Carbohydrates Powerpoint


Chapter 2

 The study of compounds containing

 Carbon has 4 valence electrons

 Each electron can join with an electron to form a strong covalent bond

Elements of LIFE!

 The largest portion of living organisms are composed of:

 carbon (C)

 oxygen (O)

 hydrogen (H)

 nitrogen (N)

What about you?

of your body is H2O

 water is inorganic = no carbon

 The rest of you is made of carbon molecules

 Carbohydrates

 Proteins

 Fats (lipids)

 Nucleic acids

Macromolecules = giant molecules

 Small units = monomers

 Large units = polymers (poly- “many”)


built from

(aka monosaccharides)

 Function: energy, structure

 Made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

 Single sugar molecule = monosaccharides

 Bunches of monosaccharides = polysaccharides

 Type of condensation reaction in which monomers ( monosaccharides ) join together into polymers while losing a water molecule

 This process is carried out by losing

( -OH ) from one of the monomers and ( H ) from another.

Building Carbohydrates

1 sugar = monosaccharide 2 sugars = disaccharide

Glucose` Glucose


(H2O is a bi-product!!!)

Dehydration Synthesis

Big Carbohydrates

 Polysaccharides = large carbohydrates

 starch

 energy storage in plants

Example: potatoes glycogen

 energy storage in animals

Example: in liver & muscles

 cellulose

 structure in plants

Example: cell walls chitin

 structure in arthropods & fungi

Example: exoskeleton

Problems from excess carbohydrates?

 Type 2 Diabetes

 Body resisting insulin

 Body not making enough insulin

Modeling Carbohydrates

 Complete the practice questions about the structure and function of carbohydrates.

 Be very careful when you start cutting out the models.

Make sure you read and follow the directions so that you don’t cut the wrong thing.

 Models can be taped or glued to the back of your packet.

Article- Carbs and Depression

 Read the article.

 With a partner or small group, evaluate the study. Make note of what you think demonstrated good scientific method, or things you think could be improved or studied further.

 Be ready to share out.

Protein Shape

4 levels of organization

Level 1: sequence of amino acids

Level 3: sequence in than one chain, chain specific arrangement in space

Day 2


 Quiz!

 Remember expectations: cell phones are up, the room is quiet, do your own work.

 Chemical reaction – process that changes one set of chemicals into another

 Reactants : elements/compounds that enter into the chemical reaction

 Products : elements/compounds produced by the chemical reaction

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 reactants product

Energy in Reactions

Some chemical reactions absorb energy, others release



 Chemical reactions that absorb energy will not occur without an energy source

 Activation energy – energy needed to get a reaction started


 Organic Macromolecules

 Amino Acids = building block of proteins

 20 different types determines which amino acid is which!

 Amino acids link up to form chains = proteins amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid

 Amino Acids are composed of:

 Amino group

 Carboxyl group

 Hydrogen

 R-group

 The shape of each type of protein is unique

 Proteins do their jobs because of their shape

 wrong shape = can’t do its job!

 Unfolding a protein destroys its shape

 unfolding proteins =


 temperature

 pH (acidity)

“denatured” folded

What do Proteins do for you?

 Storage

Amino Acids

 Movement


 Transport

Ex.) Hemoglobin

 Immune System


 Hormones


 Enzymes*


Some chemical reactions are too slow or have activation energies way too high so we need a….

: speeds up reaction and lowers the activation energy

: biological catalysts! Enzymes are


Found in cells

Enzyme-Substrate Complex

 Enzymes provide a site where reactants can be brought together to react

 Reactants in an enzyme reaction are called substrates

 Enzyme and the substrate fit together a bit like a puzzle!

 Active site: place where substrate and enzyme bind

 Once the reaction is over, products are released and the enzyme is free to start the process over again

 Induced-Fit model : This model proposes that the initial interaction between enzyme and substrate is relatively weak, but that these weak interactions rapidly cause shape changes in the enzyme that strengthen binding

 Enzyme changes shape during the reaction

Sugar maltose is made from two glucose molecules bonded together.

The enzyme maltase is shaped in such a way that it can break the bond and free the two glucose pieces.

The only thing maltase can do is break maltose molecules, but it can do that very rapidly and efficiently.

Breaking molecules apart and putting molecules together is what enzymes do, and there is a specific enzyme for each chemical reaction needed to make the cell work properly.

 pH, temperature

 Enzymes in human cells work best at temperature close to 37 ° C  body temp

 Enzymes in human cells work best a neutral pH

 Too high/low temperature or pH results in the loss or slowing of enzyme function

 They won’t work properly!

