lessonplans Oct 13-17


Monday, 10/13

No school for students. Teacher workday

Tuesday 10/14 Wednesday


Mini-lecture & notes.

Chromosome modeling (with pipe cleaners & beads)

Cell cycle animation.


Cell cycle outline

Cell cycle worksheet & coloring

Thursday 10/16/14

Cell cycle worksheet

Chromosome video

Friday 10/17/2014

Science article

Questions & answers

Report cards come home.

Week at a Glance October 13, 2014- October 17, 2014

Lesson Plans October 13, 2014 - October 17, 2014

Bell Ringers: Global scholar questions, content reading and research

Standards: Describe the function of chromosomes. (II) List the sequence of the mitotic cell cycle(III)

Identify the process of chromosome reduction in the production of sperm and egg cells during meiosis.

Teaching Strategies and Methods:

Teacher will guide students through a mini-lecture, students will take notes.

Students will color and label a diagram of the cell cycle.

Students will complete a worksheet on cell cycle, make an outline and define key vocabulary words.

Students will model chromosomes in the cell cycle using manipulatives.

Students will view the cell cycle on the interactive website, cellsalive.com

Students will view a video clip on chromosomes.


Summative and Formative

Objective assessments, ongoing formative assessments via verbal questions and responses, bell ringers.
