerry Rapport
Mr. Thomas R. Read
Betty Riess
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robaire
Miss Lorena E. Roberts
Mr. Gary Robinson
Mr. Jack Rogo
Mr. & Mrs. J. Eugene Rohrs
Mr. Erno H. Ross
Mr. Don M. Roswurm
Mr. Richard Saltsman
Mr. William R. Santschi
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Sarransingh
Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund G. Schiff
Mrs. Joan Schonig
Mrs. Konrad Schreier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Schrimmer
Ms. Joyce F. Schumann
Mrs. Sherwood Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Scully
Mr. Thomas A. Sedgwick
Dr. Martin M. Shaperman
Dr. Joan Shipley
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco C. Siciliano
Bernard & Gwen Sklar
Mr. Jack H. Slaton
Mr. Charles F. Smurr
Mrs. Barbara A. Spriggs
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Stern
Mr. Dennis A. Stetler
Ms. Bunny Barbara Stivers
Mr. John L. Tallis
Mr. Kay Tamaki
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Teufel
Miss Grace H. Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. E. R. Titus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Trout
Mr. Frank H. Vandenbergh
Ms. Mary C. Vanderschaaf
Lois Vaughan
Mr. Elmer Ray Vollnogle
Mr. Ted Tetsuo Waki
Mr. Ivan Warshawsky
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welch
Mrs. Sally G. White
Mr. Ronald Wilkniss
Mrs. Vicki Wilson
Ms. Joan Wiseman
Mrs. Leona M. Wolfson
Mr. Robert S. Zaas