Chemistry 202-AS1-AB Chemistry I 1 John Abbott Arts and Sciences Program 700.A0 Chemistry I Program: Course Number: Ponderation: Credits: Competency code: Prerequisite: Arts and Sciences 202-AS1-AB 3-2-3 2 2/3 01Y6 Chemistry 534 Semester: Winter 2013 Lectures: M/W 10-11:30 Lab: F 8:30-10:30 or 10:30-12:30 Instructor: Dr. Michael Lautman Office: HS412 Telephone: 514-457-6610, ext 5880 e-mail: Office Hours: as posted Introduction: The main objectives of the course are to fulfill Competency 01Y6 of the Integrated Arts and Sciences Program and to prepare students to enter the Organic I course of the Science Program (202-DCP) after only one semester of chemistry. Elements from both Chemistry NYB and Chemistry NYA are combined to achieve this objective. Effectively, a student at the end of this course should be able to: a) Demonstrate an awareness of the chemical species present in any reaction mixture. b) Employ Le Châtelier’s principle to manipulate an equilibrium process. c) Demonstrate an awareness of how reactions take place, using simple Collision Theory and Reaction Progress Diagrams. d) Demonstrate the ability to use the mole concept and chemical formulas in carrying out basic chemical calculations. e) Demonstrate an appropriate understanding of the Quantum Theory underlying modern concepts of bonding and atomic and molecular structure and properties. f) Demonstrate an awareness of Valence Bond Theory, including the concepts of hybridization and σ- and π- bonding. Given the chemical formula for a simple organic compound (e.g. C4H6O2): g) Identify and draw 3-D representations of structural isomers, stereoisomers and enantiomers. h) Identify reactive centres within particular isomers, based on bond polarities and concepts such as resonance and conjugation. i) Identify a structural isomer that contains the carboxylic acid group, and demonstrate an awareness of the appropriate acid/base equilibrium in aqueous solution, including the concepts of conjugate base, Ka and Kb. The student must also demonstrate the appropriate choice and use of standard laboratory equipment and techniques. The laboratory is designed to allow the student to practice basic chemical techniques, and to investigate properties of common chemical species, primarily in solution. Computers are used to both collect and analyze data. . Chemistry 202-AS1-AB Chemistry I OBJECTIVES Statement of the Competency To solve problems related to chemical transformations of substances Elements of the Competency 1. Perform analyses of chemical processes quantitatively. 2. Analyze the properties of the elements with the help of a probability model. 3. Predict the electronic structure of molecules. 4. Predict particle interactions in solution. 5. Experiment with chemical processes. 2 STANDARDS General Performance Criteria: Individually With the help of a Periodic Table With the help of computer software In the laboratory, employing proper and safe procedures Occasional production of reports Specific Performance Criteria: Specific performance criteria for each of the elements of the competency are shown below, with the corresponding Intermediate Learning Objectives. For the items in the list of learning objectives, it is understood that each is preceded by: ‘The student is expected to be able to….’ Chemistry 202-AS1-AB Specific Performance Criteria 1. Simple Chemical Reactions in Solution. 1.1. Use of the particulate nature of matter and stoichiometry to describe and analyze some simple chemical reactions in aqueous solution. Chemistry I Intermediate Learning Objectives 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4. 1.1.5. 1.1.6. 1.1.7. 1.1.8. 1.1.9. 1.1.10. 1.1.11. 1.1.12. 1.1.13. 1.2. Description of rate of reaction. 1.2.1. 2. Describe the following fundamental particles: atom, molecule, ion, electron. Describe the nature of solids, liquids and gases in terms of the motions of the fundamental particles. Define the terms: element, pure substance, mixture, compound, molecular compound, ionic compound. Describe the species present when these compounds dissolve in water. Write formulas for basic chemical substances – chemical nomenclature. Count amounts of substance present, using the 'mole' concept. Define molarity and molality. Describe how to prepare solutions of specific molarity from pure substances and from other solutions (dilution). Recognize and classify various essentially irreversible processes, specifically electron transfer and double replacement reactions. Write balanced chemical equation representing the processes described above: ‘net ionic equations’. Define: limiting and excess reactant, theoretical, actual and percent yield, percent composition and percent purity. Solve problems involving essentially irreversible processes, using basic principles of stoichiometry and "IRF" tables. Define pH with respect for strong acids and bases. 