
Chapter 3
 The
molecules of life
• Made by living cells
 Cells consist of a very high proportion of the
molecules of life
Nucleic acids
• They are organic compounds
 Molecules consisting of carbon and at least one
hydrogen atom
 Why
• Versatile bonding behavior
• Forms four covalent bonds
 With other atoms including other carbon atoms
 Why
• Carbon atoms bond
together to form the
backbones of these
 Chains and rings
• Other atoms are attached
 Nitrogen, phosphorous,
• Functional groups are
 Why
• Functional groups
 Certain atoms or clusters of atoms covalently bonded
to a carbon in the backbone
 The number, kind, and arrangement give rise to
specific chemical properties
 Polarity, acidity, hydrophobicity, etc.
 Why carbon?
• Functional groups
 Hydroxyl: polar
 Sugars and alcohols
 Methyl: non-polar
 Fatty acids
 Carboxyl: very acidic
 Amino acids
 Amine: very basic
 Amino acids
 Phosphate: polar, reactive
 Nucleotides, DNA, RNA, ATP, phospholipids
 Why
• Functional groups
 Minor differences in functional groups can make a
difference in the function of the entire molecule
 Chemical/metabolic
• Cells build large molecules of life from pools of
smaller molecules in chemical reactions
 Monomers are simple organic building blocks
 Polymers consist of multiple monomers
 Cells build polymers from monomers and break down
polymers to release monomers
 Chemical/metabolic
• Condensation
 Two molecules are covalently
bonded into a larger molecule
 Water forms as a product of
 Chemical/metabolic
• Hydrolysis (also called
 Larger organic molecules are
broken down to smaller
 Water is used as part of the
 Chemical/Metabolic
• Functional group transfer
 A functional group is transferred from one to another
• Electron transfer
 One or more electrons are taken from one molecule
and donated to another
• Rearrangement
 Internal bonds are juggled to convert an organic
compound to another (no atoms added or removed)
 Sources
of carbohydrates?
• Sugars
• Grains and breads
• Fruits and vegetables
• Cheese (dairy)
• Nuts and seeds
 Made
of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
• Monomers have a 1:2:1 ratio (C6H12O6)
 Used
for energy, energy storage, and
 The monomer is monosaccharides
 Monosaccharides
• Simple sugars or reducing sugars
• Consist of a 5 or 6 carbon backbone
 Chain or ring
 Monosacharides
• Laboratory test
 Monosaccharides can be detected because they
reduce Benedict’s solution (blue  orange)
 Thus the name “reducing sugar”
 Monosaccharides
• Examples
 Glucose (C6H12O6)
 Product of photosynthesis
 Used as the monomer for many polysaccharides
 Fructose
 Found in fruit
 Deoxyribose and ribose
 Important for DNA and RNA
 Disaccharides
• Two monomers covalently bonded
• Included with other short-chain carbohydrates
• Laboratory test
 No specific test
 Disaccharides
• Examples
 Sucrose: glucose + fructose
 Table sugar from sugar cane or sugar beets
 Lactose: glucose + galactose
 Sugar found in milk
 Lactose intolerance: no enzymes to break lactose down
 Polysaccharides
• Also called complex carbohydrates
• Consist of very long chains of glucose
 100s to 1000s long
 Polysaccharides
• Laboratory test
 Iodine interacts with the coils of long polymers
(yellow  blue to black)
 Polysaccharides
• Example: Starch
 Bonding patterns of the glucose monomers may produce
coils or branching
 Starches are used to store energy
 Polysaccharides
• Example: Starch
 Animal starch is called glycogen
 Stored in liver and muscle cells
 Plant starches include amylose and amylopectin
 Stored temporarily in leaves following photosynthesis
 Stored for long-term use in other plant parts (potato)
 Polysaccharides
• Example: Cellulose
 Glucose chains stretch side by side and are held
together by hydrogen-bonds
 Stabilized in a bundled pattern creating fibers used for
structural support of plant cell walls, stems, wood, etc.
 Cotton is almost pure cellulose
 We lack enzymes to digest cellulose
 Dietary fiber
 Polysaccharides
• Example: Chitin
 Similar to cellulose except that it is modified with a
nitrogen-containing group on each monomer
 Found in exoskeletons and fungi cell walls
 Sources
of lipids
• Butter
• Oils
• Deserts and some candies
• Nuts
• Meats
• Egg yolks
 Consist
of carbon and hydrogen with
very little oxygen
• No specific ratio
 Used
for energy storage, cell
membranes, insulation, water barriers,
cell to cell signals
 No specific monomers
• Many lipids use fatty acids, but not all of them
 Laboratory
• Fatty, oily or waxy feeling
• Insoluble in water
• Brown paper test
• Sudan IV dye
 Fats
and oils (triglycerides)
• Consists of a glycerol molecule and three fatty
acid molecules
 Fats
and oils
• Fatty acids: long carbon
chains (4-36 carbons long)
 Saturated fatty acids
 Each carbon atom is saturated
with hydrogen atoms
 No double bonds between
 Solid at room temperature
 “fats”
 Fats
and oils
• Fatty acids: long carbon
chains (4-36 carbons long)
 Unsaturated fatty acids
 Some carbons are not saturated
with hydrogen
 One or more double bonds
between carbon atoms
 Liquid at room temperature
 Double bonds make kinks which
prevent them from packing
 “Oils”
 Fats
and oils
• Fatty acids: long carbon
chains (4-36 carbons long)
 Trans-fatty acids
 Hydrogenated unsaturated fats
 Breaks double bonds and forces
hydrogen atoms to bond
 Diet high in trans fatty acids
increases risk of heart attack
 Phospholipids
• Two fatty acids and one phosphate
group attached to glycerol
 Similar to triglycerides except that one
fatty acid is replaced by a phosphate group
 Fatty acids are hydrophobic (tails)
 Phosphate group is hydrophilic (head)
 Phospholipids
• Cell membranes are composed of
two layers of phopholipids
 The heads of one layer are exposed
to the cell’s water based fluid interior
 The heads of the other layer are
exposed the water based fluid
surroundings of the cell
 Sandwiched between the two are all
of the hydrophobic tails
 Nicely protected from any water based
 Waxes
• Composed of tightly packed fatty acids bonded
to long-chain alcohols or carbon rings
• Firm and water repellent
• Examples
 Beeswax
 Water fowl’s feathers
 Plant cuticles
 Sterols
• Consist of a rigid backbone of four carbon rings
and no fatty acids
• The properties and functions are determined by
the number and type of functional groups
• Examples
 Cholesterol
 Bile salts
 Vitamin D
 Steroid hormones
 Sources
of protein
• Beef and pork
• Poultry
• Eggs
• Milk
• Nuts
• Beans
• Fish
 Complex, large, and
diverse molecules
consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur
• Two main types: fibrous and globular
 Used for
• Structure
• Enzymes
• Defense
• Transport
• Movement
• Regulatory
hair, nails, feathers
cellular reactions
 Monomers
are amino acids
 Laboratory test
• Biruret’s reagent turns violet/purple in the
presence of protein
 Amino
• Have a central carbon bonded to
 An amino group
 A carboxyl group (the acid)
 A hydrogen atom
 One of 20 possible R groups
 Each group confers different
properties to the amino acid
 Polar, charged, acid, etc
tyrosine (tyr)
lysine (lys)
glutamate (glu)
valine (val)
phenylalanine (phe)
methionine (met)
glycine (gly)
proline (pro)
 Amino
• Are linked together into polymers by a
specialized type of condensation reaction called
a peptide bond
 The carbon of one amino acid’s carboxyl group is linked to
the nitrogen of another amino acid’s amino group
 Amino
• The sequence of amino acids is determined by
instructions in the DNA (genes)
• The sequence determines what type of protein is
• Cells can make all of the many different types of
proteins from only 20 kinds of amino acids
 Terminology
• Amino acid
 Monomer of proteins
• Peptide bond
