RSB Strategic Input to Trustee Board Matt Garside 4th September 2012 Improving the world through engineering 1 Agenda Overview of Planning Cycle How RSB can input to overall strategy Overview of Strategic Objectives Highlight where RSB provide valuable contributions Discussion of future RSB Objectives Way Forward Improving the world through engineering 2 Overview: Planning Cycle Improving the world through engineering 3 Overview: Planning Cycle Improving the world through engineering 4 Overview: Planning Cycle Improving the world through engineering 5 Strategic Objectives 1. Diversify and grow professional membership in UK and internationally 2. Increase member engagement and value to members and their employers 3. Expert leadership to Government, Industry, Members and the informed public on Engineering 4. Develop awareness of engineering and profile of the IMechE Improving the world through engineering 6 Strategic Objectives 5. Inspire young people about Engineering 6. Secure long-term financial position Improving the world through engineering 7 SO 1 – Grow Membership Professional Registration events Links to Business Development Managers and Professional Development Consultants Member development Courses (i.e. soft skills) One on one sessions (Member to Fellow) Improving the world through engineering 8 SO 2 – Engage Members Increase event variety Links with Employers Benefits of membership Benefits of sponsoring employee time to volunteer for the IMechE Improving the world through engineering 9 SO 3 - Leadership Media output Increased impact Increased diversity Links with Local Councils & MPs Improving the world through engineering 10 SO 4 – Develop Awareness Variety of Media outputs Newspapers, Magazines, Radio & TV High profile events Prestige Lectures Public Challenge Improving the world through engineering 11 SO 5 – Inspire Young Gen Educational Links Schools Colleges Universities Bloodhound Green Power Formula Student Improving the world through engineering 12 SO 6 – Financial Position Budgeting Improve financial planning to maximise the impact of IMechE activities in any given year Monitor benefits in kind Improving the world through engineering 13 Way Forward All meeting discussion notes and comments to be collated and fed into Trustee Board Trustees will incorporate the RSB input into the overall IMechE strategy (Sept 2012) Review period (Sept – Nov 2012) Chance to update / revise RSB Strategy Set (Dec 2012) Improving the world through engineering 14