1.2.3. 1.2.4. 1.2.5. Describe a chemical reaction in terms of Collision Theory and utilizing a Reaction Progress Diagram. Define rate of reaction in terms of the rate of disappearance of reactants and the appearance of products. Write the general rate law for a given reaction. Define and interpret 'order' of reaction and 'rate constant' of a reaction. Determine ‘order’ of reaction and ‘rate constant’ given experimental data. 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.3.3. Define the equilibrium constant, K. Apply Le Châtelier's principle, qualitatively and quantitatively. Solve problems involving reversible processes using "IRE" tables. 2.1.1. Predict when chemical species behave according to classical mechanics and Coulomb’s Law. Describe the Rutherford model of the atom. Describe the properties of the electron, and its dominant effect on the behaviour of chemical species. 1.2.2. 1.3. Description of chemical equilibrium in qualitative and quantitative terms. 3 The Structure of Chemical Species. 2.1. Description of atomic structure. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.2. Description of the hydrogen atom. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. Discuss the importance of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in understanding the behaviour of the electron in the hydrogen atom. Correctly interpret the line spectra of the hydrogen atom in terms of electron energy levels. Show an appropriate understanding of the Principal Quantum Number, the concept of the ‘boundary surface orbital’ and the concept of electron spin. Specific Performance Criteria Chemistry 202-AS1-AB 2.3. Description of multielectron atoms. 2.4. Description of some atomic properties related to electron configurations. 2.5. Description of the ionic bond. 2.6. Description of the covalent bond. 2.7. Description of molecules and complex ions. 2.8. Description of the molecules and ions of organic chemistry. Chemistry I 4 Intermediate Learning Objectives 2.3.1. Appreciate the approximate nature of the quantum mechanical model of the helium atom. 2.3.2. Show an appropriate understanding of the quantum numbers ‘l’ and ‘ml’, the Pauli Exclusion Principal, and Hund’s rule. 2.3.3. Write electron configurations for multielectron atoms, using the appropriate sequence of energy levels and the ‘aufbau’ principle. 2.3.4. Draw Lewis structures of atoms. 2.4.1. Describe trends in atomic and ionic radii. 2.4.2. Describe trends in ionization energies. 2.4.3. Distinguish between electron affinity and electronegativity, and describe trends in these properties. 2.5.1. Use a Born-Haber cycle to describe and discuss the formation of an ionic compound. 2.6.1. Show an appropriate understanding of Valence Bond Theory, including the concepts of ‘orbital overlap’, the ‘electron pair’ bond and hybridization. 2.6.2. Describe σ and π bonding. 2.6.3. Demonstrate an awareness of valence bond properties such as: bond length, bond energy and bond polarity. 2.7.1. Draw Lewis structures of simple molecules and complex ions, based on Valence Bond Theory, including the concept of resonance. 2.7.2. Draw 3-D representations of simple molecules using basic VSEPR theory. 2.8.1. Demonstrate an appreciation of the important capacity of carbon for ‘concatenation’, the tendency to bond to ‘itself’ (i.e., to other carbon atoms). 2.8.2. Demonstrate an understanding of the range of chain structures possible. 2.8.3. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and importance of isomerism in molecular species. 3. Bringing it all together (focus on organic chemistry). 3.1. Description and analysis of the system of chemical species, C4H6O2. 3.1.1. Draw a series of Lewis Structures and 3-D representations for various C4H6O2 species, illustrating the concepts of structural isomers, diastereomers and enantiomers. 3.1.2. Indicate, for each species in 3.1.1, any charge asymmetry because of bond polarities, and suggest the likely point of acid and /or base attack. 3.1.3. Draw a Lewis structure for the C4H6O2 species that is a ‘carboxylic acid’ and write an equilibrium equation representing its acid/base behaviour. 3.1.4. Identify acid/base ‘conjugates’ appearing in 3.1.3, and discuss the role of ‘resonance’ in stabilizing one species over another. 