COPING MEDIATES AND MODERATES EXECUTIVE FUNCTION AND ADJUSTMENT Supplementary Information Coping mediates and moderates the relationship between executive functions and psychological adjustment in multiple sclerosis. Page 1 COPING MEDIATES AND MODERATES EXECUTIVE FUNCTION AND ADJUSTMENT Results Note: bolded results in tables indicate that they are statistically significant. Table 1.: Mean differences between participants with MS and published normative data for the general population for outcome variables. Significant variables bolded. Affective Domains Current MS Sample Normative Data Mean St. Dev Mean St. Dev Sig. Cohen’s d Depression State Anxiety Trait Anxiety Hassles Frequency Hassles Severity 11.96 30.66 39.89 40.48 1.44 8.09 9.15 11.84 15.65 .32 35.59 34.87 20.50 1.47 10.45 9.20 17.70 .39 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 .55 .50 .47 1.20 Normative data was taken from that provided in the manuals for the Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996), State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983) and Hassles and Uplifts scale (Lazarus & Folkman, 1989). Table 2 below provides the mean and standard deviation for measures of executive function for the current sample of people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) and normative samples, which were used for comparative purposes. Significant differences between the current sample and normative data were identified using t-Test and, where significant, Cohen’s d effect size measures are provided. Table 2. Mean differences between participants and published normative data for executive function tasks. Multiple Sclerosis Normative Samples1 Age N M SD Age No M SD t-Test RSpan 48.8 (11.1) 107 39.0 17.1 17-35 5537 53.8 15.9 9.52 df 5642 Sig. <.0001 WLG-F 48.8 (11.1) 107 13.6 4.7 48.6 (17.2) 115 14.41 4.5 1.31 220 .19 WLG-A 48.8 (11.1) 107 20.5 5.4 16-79 507 18.11 4.8 4.57 612 <.0001 Hayling 48.8 (11.1) 107 5.9 1.2 45.1 (19.5) 71 6.1 1.6 0.95 176 .34 TMT B-A 48.8 (11.1) 107 42.4 21.0 25-69 328 36.9 18.1 2.62 433 .009 .28 ECD 48.8 (11.1) 6.8 3.1 50-80 91 7.9 2.9 2.56 196 .01 .37 Vis Elevator 48.8 (11.1) 7.9 2.2 50-80 91 7.4 2.8 1.41 196 .16 MSET 48.8 (11.1) 107 3.7 .55 16-87 216 3.5 .80 2.33 321 .002 .29 Zoo Map 48.8 (11.1) 107 2.8 1.0 16-87 216 2.4 1.1 3.17 321 .002 .38 Action Prog 48.8 (11.1) 107 3.8 .55 16-87 216 3.8 .52 0.00 321 1.0 SDMT 48.8 (11.1) 107 52.4 12.6 40-64 3889 53.2 10.8 0.75 3994 .45 1 References for published normative data included: Reading Span (Redick et al., 2012); WLG-F (Salthouse, Toth, Hancock, & Woodard, 1997); WLG-A (Tombaugh, Kozak, & Rees, 1999); Hayling (Burgess & Shallice, 1997); TMT B-A (Tombaugh, 2003, cited in Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2006, p. 663), ECD and Visual Elevator (Robertson, Ward, Ridgeway, & NimmoSmith, 1994); MSET, Zoo Map and Action Program (Norris & Tate, 2000); SDMT (Jorm, Anstey, Christensen, & Rodgers, 2004); IGT (Bechara, 2007); DEX-S and DEX-I (Chan, 2001). Page 2 Cohen’s d .90 .47 COPING MEDIATES AND MODERATES EXECUTIVE FUNCTION AND ADJUSTMENT IGT 48.8 (11.1) 107 50.5 9.5 45.2 (19.4) 264 49.8 10.1 0.62 369 .586 DEX-S 48.8 (11.1) 107 21.4 10.9 34.7 (10.4) 93 22.1 8.9 0.49 198 .608 DEX-I 48.8 (11.1) 107 18.3 13.5 - 93 20.6 10.5 1.33 198 .185 RSpan = Reading Span; WLG-F = Word List Generation-F; WLG-A = Word List Generation-Animals, Hayling = Hayling Sentence Completion: TMT B-A = Trail Making Test B-A; ECD = Elevator Counting with Distraction; Vis Elevator = Visual Elevator; MSET = Modified 6 Elements; Action Prog = Action Program; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modalities Test; IGT = Iowa Gambling Task; DEX-S = Dysexecutive Questionnaire Self-Report; DEX-I = Dysexecutive Questionnaire Independent Report. As shown in the above table, PwMS performed significantly worse compared with normative data for Reading Span, although age matched normative data was not available for participants older than 