PROFILE Creative and enthusiastic Web Developer

Charles Kaplan Ward
126 Golf Street | Greer, SC 29650 | (864) 419-0004 |
Technical Skills in Web Development
HTML5 / XHTML 2.0 / CSS3 / Javascript 1.8.5 / JQuery 1.9
HTML5 used to create 5 – 10 page websites adhering to W3C standards.
CSS3 used to create layouts and animated objects.
Javascript and JQuery used to create dynamic graphics.
XHTML 2.0 for Mobile devices.
Lotus QuickR 3.0
Technical Skills in Web Design
Adobe Photoshop CS5/ Adobe Illustrator CS5 / Adobe Flash CS5 / Adobe Dreamweaver
CS5 / Adobe After Effects CS5/ Adobe Premiere / HTML5 Video
Create and doctor images, logos and videos.
Create animated banners.
Lissakeole Band Website:
March 2009 - Present
Business Challenge: Lissakeole wanted to have an official website to showcase their music,
pictures, video, event calendar and also the ability to contact the band and schedule concerts.
Solution: Build a website using HTML5 and CSS3. Make music player and photo/video gallery
using JQuery and Javascript.
Outcome: By using HTML5 and CSS3 I was able to create an interactive website that has music
player, a store and picture/video gallery.
Technologies Used:
 HTML 5 / CSS3
 Mobile XHTML 2.0
 Adobe Photoshop CS5/ Adobe Illustrator CS5 / Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 / HTML5 Video
 Javascript and JQuery
Unity Church of Greenville Website:
February 2012 – Present
Business Challenge: The church wanted to increase traffic to their website. Make website easy
for visitors to navigate. They also wanted to be able to change both large and small events.
Solution: Build a website using an online CMS to allow easy access to add or make alterations to
the website and to have the ability to change design on a whim.
Outcome: By using the online CMS, changing small details is fast and anyone with access to can
make quick changes. Traffic has increased due to ease of access and an appealing design.
Technologies used:
 CMS online program called Moonfruit
 HTML4 / CSS2
 Adobe Photoshop CS5/ Illustrator CS5 / Flash CS5 / After Effects CS4 / Premiere CS5
Michelin: NA Mechanical Métier Group
November 2012 – March 2013
(TeamShare Website)
Business Challenge: The NA Mechanical Métier Group needed a website to include all
documents that needed to be viewed by group members. So they didn’t have to go through
Solution: Build a website using intranet teamshare program to allow easy access to documents
and other useful bits of information for the group, also to allow easy maintenance to add or make
alterations to the website and to have the ability to change design on a whim.
Outcome: By using the intranet teamshare, users are able to access information that is useful to
them without having to go through several different pages to find it.
Technologies used:
 Lotus QuickR 3.0
 HTML5 / CSS3
 Adobe Photoshop CS5/ Illustrator CS5 / Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
Contact Information:
 Manager: Rod Henegar
 Phone: 864-787-1823
Michelin: IS Communications Team
June 2013 – August 2013
(Intranet Website)
Business Challenge: Update internal site. Update news banners and articles. Create new
sophisticated pages. Create logos and graphic designs for internal groups.
Solution: Build website pages using intranet program to update links to documents and other
useful bits of information for the company.
Outcome: By using HTML5 and CSS3 I was able to make sophisticated links to documents and
other bits of information, while also using Photoshop and Illustrator to create banners and logos.
Technologies used:
 LifeRay 6.0
 HTML5 / CSS3
 Adobe Photoshop CS5/ Illustrator CS5 / Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
Contact Information:
 Manager: Seth Pack
Game Project
Business Challenge: To have a working game in 10 months
Solution: Build a game using 3d models and Javascript programming.
Outcome: The game was one of the best games to come through this particular degree. It
worked, the player was able to navigate the environment and interact with it.
Technologies Used:
 Unity (Game Engine)
 Adobe Photoshop CS5/ 3d Studio Max
 Javascript
 ITT Technical Institute, Greenville, SC
2008 – 2010 Associates of Science, Multimedia Design
 ITT Technical Institute, Greenville, SC
2010 – 2012 Bachelor of Science, Digital Entertainment and Gaming Design
 NTHS (National Technical Honor Society) 2012
 Who’s Who Among Students 2012
More examples of work can be found on portfolio website: