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Naugatuck Public Schools
Standards Based Lesson Plan Template
Planning for Instruction and Monitoring Improvement
Unit 7 – Electrochemical Energy and Storage
Dates/Time: March (5-10 days)
Cat Peterson
Subject: Chemistry
Assessment that led to informed planning for the lesson(s):
CAPT, Pre-test of concepts, KWL, Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry, Mole Concept
The electrical force is a universal force that exists between any two
charged objects.
Moving electrical charges produce magnetic forces and moving
magnets can produce electrical forces.
Electrical current can be transformed into light through the
excitation of electrons.
Essential Questions:
What is electricity?
What is magnetism?
What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism?
How is electricity generated and used?
How is energy measured and relayed?
Indicators (Knowledge and Skills):
Students will know and be able to:
Explain how an electrical charge occurs in an object.
Describe how the sun, water, wind, fossil fuels or nuclear reaction
can be harnessed to generate electricity.
Apply the equation I=V/R to various problems.
Compare and contrast good conductors and good insulators.
Describe how a generator works, utilizing electromagnetism.
Enduring Understandings:
1. The transfer of electrons from one atom to another is the basis of
2. Electricity and magnetism are a continuum of the same force. This
force is called electromagnetism.
3. Electrical current can be transformed into light, heat, motion or
stored as potential energy.
Assessment: (Measurement of Student Achievement)
Informal –
Students will compare and contrast series and parallel circuits. They will also draw diagrams of each type.
Students will diagram static build-up and explain the movement of electrons before, during, and after an electric discharge.
Students will complete a reading for information activity.
Quizzes will be given on static electricity, Ohm’s law, circuits, magnets & magnetic fields.
Formative –
Performance Assessment – How Is Electricity Generated and Used? The purpose of the experiment is to determine current, resistance, and
voltage using I = V/R. Students create a simple series circuit and a parallel circuit. Students classify materials as electrical conductors or
insulators and test known substances to determine a pattern. Next students will test unknown substances. Students collect record and interpret
data to form a written conclusion. As an extension of the lab students will identify cases from everyday life where electricity is being used.
Performance Assessment – How Is Electricity Stored? What Influences Power versus Energy Densities? The purpose of the experiment is
to demonstrate the properties of simple energy storage devices such as batteries and capacitors. Students will charge a battery and a capacitor
and collect, record and interpret observations to form a conclusion. Additionally students will use the storage devices to power an appliance.
Students will record, collect, and interpret data to form a written conclusion. As an extension of the lab, students illustrate and explain how a
energy and power is stored.
Summative –
Post Test – Students will compare progress between the pre- and post-tests for this unit.
Unit Test - Students will provide a consistent, meaningful interpretation of the key issues/concepts of properties of matter through multiple
choice, true/false, and open-ended questions which focus on knowledge and application.
This section is based on the teacher developed learning plan.
Prior Knowledge:
Basic algebra skills in order to use Ohm’s Law. Understand atomic structure and how
electrons move. Understand the concept of energy transformations within a circuit (ex.
Electricity turning into mechanical motion, light or sound). Understand how conductors and
insulators work and relate to electricity.
Learning Connections:
Connect to math using algebra skills.
Connect to graphic design when drawing schematic diagrams of circuits.
Connect to English through reading for information activity.
Connect to real life by applying circuits to household electricity and appliances.
Connect to real life with examples of permanent magnets.
Connect to tech. ed. with electrical motors
Connect to student interests.
Electric charge, negative charge, positive charge, coulomb,
charging by friction, charging by contact, induced charge,
polarized, electric force, electric field, electric field lines,
electric potential energy, potential difference, volts, cell, dry
cell, wet cell, current, ampere, direct current, conventional
(alternating) current, resistance, resistor, superconductor,
semiconductor, ground, electric circuit, closed circuit, open
circuit, series circuit, parallel circuit, electrical energy,
electric power, watt, fuse, circuit breaker, step-up
transformer, step-down transformer, generator, motor,
lodestone, permanent magnet, hard magnet, soft magnet,
magnetic field, magnetic field lines, solenoid, electromagnet,
galvanometer, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law,
Resources and Technology:
Electrical components (wires, batteries, light bulbs,
switches), magnets, compass, iron nails & filings,
calculators, smartboard & projector
Learning Procedures:
Instructional Strategies:
Introduction (1)
Initiation - Brainstorm: EQ -What is electricity? Students share best response; teacher
shares other applications.
Teacher led brainstorm
Teacher introduces the EU: The transfer of electrons from one atom to another is the basis
of electricity. A battery generates its own electricity as a result of chemical reaction. (
Redox reactions)
Overview of the scope and sequence of the unit, learning goals and assessments.
Learning Activity One –Lemon Battery (3 - 4 days)
Hook – Teacher demonstration/guided practice Teacher uses lemon to demonstrate
electrochemical potential.
Scaffolded graphic
organizer with
Teacher presents the following vocabulary terms: oxidation, reduction
mnemonic device
Three column
Vocabulary sheet
Small group activity
Provide leveled
Students complete a guided practice worksheet on oxidation reduction reactions.