35-years, which may have influenced this result. PwMS performed significantly poorer than normative expectations for Trail Making Test (TMT B-A) and Elevator Counting with Distraction (ECD). The effect size for the significant mean difference for Reading Span was large, whereas it was small-to-medium for TMT B-A and ECD (Cohen, 1988). PwMS performed significantly better at Word List Generation (WLG) Animals than normative data, with a medium effect size, although a closer examination of the normative data showed that there was a larger percentage of participants in the 70-79 year age range (n=283, 44.6%), which impacted this result. The current sample of PwMS had three participants in the same age range (2.8% of participants). When normative participants in the 70-79 year age range were excluded, leaving the age range between 16 and 69, there was no longer a significant between group difference, t= (388) 1.45, p=.15. PwMS performed significantly better than normative expectations for Modified Six Elements (MSET) and Zoo Map, both showing a small to medium effect size. There were no mean differences found for WLG-F, Hayling, Visual Elevator, Action Program, Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) or Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). There was also no significant mean difference between PwMS and normative data for dysexecutive questionnaire self- (DEX-S) and informant-report (DEX-I), although the available normative data for the DEX inventories was collected in a younger sample than used in the current study. Page 3 COPING MEDIATES AND MODERATES EXECUTIVE FUNCTION AND ADJUSTMENT References Bechara, A. (2007). Iowa Gambling Task: Professional Manual. Lutz, FL: PAR. Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., & Brown, G. K. (1996). Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition Manual. San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation. Burgess, P. W., & Shallice, T. (1997). The Hayling and Brixton Tests. Thurston, Suffolk: Thames Valley Test Company. Chan, R. C. K. (2001). Dysexecutive symptoms among a non-clinical sample: A study with the use of the Dysexecutive Questionnaire. British Journal of Psychology, 92(3), 551-565. Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Jorm, A. F., Anstey, K. J., Christensen, H., & Rodgers, B. (2004). Gender differences in cognitive abilities: The mediating role of health state and health habits. Intelligence, 32, 7-23. Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1989). Manual for the Hassles and Uplifts Scales: Research Edition. Palo Alto, California: Consulting Psychologists Press. Norris, G., & Tate, R. L. (2000). The Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS): Ecological, concurrent and construct validity. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10, 33-45. Redick, T. S., Broadway, J. M., Meier, M. E., Kuriakose, P. S., Unsworth, N., Kane, M. J., & Engle, R. W. (2012). Measuring working memory capacity with automated complex span tasks. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 28, 164-171. Robertson, I., Ward, T., Ridgeway, V., & Nimmo-Smith, I. (1994). Test of Everyday Attention. London: Thames Valley Test Company. Salthouse, T. A., Toth, J., Hancock, H. E., & Woodard, J. L. (1997). Controlled and automatic forms of memory and attention: Process purity and the uniqueness of age-related influences. Journals of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 52B, 216-228. Spielberger, C. D., Gorsuch, R. L., Lushene, R. E., Vagg, P. R., & Jacobs, G. A. (1983). STAI Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. California: Mind Garden. Strauss, E., Sherman, M. S. E., & Spreen, O. (2006). A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Administratration, Norms, and Commentary (3rd Edition ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tombaugh, T. N., Kozak, J., & Rees, L. (1999). 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