Honors GPA Worksheet Obtain an unofficial copy of your transcript from your ISIS account (Grades Screen). Fill in the course and grade information below for every course that is required for your major. Do not include other courses or courses that are only taken for distribution credit. Bring this completed worksheet, your transcript, and the honors form with you to the department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. The names of these directors are listed on the advising website- www.advising.jhu.edu. GPA Point KEY: Grade GPA Points Dept. Number 200 Course Number 101 A+ 4.0 A 4.0 A3.7 B+ 3.3 B B- 3.0 Course Title Introduction to Psychology 2.7 C+ C 2.3 Grade A- C2.0 1.7 GPA Points 3.7 Calculate the sums of the Course Credits and Grade Points earned and insert totals at right: Divide the total Grade Points by the Course Credit Total , enter GPA at right: D+ 1.3 D F 1.0 0.0 Course Credit 3 Grade Points Earned 3.7 x 3 = 11.1 Total Credits Total GP Earned