Class of oxidation and reduction reactions are used to provide useful electrical energy in
batteries. A simple electrochemical cell can be made from copper and zinc metals with
solutions of their sulfates. In the process of the reaction, electrons can be transferred from
the zinc to the copper through an electrically conducting path as a useful electric current.
Teacher demonstration/
An electrochemical cell can be created by placing metallic electrodes into an electrolyte
where a chemical reaction either uses or generates an electric current. Electrochemical cells Student inquiry
which generate an electric current are called voltaic cells or galvanic cells, and common
batteries consist of one or more such cells. In other electrochemical cells an externally
supplied electric current is used to drive a chemical reaction which would not occur
spontaneously. Such cells are called electrolytic cells.
An electrochemical cell which causes external electric current flow can be created using
any two different metals since metals differ in their tendency to lose electrons. Zinc more
readily loses electrons than copper, so placing zinc and copper metal in solutions of their
salts can cause electrons to flow through an external wire which leads from the zinc to the
Guided reading
Small group activity – Wet Cell Batteries Students create wet cell batteries and test
various electrolytes with multi-meter to determine greatest electrochemical potential.
Teacher led Q and A
Guided reading
Graphic organizer
Whole class brainstorm
Preteach vocab
Quiz with
Word bank
Teacher presentation
Formative Assessment
Whole class
As a zinc atom provides the electrons, it becomes a positive ion and goes
into aqueous solution, decreasing the mass of the zinc electrode. On the
copper side, the two electrons received allow it to convert a copper ion
from solution into an uncharged copper atom which deposits on the
copper electrode, increasing its mass. The two reactions are typically
Leveled reading
Zn(s) -> Zn2+(aq) + 2e-
Guided reading
Activate prior
Cu2+(aq) + 2e- -> Cu(s)
The letters in parentheses are just reminders that the zinc goes from a
solid (s) into a water solution (aq) and vice versa for the copper. It is
typical in the language of electrochemistry to refer to these two processes
as "half-reactions" which occur at the two electrodes.
Zn(s) -> Zn2+(aq) + 2e-
The zinc "half-reaction" is
classified as oxidation since it
loses electrons. The terminal at
which oxidation occurs is called
the "anode". For a battery, this is
the negative terminal.
The copper "half-reaction" is
classified as reduction since it
gains electrons. The terminal at
which reduction occurs is called
the "cathode". For a battery, this is
the positive terminal.
Cu2+(aq) + 2e- -> Cu(s)
In order for the voltaic cell to continue to produce an external electric current, there must
be a movement of the sulfate ions in solution from the right to the left to balance the
electron flow in the external circuit. The metal ions themselves must be prevented from
moving between the electrodes, so some kind of porous membrane or other mechanism
must provide for the selective movement of the negative ions in the electrolyte from the
right to the left.
Energy is required to force the electrons to move from the zinc to the copper electrode, and
the amount of energy per unit charge available from the voltaic cell is called the
electromotive force (emf) of the cell. Energy per unit charge is expressed in volts (1 volt =
1 joule/coulomb).
Guided reading
Teacher demonstration
Independent practice
Teacher presentation
Guided practice
Activate prior
Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment/
Student inquiry
Provide a copy of the
symbols for students
to label.
Provide scaffold
(visual) for formula
Provide formula on
Provide graphic
organizers for students
to fill out during lab.
Provide template for
conclusion if needed.
Teacher guides discovery electrochemical potential of and re teaches if necessary.
To get energy from the cell, you must get more energy released from the oxidation of the
zinc than it takes to reduce the copper. The cell can yield a finite amount of energy from
this process, the process being limited by the amount of material available either in the
electrolyte or in the metal electrodes. For example, if there were one mole of the sulfate
ions SO42- on the copper side, then the process is limited to transferring two moles of
electrons through the external circuit. The amount of electric charge contained in a mole of
electrons is called the Faraday constant, and is equal to Avogadro's number times the
electron charge:
Faraday constant = F = NAe = 6.022 x 1023 x 1.602 x 10-19 = 96,485 Coulombs/mole
The energy yield from a voltaic cell is given by the cell voltage times the number of moles
of electrons transferred times the Faraday constant.
Class discussion
Guided inquiry
Teacher presentation
and modeling
Electrical energy output = nFEcell
The cell emf Ecell may be predicted from the standard electrode potentials for the two
metals. For the zinc/copper cell under the standard conditions, the calculated cell potential
is 1.1 volts.
Students provide examples of electrochemical energy that they have experienced and
explain what the cause was in each case.
Independent practice – Students complete an electrochemical worksheet worksheet.
Independent writing
Electrochemical Reactions Quiz
Learning Activity Two – Capacitors (2 – 3 days)
Hook: Teacher demonstration of a generator used to light a bulb. Students respond to: How
does generated electricity get stored?
Student inquiry
Small group activity
Formative assessment
Teacher pre teaches vocabulary terms and concepts: battery, capacitor
Teacher demonstration: model of an electric motor to demonstrate how stored electrical
energy is converted into mechanical energy. Teacher leads discussion of real world
applications (i.e. electric automobiles)
Teacher demonstration/
Whole class activity
Provide sentence
starters to guide
Teacher demonstration/classroom participation – Battery versus Capacitor: Charging a
flash camera.
