LAPTOP PROTECTOR 7/29/2010 09:32:00 PM SKY GROUPS © NO COMMENTS Protect your valuable laptop against theft using this miniature alarm generator. Fixed inside the laptop case, it will sound a loud alarm when someone tries to take the laptop. This highly sensitive circuit uses a homemade tilt switch to activate the alarm through tilting of the laptop case. The circuit uses readily available components and can be assembled on a small piece of Vero board or a generalpurpose PCB. It is powered by a 12V miniature battery used in remote control devices. The components require to prepare this . tilt swtich Diode piezzo buzzer ON -OFF switch Battery IC's IC TL071 ICCD 4538 Resistor & capacitor Transistor. IC TLO71 (IC1) is used as a voltage comparator with a potential divider comprising R2 and R3 providing half supply voltage at the non-inverting input (pin 3) of IC1. The inverting input receives a higher volt- age through a water-activated tilt switch only when the probes in the tilt switch make contact with water. When the tilt switch is kept in the horizontal position, the inverting input of IC1 gets a higher voltage than its non -inverting input and the output remains low. IC CD4538 (IC2) is used as a monostable with timing elements R5 and C1. With the shown values, the output of IC2 remains low for a period of three minutes. CD4538 is a precision monostable multivibrator free from false triggering and is more reliable than the popular timer IC 555. Its output becomes high when power is switched on and it becomes low when the trigger input (pin 5) gets a low-tohigh transition pulse. The unit is fixed inside the laptop case in horizontal position. In this position, water inside the tilt switch effectively shorts the contacts, so the output of IC1 remains low. The alarm generator remains silent in the standby mode as trigger pin 5 of IC2 is low. When someone tries to take the laptop case, the unit takes the vertical position and the tilt switch breaks the electrical contact between the probes. Immediately the output of IC1 becomes high and monostable IC2 is triggered. The low output from IC2 triggers the pnp transistor (T1) and the buzzer starts beeping. Assemble the circuit as compactly as possible so as to make the unit matchbox size. Make the tilt switch using a small (2.5cm long and 1cm wide) plastic bottle with two stainless pins as contacts. Fill two-third of the bottle with water such that the contacts never make electrical path when the tilt switch is in vertical position. Make the bottle leakproof with adhesive or wax. Fix the tilt switch inside the enclosure of the circuit in horizontal position. Fit the unit inside the laptop case in horizontal position using adhesive. Use a miniature buzzer and a micro switch (S1) to make the gadget compact. Keep the laptop case in horizontal position and switch on the unit. Your laptop is now protected. Posted in: electronic's,Mini Projects,Project Report,projects,security,Sensor,technology Read more: LAPTOP Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike INTRODUCTION COMPONENTS USED CIRCUIT EXPLANATION ADVANTAGES PRECAUTIONS CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION NOW-A-DAYS DESKTOP HAS BEEN REPLACED BY LAPTOP WHICH IS A DEFORMED FORM. SO IT HAS BECOME EASIER FOR THEFT TO STEEL OUR VALUABLE LAPTOP. TO OVERCOME THIS KIND OF STEELING A LAPTOP PROTECTOR IS REALISED,WHICH WILL PROTECT BY ITS MINIATURE ALARM. i) REGISTERS: RESISTORS ARE THE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS WHICH OPPOSES CURRENT. RESISTORS OBEY OHMâ„¢S LAW. DIFFERENT KIND OF RESULT COMES WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION OF VARIOUS VOLTAGES. ii) CAPACITORS: A CAPACITOR IS AN ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONICS DEVICE THAT CAN STORE ENERGY THE ELECTRIC FIELD BETWEEN A PAIR OF CONDUCTORS. THE PROCESS OF STORING ENERGY IS CALLED ËœCHARGINGâ„¢. A 47microF 25V CAPACITOR IS USED. iii) INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: IT CONSISTS OF MINIATURIZED ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS BUILT INTO AN ELECTRICAL NETWORK. HERE TWO ANALOG DESIGNED IC ARE USED. - IC TLO71(IC1):IC1 IS USED AS VOLTAGE COMAPARATOR. - IC CD4538(IC2):IC2 IS USED AS A MONOSTABLE WITH TIMING ELEMENTS R5 AND C1. iv) DIODE: IN DIODES CURRENT IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO VOLTAGE. DIODES ARE NON-LINEAR,TWO TERMINAL, PASSIVE ELECTRICAL DEVICES. A 1 JUNCTION DIODE (1N4148) IS USED IN THIS CIRCUIT. v) BATTERY: A 9V BATTERY IS USED vi) TRANSISTOR: TRANSISTOR AMPLIFY CURRENT AND VOLTAGE. IT MAY BE USED AS SWITCH. A pnp TRANSISTOR BC558(T1) IS USED IN THIS CIRCUIT. vii) SWITCHES: a) TILT SWITCH: A TILT SWITCH IS MADE UP OF PLASTIC BOTTLE WITH TWO STAINLESS PINS AS CONTACT OR PROBES. IN TILT SWITCH 2/3RD OF THE BOTTLE IS FILLED WITH WATER SUCH THAT THE WATER CANNOT MAKE CONTACT WITH THE PINS. b) ON/OFF SWITCH: A ON/OFF SWITCH OF 3A IS USED. THE USER CAN USE THE SWITCH AS PER HIS REQUIREMENTS. viii) PIEZO BUZZER: A PIEZO-BUZZER IS USED AS AN ALARM. USERS CAN USE ANY BUZZER AS PER THEIR CONVINIENCE. ix) PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD: ALL THE ABOVE EQUIPMENTS ARE MOUNTED ON THE GENERAL PURPOSE PCB. THE UNIT IS INSIDE THE LAPTOP CASE IN HORIZONTAL POSITION. IN THIS POSITION, WATER INSIDE THE TILT SWITCH EFFECTIVELY SHORTS THE CONTACTS, SO THE OUTPUT OF IC1 REMAINS LOW . THE ALARM GENERATOR REMAINS SILENT IN THE STAND BY MODE AS TIGGER PIN 5 OF IC2 IS LOW. WHEN SOMEONE TRIES TO TAKE THE LAPTOP CASE, THE UNIT TAKES THE VERTICAL POSITION & THE TILT SWITCH BREAKS THE ELECTRICAL CONTACT BETWEEN THE PROBES. IMMEDIATELY THE OUTPUT OF IC1 BECOMES HIGH & MONOSTABLE IC2 IS TRIGGERED. THE LOW OUTPUT OF IC2 TRIGGERS THE pnp TRANSISTOR(T1) & THE BUZZER STARTS BEEPING. 1. CHEAPNESS: It is affordable for general use. 2. CLEANLINESS: It is clean as it doesnâ„¢t produce fume or poisonous gas. 3. AVAILABILITY: All equipments used in this circuit are easily available in the market. 4. EASY CONSTRUCTION: It is easy to construct for a person who has general idea about circuitry elements. 5. THERE SHOULD BE NO LEAKAGE IN TILT SWITCH. 6. BEFORE LEAVING THE LAPTOP THE USER SHOULD CONSIOUSLY ON THE SWITCH.