2013 RSB Strategy Improving the world through engineering www.imeche.org 1 Strategic Objectives 1. Diversify and grow professional membership in UK and internationally 2. Increase member engagement and value to members and their employers 3. Expert leadership to Government, Industry, Members and the informed public on Engineering 4. Develop awareness of engineering and profile of the IMechE 5. Inspire young people about Engineering 6. Secure long-term financial position Improving the world through engineering www.imeche.org 2 RSB SO1 with Metrics Diversify and grow professional 1 membership in UK and internationally 2013 Objective 1. Minimum of 1 soft skills event will be held by each region 1.3 High standards of professional registration, with best in class application processes New events 2. Minimum of 2 mock interview events will be held by each Region, with at least one being held in each Area within the Region 3. 2 Professional Registration events to be held specifically for SMEs within each Region (in support of the BDMs) Improving the world through engineering 2013 Metrics 1. Hold 1 off soft skills event per Region 2. Hold a minimum of 2 off mock interview events, one per Area 3. Hold 2 off Professional Registration events for SMEs in each Region (in support of the BDMs) www.imeche.org Notes 1. Regions to work in collaboration with Business Development Managers 2. Business Development Managers contact details available on the online Volunteer Resource Centre (VRC) www.imeche.org/vr c 3 RSB SO2 with Metrics Increase Member Engagement 2 and value to Members and their Employers 2.1 2.2 Create & deliver a Learned Society program suite (including digital offerings) New relevant to members, Engagement industry, employers, activities academia and informed society with emphasis on Engineering Optimise channels of interaction with members, target audiences and Engagement & influencers holistically across Regional the whole organisation Continuity including commercial and Support network Improving the world through engineering 2013 Objective 2013 Metrics 1. 1 problem solving / consultancy event in each Region 1. Hold 1 off problem solving / consultancy event in each Region 2. Minimum 2 speed mentoring events to be held in each Region (1 in each Area) 2. Hold a minimum of 2 off speed mentoring sessions in each Region (1 in each area) 1. A 15% increase in the number of member attendees to regionally organised events year on year. 1. 15% increase in member attendees within each Region 2. Robust 2 year rolling succession plan for all key roles in each Regional committee (i.e. Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary) generated in each Region Notes 1. Improve member engagement with new activities 1. Target increased from 10% in2012 to 15% in 2013 2. Generate a succession plan for each Region by mid 2013 www.imeche.org 4 RSB SO3 with Metrics Expert Leadership to Government, Industry, 3 Members and the informed public on Engineering 3.3 Collaboration with other Institutions and organisations to achieve greater Engineering gravitas and financial impetus Working with other Institutions & Partners Improving the world through engineering 2013 Objective 1. 25% of local events to be either organised or co-branded where relevant with local strategic non Institution partners. 2013 Metrics Notes 1. 25% of local events in 1. Improve Regional links each Region to be held with local strategic non Institution partner www.imeche.org 5 RSB SO4 with Metrics Develop and awareness of 4 Engineering and profile of the IMechE 4.1 4.3 Promote the Institution (campaigning, increase Improve media non-member reach, media offering content) Celebrate & Broaden the appeal and share success; importance of Engineering to plus future society and employers Region development Improving the world through engineering 2013 Objective 2013 Metrics Notes 1. Every Region to have a trained Media Officer 1. 100% of Regions have trained Media Officer 1. Dedicated volunteer position on Regional Committees 1. Select the top three successes in an annual review 1. Each Region to provide top 3 events summary in an Annual Review 1. Celebrate Regional achievements 2. Increase number of non member attendees by 15% year on year 2. 15% increase in non member attendees in each Region 3. One big Regional event that isn't a dinner that gets AEV 3. One Region to hold a big event that exceeds £50K AEV in 2013 www.imeche.org 6 RSB SO5 with Metrics Inspire young peole about 5 Engineering 5.2 Provide educational outreach programs which engage members and future members Improve educational links Improving the world through engineering 2013 Objective 2013 Metrics Notes 1. Every Region to have an Education Officer 1. 100% of Regions to elect an Education Officer 1. Dedicated volunteer position on Regional Committees 2. Each Region to hold / arrange a minimum of 2 school, college or university events to promote education amongst <18 year olds www.imeche.org 7