 Covalent bond joining amino acids
• Peptide
 A chain of 2 or more amino acids
• Polypeptide
 A chain of many amino acids
• Protein
 Finished and modified polypeptide
 Protein
• Protein structure is related to protein function
 Just like tools have to be the right shape for a job
 Screw driver + screw Hammer + nail
 If the protein isn’t shaped correctly, then it will not
function correctly
 Protein
• Primary structure
 The unique sequence of amino acids for each protein
 Protein
• Secondary structure
 As a polypeptide is synthesized regions or stretches
of the amino acid chain will twist, bend, loop, or fold
 Hydrogen bonds can hold the twists in place to make
 Helixes
 Coils like a spiral staircase
 Sheets or loops
 Flat sheet-like regions
 Protein
• Tertiary structure
 Final three dimensional folding of the polypeptide
 Held together by hydrogen bonds, disulfide bonds,
and other weak interactions
 Becomes a working molecule
 Protein
• Quaternary structure
 Two or more polypeptide chains are bound or
associate together
 Not all proteins have a fourth level of structure
 Protein
• Denaturation
 When a protein unfolds and becomes unusable
 Caused by
Temperature change
pH change
Salt concentration change
 Homeostasis keeps cellular environment within the
ranges that will prevent denaturation
 Protein
• Mutations in the genes coding for a protein can
lead to misshaped proteins
 If the wrong amino acid is placed in a protein sequence, it
can change the chemical interactions
 Example
 The protein hemoglobin and sickle-cell anemia
Hemoglobin and sickle-cell anemia
• A globular protein which carries
oxygen through the blood
 Hemoglobin’s ability to bind oxygen
depends on its structure
 Primary structure: amino acid sequence
(glutamate is the 6th amino acid)
 Secondary structure: multiple helixes
 Tertiary structure: folds up as globin to
form a pocket that cradles heme
 Heme is a functional group with an iron
atom at its center
 Quaternary structure: Four globulin
molecules (two alpha and two beta) held
together by hydrogen bonds
 Hemoglobin
and sickle-cell anemia
• Sickle-cell anemia is a genetic disease where the
hemoglobin is mis-shapen because of a mutation
resulting in a different amino acid at the 6th
 Glutamate is replaced with valine
 Hemoglobin
and sickle-cell
• Because of the mutation (glutamate 
valine), the shape and thus the function of
hemoglobin changes
 When available oxygen is low, the protein
forms large clumps
 The red blood cells distort into sickled shape
 The sickle cells clog blood vessels and
disrupt blood circulation
• A protein’s structure dictates its function!
 Sources
of nucleotides
• We synthesize our own
• Beef
• Fish, sardines
• Seafood
• Mushrooms
• Beans
• Vegetables
• Eggs
 Consist
• Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and
 Used
for energy (ATP), co-enzymes, cell
messengers, and genetic material (DNA,
 Nucleotides are the monomer
• They form long polymers called nucleic acids
 Nucleotides
• A simple 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose or
• 1-3 phosphate groups
• A nitrogenous base
 Nucleotides
 Used as the energy currency of the cell
 Has three phosphate groups
 Transfers its 3rd phosphate group to prime other molecules
for action
 Nucleotides
• NAD+, NADP+ and FAD
 Used as co-enzymes to move high energy electrons
and hydrogen
 Nucleic
acids: DNA and RNA
• Chains of four types of nucleotides
 Adenine, guanine, thymine (or uracil), and cytosine
 Nucleic
acids: DNA and RNA
• DNA encodes genetic
 Double stranded
 Located in the nucleus
 Makes up chromosomes
 Nucleic
acids: DNA and RNA
• RNA carries genetic instructions
 Single stranded
 Made in the nucleus, but functions in the
Organic molecules
• Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides
• Fatty acids
• Amino acids, structure