 Enzymes are generally named based on the type of substrate they act upon

 followed by the suffix –ase

 Maltase – helps synthesis of maltose

 Lactase – breaks down lactose

 Protease – breaks down proteins


 Complete the review packet about organic macromolecules. Use the information given to you in the reading or in your notes to help you.

Lab- Enzyme Reaction Rate

 This lab will be written up as a formal lab report for your portfolios.

 The goal for today is to at least get through data collection.

 Follow instructions carefully. We do not have enough materials for re-dos.

 You must wear safety goggles for this lab. You should also be at your lab station unless you are gathering materials or cleaning up.

Pre-Engineering Lab

 Part 1- We will do today for you to practice with the equipment and gather baseline data.

 There are some changes to instructions. Please listen carefully and mark those on your paper.

 We are going to at least set this up together as a class.

PLEASE keep it quiet so that everyone can hear instructions.

 Part 2- We will do on Monday. Your group will choose a factor to test out (temperature, pH, concentration of enzyme, concentration of substrate). Then you will later use that data to write a formal lab report.

Day 3

 If something is organic, what element does it contain?

 What is the building block of a protein?

 What is this a picture of?

 What kind of disease can result from eating too many carbohydrates?

 What gives an amino acid its identity?

 What is a substrate?

Protein Deficiency

 Kwasiorkor

(kwash, shore, core)

 “K” Disease

 Symptoms

 Swollen Belly  fluid

 Fatigue

 Swollen feet, ankles

 Teeth Loss

 Loss of skin pigmentation

 Thinning hair

 Muscle Loss


 Yes, I know it’s still cold, though the room has warmed up a little. It is expected to stay chilly in here until the district switches the heat on in late October.

Please dress warmly in the meantime.

 We are going to take the first 10-15 minutes to finish the carbohydrate model activity.

 Remember to tape/glue your models and the water molecules to the back of your packet.

 If you don’t finish during this time, you will have to finish on your own for homework.

 Lipids = concentrated energy molecules

 Building block ( monomer ) = fatty acid

Not soluble in water

 Common Categories

 Fats



 energy storage

 very concentrated

 2x the energy as carbohydrates!

 cell membrane

 cushion

 Organs

 Nerve cells

 insulates body

 Whale blubber!

Saturated vs. Unsaturated

Saturated = single carbon bond, maximum # of hydrogen bonds

Unsaturated = carbon-carbon double bond

Polyunsaturated = more than one carbon-carbon double bond

Which fat is better?

Saturated fats remain solids at room temperature

 Increase bad cholesterol levels ( ) and clog the arteries because of their tightly packed structure

Unsaturated fats increase the levels of good cholesterol

( ) by taking the LDL to the liver to be broken down and removed from the body

Fat molecule is not a polymer, just a big

“fat” molecule.

-It still has building blocks, which are fatty acids.

 DNA  DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

 RNA  RiboNucleic Acid

 Function = genetic material

 stores information

 genes

 blueprint for building proteins

 transfers information

 blueprint for new cells

 protein synthesis

 Building block of nucleic acids – Nucleotides

 Nucleotides consist of 3 parts:

 Five carbon sugar

 Phosphate group

 Nitrogenous base sugar

N base phosphate

Lab: Milk and Food Coloring

 Follow the instructions on your lab paper, and make sure to make a prediction first!

 When you get to the follow-up questions on the back, omit #4 since we only have one type of milk to test out in class.

 Remember, stay with your group members at your lab station. Clean up your area when finished.

Review: Socrative Quiz

 Go to

 Click student login

 Teacher room number: UMCZ430W

 There are 7 practice questions

 If you don’t have a cell phone or tablet to use, we will try to pull it up on the front screen for you to practice questions.


 Quiz next class over water, pH, and carbohydrates

 Unit test will be the last day (Wednesday) before fall break!

 All work for this unit due on Sept. 30 (the Wednesday before fall break).

 Specific groups of atoms/bonds within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules

Carbs = hydroxyl group

Proteins = esters

Lipids = amines, acids

Nucleic Acids = phosphate

 Atoms and molecules combine to form compounds

 New compounds have chemical and physical properties that are usually very different from the whatever it was formed from

 More bonding occurring, elements are filling their valence shells or losing electrons leading to different properties
