First and Last Name Class # Date: 16 Personalities Test Directions: This is a personality test that was designed to help you understand yourself better. It is based on something called the Myers-Briggs test. When you take the test you will find out a lot about yourself. 1. Click on this link: 2. Answer all the questions as truthfully as you can. 3. Read the sentences and decide if you agree or disagree and how much… 4. Click on the thumbs to show how much you agree or disagree with each statement. 3 Thumbs up means agree strongly 3 Thumbs down means disagree strongly 5. It should take you about 12 minutes to finish the test 6. When you are finished taking the test tell me what personality type you have. You will have one these 16 types: a. Analysts-INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP b. Diplomats-INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, c. Sentinals-ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ, d. Explorers- ISTP, ISFP, ESSTP, ESFP 7. Read your personality type descriptions. 8. Be able to tell me if you agree or disagree with their description and why! 9. Share with your shoulder partner what your personality type is. Talk to them about 3 things about your personality type descriptions that are true. 10. Ask them what their personality type is and ask them to tell you 3 things about your personality type descriptions that are true. First and Last Name Class # Date: