
1st class
Science For Fun: Parents to complete activities with groups in classroom
Curriculum Areas:
 Materials: Properties and characteristics of materials, Materials and change
- Identify and investigate materials that absorb water and those that are waterproof
- Begin to explore how materials maybe changed by mixing
Activities: Choose activities as required
1. Mixing paints to make new colours (see Materials Card 12)
- Mix paints on paper plate / sheet of paper / in zip-lock bag. Observe and record effects.
- Limit colours mixed at one time.
2. Mix flour, water, salt and food colouring to make play-dough (see instructions attached)
3. Dissolve a variety of materials in water, e.g. coffee, salt, sand, sugar, sand, flour (see Exemplar 40, Teacher Guidelines p.125)
4. Mix water and oil to design and make a lava lamp (see DPSM activity sheet)
5. Test materials for absorbency (See Teacher Guidelines exemplar)
6. Test materials for waterproof properties
1. Paint trays, paper plates, paper, zip lock bags, paint brushes
2. Flour, water, salt, food colouring, wooden spoon, mixing bowl
3. Coffee, salt, sand, sugar, flour, cold water, hot water
4. Oil, water, plastic bottles, fizzy tablets, food colouring
5. Water, variety of absorbent materials, worksheets, basin
6. Water, variety of water proof materials, worksheets, basin
Science Trail: Classroom, School, Yard
Curriculum Areas:
 Living Things: Human Life, Plants and Animals
- use all the senses to become aware of and explore environments
- understand that seasonal changes occur in living things and examine the changes in plant and animal life during the different
- observe, identify and explore a variety of living things in local habitats and environments
 Energy and Forces: Sound, Forces
- recognise and identify a variety of sounds in the environment
- explore how objects may be moved by pushing and pulling
 Materials: Properties and Characteristics of Materials
- identify and investigate a range of common materials used in the immediate environment
- describe and compare materials, noting the differences in colour, shape and texture
- begin to explore how different materials may be used in the construction of homes suited to their environments
 Environmental awareness and care: Caring for my locality
- identify, discuss and appreciate the natural and human features of the local environment
- realise that there is both an individual and a community responsibility for taking care of the environment
- identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for improving and caring for the environment
Variety of activities set up, instructions followed as per booklet / worksheets
Science Art:
Choose one of the following art activities or create art stations.
1. Mixing Paint
- Squeeze 2 or more colours onto a page and fold over. Move paint around page with hands before opening. Open page and
discuss new colours made with paints. Add googly eyes and other details when dry to make an alien/monster picture.
2. Mixed materials collage
- Discuss the appearance/texture of different fabrics and materials (e.g. cloth, felt, plastic, buttons, string, crepe paper, tissue
paper, newspaper, magazine paper, matchsticks, cotton wool, tin foil, etc.)
- Allow children to make a picture with the materials (with or without a template)
3. Wax resist
- Draw a picture using crayons. Paint over with watery paint mixture. Discuss pictures and results with children, i.e. why did
paint not stick to crayons?
4. Play-dough creations
- Make sculptures using play-dough from Science for Fun experiments.
1. White paper, paint, water, brushes, googly eyes, crayons
2. Variety of materials, glue, template
3. Crayons, paint, brushes, white paper
4. Play-dough
Science Demo
Science teacher demonstrating Science Experiments
Science Exhibition / Senior Assembly: View and discuss science work completed by other classes.
Discussion questions:
- What did you do for science week?
- What have we learned during science week?
- What was your favourite activity during science week?
For display:
 Children’s artwork
 Science experiments or science work from class
Useful websites and online activities: Materials
 Sorting materials:
 Sorting materials:
 Characteristics of materials:
 Teacher info, activities and websites for all science topics:
 Naming materials:
 Sorting and describing materials:
 Waterproof tester:
 Video clips about materials:;