Parkside Patient Participation Group Minutes of

Parkside Patient Participation Group Minutes of the Meeting Held 5 January 2015
Eastleigh Health Centre 6pm
Apologies Dr Geoff Kell, Val
Attending: Amanda Assistant Manager, Pauline, Val, Dave, Gill, Hazel, Stuart, Kate, Judi Practice
Manager, Marion, Alan, Glenda, Liz
All members were welcomed to the first meeting of 2015 and introduced to one another as we have
recently had new members join us. Dr Kell was unable to attend the meeting as he was Duty Doctor
on this day and completed seeing his appointments with patients on what was a very busy working
The minutes of the meeting held October 2014 were reviewed. Updates are covered later in the
Communication within the Group/ the Virtual Group
As the participation group we have had both a group of patients who attend meetings and a ‘virtual
group’ of patients who communicate by email. Over a period of time, we have found that some
members no longer contact the group and feel that it is important that we do not continue to send
information that it is no longer required. After discussion between the Practice Manager, group chair
and those members attending this meeting a decision was made to amalgamate the two groups into
Parkside Patient Participation Group to include members who only attend meetings, members who
only communicate by email, members who communicate both ways and those members that are
sent information by post.
The chair has offered to undertake a review of our current members wishes and will send an email
to advise all members of the change in administration or alternatively reach them by telephone. Judi
Green is happy that we use the practice as a base and it is the intention that this will take place by
the time of the next meeting (30.3.15). Alan kindly offered to assist the chair with training regarding
the email read receipt/ acknowledgement training. One member had also advised that emails had
been received in the ’spam’ box and one member has asked that all information is now sent by post
to ensure that it is received.
It was also felt that if no communication or acknowledgement of an email had been received from a
member for a period of 12 months, the group would assume that the member no longer wished to
be part of the group.
It is hoped that this decision will simplify the administration side of the group. For the vast majority
of members no difference will be noticed regarding communicating their thoughts and views
whether it be by email to be raised at the meeting or attending meetings themselves.
Proposed CQC Inspection
The Practice underwent a Care Quality Commission Audit in 2013 and standards were met. New
criteria have been introduced and all GP Practices will be inspected by the end of March 2015. This
will mean that Parkside will be audited again. The new inspection is more in depth than before. The
practice will be given two weeks’ notice and will be inspected by four inspectors. The inspection will
include speaking to doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, receptionist and patients in the waiting
room. Judi expects that members of the group will be telephoned to discuss the meetings and an
interview will also take place with the chairperson. The practice will also be expected to present a
PowerPoint presentation. Reports will be produced by all of the inspectors, which will be
amalgamated and these will be presented to an independent adjudicator .
Update on Areas for Audit by the Practice - Review of Information Given to Patient Diagnosed with
As part of the PPG group aims for 2015, the Practice kindly agreed to review information given to
patients, particularly on diagnosis of Diabetes. Differences on information given to patients had
been identified at a local Diabetic Focus Group meeting. Currently at Parkside, patients are
reviewed on a yearly basis and are seen over two appointments by a Healthcare Professional and
Practice Nurse. Judi Green, Practice Manager is looking at introducing a new template to assist staff
with further prompts to ensure that patients discuss all aspects of care e.g foot care, retinopathy,
diet, insulin. As soon as this has been placed onto the system at Parkside and reviewed by Dr Gauba
it is intended that this will be used in the future.
Practice Update
Judi Green advised the group that unfortunately Dr Rider had now left the Practice and was moving
back to Wales. The group would like to thank Dr Rider for the care and dedication given to patients
whilst working at Parkside.
Dr Abraham & Dr White are now on maternity leave.
The Practice is very pleased to have Dr Murray, Dr Ottway, Dr Covell and Dr Brinklow working at the
They are also pleased to welcome back a healthcare assistant from maternity leave. A practice nurse
has now gone on maternity leave and in is anticipated that the practice will need to use a locum
practice nurse to cover this position.
The group send all the ladies on maternity leave their very best wishes for their impending arrivals.
Judi Green advised the group that many practices are struggling to keep GPs and that GPs are now
choosing to work as locum doctors rather than to become partners in a practice.
Phlebotomy Service
With effect from the 1st January 2015 there has been a change to the phlebotomy service offered.
This is as a result of many months of negotiation with the local Commissioning Group. The
Healthcare Assistants will continue to provide a service. In addition to this the Practice in Eastleigh
will now be available as a walk in service for Eastleigh North Patients of other practices between
11:50am to 2pm Monday to Friday. (until appointments have all been taken). Once a month, on a
Saturday morning the practice will be open for the taking of blood tests between 8am to 12pm.
Practices in Romsey & North Baddesley are covering early morning and late evening appointments
to take blood tests. For patients this will mean that for example if one of our patients works in
Romsey they will now be able to have the blood test taken in Romsey saving the patient time. The
Saturday rota will take effect from the 12tht February 2015 to ensure that a blood collection route
can be established.
PracticeTelephone Calls - Recording of Triage Appointment & Calls to Reception
It has been decided that in the near future telephone calls will be recorded during triage
appointments with the Doctors and between staff and patients when calling into reception. These
calls will only be referred to in the event of a complaint and the data will be held totally within the
practice for a six month period. This is to benefit Doctor, staff and patient. A short message will be
announced to advise patients that the recording will be taking place during the call.
Patient Participation Group Networking Meeting
Amanda, Assistant Manager, Kate and Liz attended the networking meeting at Romsey Golf Club on
6 December 2014. Presentations were provided by RAISE (charity supporting community groups)
suggesting ways that PPG could work with local charities to assist in recruitment for their group.
Discussion and a presentation regarding the new Friends & Family Test introduced 1.12.14.
A presentation by Jan Blann- Park & St Francis surgeries, from an established PPG.
A very interesting presentation by Nick Birtley Equality & Diversity Lead WHCCG, to ensure that the
groups are meeting statutory Equality & Diversity requirements.
An update on the work being undertaken.
It was felt that the meeting covered interesting subjects. It is anticipated that at the next planned
meeting in 6 months networking between the various PPG groups would also take place.
Friends & Family Questionnaire
The Practice introduced this new questionnaire in line with the new NHS requirement on 1.12.2014.
This questionnaire had already been introduced in hospitals. Its aim is to seek feedback on every
occasion that you visit the Practice. One question is mandatory (question 1)
Question 1.
We would like you to think about your recent experiences of our service. How likely are you to
recommend our GP Practice to friends and family if they need similar care or treatment?
Extremely likely, Likely, Neither, likely nor unlikely Un likely extremely unlikely, Don't know
Question 2.
Can you tell us why you gave that response?
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this feedback. Please hand this in to a member
of staff.
December 2014 Responses
87 replies received 80% reported a positive response, 9% felt that appointments required
improvement. 11% responses - neither likely or unlikely to recommend
Judi Green advised the group that this questionnaire had been morale boosting for the staff as they
had received many positive comments. The Practice had previously been subject to some negative
comments on the NHS Choices website which was upsetting for the staff.
The questionnaire can be completed at either practice or on line at www.
Risk Management
A member asked regarding the Risk Management Systems used by the Practice. Judi Green
confirmed that all aspects were covered and would bring reports to the group at the next meeting.
The Practice use a Company that provides 24/7 cover to access a solicitor concerning employment