Teacher presentation
Students engage in a guided reading for information titled, Energy versus Power: Storage
Devices Teacher presents vocab terms and students answer short questions.
Teacher demonstration
Student brainstorm the different ways that electrical currents are used in the home.
Students share best answer, teacher provides additional example. Hypothesize battery
versus capacitor.
Teacher provides students with real world application (surge protectors, starters,
hairdryers, etc.)
Provide copies of
engine diagram to
students to allow them
to make notes/arrows
showing energy
Formative Assessment
Teacher activates prior knowledge regarding what an electrical current is and reviews
vocabulary current, generator, circuit, conductors, and insulators. Students engage in active
reading and write written responses.
Provide template for
flow chart
Summative Assessment
Performance based assessment- Student inquiry lab: How is Electricity Stored? The
purpose of the experiment is to determine factors that effect the amount of energy stored in
a capacitor. Students create a capacitor and measure energy stored. Students investigate
variables of surface area of plates, distance between plates, insulator between plates and
determine relationships to amount of energy stored.
Performance based assessment- Student inquiry lab: What effect does electricity stored in
capacitor versus in electrochemical potential have on power? The purpose of the
experiment is to determine difference in battery versus capacitor to store and release
energy and power. Students load a simple battery and a capacitor. Students observe each
ones’ ability to power a motor / appliance and test materials to determine a pattern.
Students collect, record and interpret data to form a written conclusion.
Students will conduct a quick write to answer the question: What is the relationship
between energy and power?
Unit test
Extra guided and individual practice can be provided for all math calculations. Video clips or
smartboard illustrations demonstrating the unit’s concepts can be shown. Students can be
paired with others who are more advanced in a peer tutoring relationship. Students from
more advanced classes can be asked to demonstrate unit concepts.
Students can build an electromagnet using a battery, iron
nail, and coil of wire. Students can analyze electrical
consumption in their homes. Students can compare various
appliances (energy star vs. non). Students can build
additional circuits using the Snap Circuit kit. Students can
graph energy consumption for their homes per month to
show fluctuations during the year. Students can analyze
examples of electricity bills.
Independent Practice:
Practice calculating resistance and manipulating Ohms’ Law. Practice critical reading skills using the textbook, workbook, and articles. Practice note-taking
skills when reading and learning vocab. Practice critical thinking skills when predicting and analyzing. Practice organizational skills when construction
concept maps and diagrams. Practice writing a conclusions when given or after collecting data.
Reflection on Lesson Design and Implementation:
Adapted from: The Leadership and Learning Center: Effective Teaching Strategies ©2006? What important content and concepts will students learn?
Key to Understanding Components of Lesson Plan Template
Standard(s): What standards will be addressed in this lesson? Include interdisciplinary and ELL.
Indicators: What do you want students to know and be able to do? What important content and concepts will students learn?
Enduring Understanding and Essential Questions: What questions will engage the students? What questions will help students focus on important
aspects of this topic? What big ideas should your students take away from this learning experience?
Assessment: What assessment tools will you use to measure student learning? Which assessments will be formative and which will be summative? How
will students assess themselves? How will you monitor student learning throughout the lesson so you can revise instruction?
Prior Knowledge: What prior learning is foundational for this lesson? What conceptual difficulties might students have? How can these be reviewed to
facilitate learning of new knowledge and skills?
Learning Connections: What curriculum, interdisciplinary and real world connections will you make in this lesson to facilitate learning?
Vocabulary: What words must students know in order to understand the concepts and skills presented?
Resources/Technology: What materials will you use? What other support services and resources will you need? How can technology extend and enhance
the lesson in ways that would not be possible without it?
Learning Procedures: How will you proceed when teaching this unit? What is the sequence of learning activities and tasks that your students will
complete? In what ways is this lesson challenging, authentic, and multidisciplinary?
Instructional Strategies: What instructional practices will you use with this lesson? What parts of the lesson are teacher directed and what parts are student
directed? When will students learn independently? When will they learn and problem-solve with others?
Differentiation: How can I vary content, process and/or product to meet the needs of all learners? How do I engage all learners and address different
learning modalities? Where can I provide student choice?
Interventions/Adaptations/: How will you modify this lesson for individual learning needs? How will you provide for students with special needs?
Describe opportunities for students to relearn and you to re-teach.
Enrichment/Extensions What challenging instructional activities can be provided for students who demonstrate academic proficiency of curriculum
Independent Practice: What practice of the skill concept of the lesson, without direct (step-by-step) adult supervision will take place?
Reflection: Describe how you will measure whether or not the lesson objectives were met.
Was this lesson worth doing?
In what ways was this lesson effective?
What evidence do you have for your conclusion?
How would you change this lesson for teaching it again?
What did you observe your students doing and learning?
Did your students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing? How do you know?
What is needed to assist the students in meeting the lesson's objective more effectively?
How will you determine whether or not your own performance as instructor/facilitator was effective?