Minutes of the Parkside Patient Participation

Minutes of the Parkside Patient Participation Group Held 13th April
2015 Eastleigh Health Centre
Attending: Judi Green Practice Manager, Rissa Le Grange Assistant Manager, Stuart, Clover, Marion,
Pauline, Kate, Angie, Joan, Liz
Apologies Gil, Val and Dave, Glenda, Hazel, Val. Due to the rescheduling of the meeting a doctor was
unable to attend as they were seeing patients by pre-booked appointments.
Review of previous Meeting Minutes
Care Quality Commission inspection update Judi Green reported that no date had been received as
yet regarding the new inspection of the practice. (expected at the end of March 2015). CQC were re
inspecting all practices including those that had been recently inspected as the criteria had changed
from an outcome based criteria to a key line of enquiry based criteria. The practice met all standards
in the previous inspection (15 months ago.) Delays in both the Inspections and subsequent reports
issued by the CQC had been experienced due to workload.
Phlebotomy Service: The new service implemented on 1.1.15 enables patients from our practice to
use a walk in service between 11 a.m-2 pm for the taking of bloods in addition to appointments
booked with our health care assistants. As of the 1.5.2015 the practice will be open on the 2nd
Saturday of the month between 8AM-12PM also for this service. Eventually patients of 9 practices in
our area will be able to use Parkside surgery and Parkside patients will be able to use other surgeries
in the area for the Phlebotomy service only. A patient’s GP will place a request on the system and
the patient will be able to choose which practice to go into. Details of the blood test required will be
retrieved from the system. Results will be returned to the patients GP practice. Further details of the
practices concerned will be available when the IT for this has been resolved.
Recording of telephone calls : The practice have implemented the recording of telephone calls for
the protection and benefit of patients, doctors and staff. The Practice Manager is the only person
permitted to access these calls.
Practice Update
Staff Update
Unfortunately, Dr Tim Peppiatt will not be joining the practice, Dr Vicky Ottway has resigned and Dr
Heather Covell has taken a partnership elsewhere.
However, Dr Kell & Dr Gauba remain as partners. Dr Eshak, Dr Hilton Dr Murray & Dr Brinklow are
salaried GPs. Dr Boaden is the registrar until the end of July 2015 .
The Practice are advertising for replacement doctors but in eight weeks of advertising no single
application has been received. (This is also the case at another practice) The practice are also
currently using locum doctors to cover vacancies which is not uncommon in general practice but is
more expensive for practices.
Training New GPs :It is also expected that there will be more spaces at the Deanery this summer
than applicants to train as a GP. It is anticipated that no trainee GP will be based at Parkside
between August 2015 and February 2016 but hopefully there will be a trainee GP from February 16
for 6 months.
With regard to nurses at Parkside, Maggie, Nurse Prescriber has reduced her working hours by one
day per week to 4 days. Lynn works 3 sessions per week. Rosemary is on maternity leave and Glen
has recently resigned due to a change in location. The practice is employing a locum nurse for one
day a week from the end of April and two days in May. They are currently advertising to fill the
vacancy for a Practice Nurse.
Patients Not Turning Up for Appointments
This continues to be a problem for the practice. This has been raised at meetings before. The group
felt that is was inconsiderate of patients not to telephone to cancel appointments that were no
longer needed. The appointment could be released for someone else. A reminder will be issued on
the next newsletter in May.
Repeat Prescriptions Using Pharmacy Delivery Service to Practice and Return to Pharmacy once
Judi asked the group for their feedback or suggestions on a small number of problems that had
arisen with prescriptions. On some occasions the time taken for the issue of repeat prescriptions had
not been as the patient had perceived. Patients using a service when they are able to hand their
prescription into a chemist for forwarding to the practice for processing should be aware this
process takes a day (minimum) for the prescription to be received at Parkside. The Practice takes 48
hours to process the request and a further 24 hours to return the authorised prescription to the
chemist for dispensing. Patients need to take into consideration that if the prescription has originally
been handed in midweek to the chemist the medication would not be available to collect at the
weekend. Judi had explained that the practice had tried to contact patients when a delay was
experienced but had found it difficult to reach all patients by telephone. A few patients had run out
of medication.
After a discussion the group suggested the following ideas: general patient notification on the
prescribing website, a reminder placed on the bottom of prescriptions, notification on the next
newsletter, notices at the pharmacies providing the service to deliver and collect the prescription.
Notification by email could be sent if available, a generic email sent rather than multiple telephone
calls made. However,It was also felt that patients should take it upon themselves to allow plenty of
time before a repeat prescription is required to minimise the problem of running out of medication.
We all appreciated this could happen to us all.
The Practice have in excess of 11500 patients registered with them.
Risk Management
The subject of risk management systems used has been raised. Risk Assessment and Risk
Management is an essential component for any practice and it is in place to help reduce the risk of
harm to patients, staff and visitors by improving safety.
It covers both clinical and business risk issues in practice.
Judi Green explained that many subjects were covered (300) and these informed the staff of the
protocol to be used when dealing with a risk. These were all written down and available for ease of
reference. Examples include: Patient Safety, Infection Control (multiple), Emergency Drugs,
Incidence, Data Protection, Safeguarding and recently Ebola
As a protocol becomes out of date and is updated the staff are informed by email. It is a process that
is reviewed.
The Practice pay a monthly fee to use an outside company Penisula for specialist health and safety
advice and employment law advice. This enables access to 24/7 cover. The Practice is also inspected
annually by the company to ensure they are compliant in these topics.
Under the Freedom of Information Act copies of recorded information can be requested by anyone
Diabetes Update
There has been a recent change in the management of patients who have been diagnosed with
diabetes to ensure that all aspects of care are covered. The protocol will be that the patient will be
sent a letter asking them to attend a review with a health care assistant for the checking of blood,
pulse and foot pulse. A week later the patient will be seen by the diabetic nurse to undertake an
annual review and to capture all baseline data into the system. The GP will then review medication
and see the patient as required. The Practice currently care for approximately 400 patients who have
been diagnosed with diabetes.
Review letters are also sent to patients requiring monitoring who are suffering from COPD (1000),
Asthma (700)
Cardiac (900)
Referrals to Hospital Consultant
The group asked if there were restrictions to the number of patients who were being referred to a
hospital consultant or a cost restriction. Judi Green confirmed there were no restrictions in place.
One of the group members made us aware of the Health Involvement Group run by the West
Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group that he had recently joined.
One of the aims of the CCG is to involve, inform and act on public, patient and GP views to design
services based on patient need. The CCG wishes to talk with and to listen to stories and experiences
of their patients, their families and carers to make sure their voice is heard at every stage when they
are planning their healthcare. For further information please visit info@westhampshireccg