3.1.5. Demonstrate, using the equilibrium cited in 3.1.3, how an equilibrium system may be manipulated to advantage (principle of Le Châtelier). Chemistry 202-AS1-AB Chemistry I 5 Methodology The course will be 75 hours, divided into Lecture and Laboratory periods, as follows: Lectures: 45 hours. Two 1.5-hour lectures per week, consisting of the introduction of new material, usually accompanied by the working of sample problems. In addition, preparation for upcoming laboratory sessions will occasionally be discussed during lecture time. Laboratory Sessions: 30 hours. One 2-hour laboratory session per week. These sessions will include practice in the basic techniques of experimental chemistry, experiments designed to verify certain properties of solutions, and experiments that illustrate the properties of some reactions that occur in solution. The chemistry laboratories are equipped with computers interfaced with various instruments and students will be trained in their use. Periodically, laboratory sessions may be used for workshops that will help the student cope with course material. Required Texts Textbook: Chemistry, A Molecular Approach with Mastering Chemistry (2nd Ed.) (bookstore) Other materials: Molecular Model Kit (bookstore) Laboratory Requirements Safety glasses must be worn at all times in the laboratory. Good quality safety glasses are available from the bookstore or from most hardware stores (~ $10-20). Normal prescription glasses may be worn, but for safety reasons, the use of contact lenses is not permitted. A sturdy cotton lab coat is required. These are available from the bookstore (~ $20). Evaluation Unit Tests (3 tests of equal value) Final Exam Laboratory Assignments/quizzes 30% (Feb 20, April 10, May 8) 30% 25% 15% Please Note: a) A student may drop the lowest test mark if it is lower than the final exam mark, so that the remaining tests are worth 20% of the final grade, and the final exam is worth 40% of the final grade. This arrangement is not available for a student who is assigned a grade of zero on a unit test because of cheating. b) To pass the laboratory portion of the course, a minimum of 60% of the total laboratory grade must be obtained. Failing this, a laboratory grade of zero will be given and a maximum grade of 55 will be allowed for the course. c) Notwithstanding other class grades, if a student passes the laboratory portion of the course, a grade of 60% or more on the final exam will guarantee a pass in the course. Course Costs The major course costs are specified above. However, an instructor may require the student to purchase additional materials, such as a laboratory notebook (approx. $10) or course notes (approx. $10). Chemistry 202-AS1-AB Chemistry I 6 Regulations a) Regular attendance is expected. If lectures are missed, it is the responsibility of the student to cover the material missed and to be aware of any announcements made concerning assignments, quizzes, tests or changes to the laboratory schedule. b) Students must attend the laboratory session in which they are officially registered. c) There will be no make-up tests, quizzes or laboratory periods. If you miss an evaluation session or deadline due to illness, you must notify your instructor as soon as possible. A valid medical note is required to prove absence for a medical reason. If a test is missed for a valid reason, then the final exam mark will be used as a basis for a substitute for the missed test mark. Late homework will not be accepted. d) Periodically there may be workshops held during the laboratory period. Attendance is required. Quizzes or assignments may be given during these workshops. e) A special note concerning the use of chemicals: this course uses chemicals as part of its normal teaching practices. If a student has experienced allergic reactions in the past due to any particular chemical or chemicals, or for any other reason the student feels that exposure to chemicals may result in harm, he or she must inform the instructor. In the event that an allergic reaction is experienced at the college, the student should report to Campus Security immediately (local 5226, 5231, or 9-514-398-7770). f) Cell phones and computers may only be used during class for pedagogical purposes. College Policies a) Cheating and Plagiarism: The College has a universal policy on cheating and plagiarism, which is upheld in this course. The student is referred to the IPESA for further information. b) Mid-semester Assessment: All students will receive a mid-semester assessment, to give them some idea of how they are progressing in the course. This assessment has no percentage value in calculating the final grade. c) It is the responsibility of all students to keep all assessed material for at least one month past the grade review deadline in the event that they would want to request a grade review. Students can learn more about their rights and responsibilities by reading the IPESA. d) Students must inform their instructor, in advance, of anticipated absences, including religious holidays. Students who wish to observe religious holidays must inform their teacher of their intent, in writing, within the first two weeks of the semester.