Monongalia County Schools Volunteer Policy Training

Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Monongalia County Schools would like to thank you for being a volunteer. Volunteers
are critical to the success of any organization. Without your time and energy it
would not be possible to accomplish all of our goals. Through the volunteer program
you have a chance to support your school and help build a community. The
education and success of our students is possible largely due to help like yours. We
appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule, and the kids do too!!
Please take a few minutes to go through our Volunteer Policy Training and
some brief “Check for Understanding” questions.
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Volunteers in Schools
A volunteer is a non-compensated person who
donates time in a school, at a school sponsored
event, or at extra-curricular activities.
Volunteers must adhere to all MCBOE policies
and the regulation including Monongalia County
Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive
Schools Policy and Confidentiality
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Volunteers in Schools
Volunteers include parents, college students,
senior citizens, elected officials, business
representatives and community members.
Volunteers provide expertise that can enrich the
instructional program, assist teachers and connect
the student body with the community.
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Requirements of all Volunteers
Must be 18 years of age and not a student in MCS.
Must provide identification and sign in/out at main
Shall wear a “VISITOR” badge while in the school.
Shall not supervise groups of students in the
absence of a certified teacher or school
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Confidential Requirements of all Volunteers
Must maintain confidentiality, and are not permitted to
discuss student/school related issues in the community.
Must be willing to sign the Confidentiality
Agreement/Child Protective Services Reporting
Shall not have access to confidential files and records.
Shall not see grades or grade papers for teachers.
Volunteers may not photograph, videotape or tape
record events that take place in the school.
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Child Abuse and Neglect
When any teacher, school personnel, coach and/or volunteer has
reasonable cause to suspect that a child is neglected or abused or
observes the child being subjected to conditions that are likely to result in
abuse or neglect, such persons shall immediately, and not more than fortyeight hours after suspecting this abuse, report the circumstances to Child
Protective Services of the Department of Health and Human Resources.
The Child Abuse and Neglect Policy (9-28) can be viewed on county website @:
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
MCBOE has 2 Types of Volunteers
1. Supervised volunteers
• Read aloud volunteers, parent volunteers in
classroom, field trip volunteers, etc.
2. Non-supervised volunteers
• Student teachers, mentors, tutors, etc.
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Requirements of Supervised Volunteers
Work directly with supervising personnel to
determine assignments.
Always have a classroom teacher,
administrator, or appropriate school
personnel present when with students.
Volunteers who are supervised by a
professional educator shall NOT be required
to submit a background check.
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Requirements of Non-Supervised Volunteers
 Work directly with supervising personnel to determine
 Volunteers who are not supervised by a professional
educator shall be REQUIRED to submit to a background
check and have a current TB Tine Test* on file at the
 Volunteers will provide results of State/Federal
Background Fingerprints.
 Volunteer is responsible for the cost associated with the
State/Federal Background Check.
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
TB Testing Criteria *
Mantoux skin test (PPD) is indicated for:
Persons who are homeless
Persons who have visited a foreign country with endemic TB for > 2 months
Persons who have lived in a foreign country with endemic TB
Children in the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program
Persons required to have TB test by WV law (first entering personnel or volunteer, or a
student, personnel or volunteer who transfers to a WV school from outside the state
border and does not have a documented TST or IGRA result within the previous four
Persons with Diabetes Mellitus
Persons with Silicosis and/or Black Lung Disease
Persons with a history of intestinal bypass or gastrectomy surgery
Persons with malabsorption syndrome
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Background Check Information
MorphoTrust USA
To Register – Call 1-855-766-7746
Monday – Thursday
8:30am – 12:45 pm, 2:00pm – 4:00 pm
Morgantown Address
Pace Enterprise of WV Inc.
889 Mylan Park Lane
Morgantown WV, 26501
From I-79 Exit 155, then 2 miles west on Chaplin Hill Rd.
Turn right onto Mylan Park Ln. next building after Mylan Park Elementary.
There is a large PACE sign out front
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Administration Responsibility
 The school Principal will approve/deny applications at building level.
 The school Principal/designee will provide training for each parent volunteer
that includes these topics:
i. Privacy Rights of Parents and Students
ii. Confidentiality of Students information
iii. Confidentiality of School Information
iv. Racial, Sexual, Religious, Ethnic Harassment Policy
v. Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting Policy
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
Policy 8-15 is available online @
 Click the Policy Tab
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15
This completes your volunteer training. We now ask that
you click on the link below to answer some “Check for
Understanding” questions. You will receive confirmation
after submitting your answers. Results will not be
immediate. Please make sure your email is accurate so
results can be communicated. Thank you.
Click HERE to take quiz
Monongalia County Schools
Policy 8-15