programs and services

Phone Card Programs: Airmen can receive a
$20 phone card compliments of the Air Force
Aid Society prior to deployment, remote or
extended TDY.
Family and Work Life Program
Key Spouse: Focal point for information and
support to families in their squadrons.
A&FRC Calendar: We have an electronic
newsletter each month that list our events and
classes. You can have it sent right to your home
or at work. Just send us an e-mail to request it.
Exceptional Family Member Program
(EFMP): The A&FRC can discuss and
recommend appropriate local, state, and
national resources to help families who are
enrolled in the EFMP process receive assistance
through the military and/or civilian community.
Transition Program: Separating or retiring
military personnel are provided transition
information on career planning and job search
skills, and have access to employment
opportunities through workshops, seminars, and
individual sessions.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
Workshop: This five-day workshop, cosponsored with the Department of Labor and
Department of Veterans Affairs is for active
duty members who are planning to retire or
separate within the next 12 months. The
program gives a thorough overview on how to
prepare for a smoother transition into the
civilian workforce in such areas as jobsearching, tips to re-careering, resume writing
skills, interview preparation, government
applications, employment opportunities,
dressing successfully for an interview,
budgeting, relocation information, finances, and
household goods movement.
Resume and Interview Workshop: Learn the
basics for writing effective resumes and the
latest in interview techniques.
Welcome to
Columbus AFB, MS
from your
Discovery Resource Center: Computers with
Internet access are available for job searches,
assessments, resumes, cover letters, state and
federal applications, and companies’
employment information. Also includes a
lending library with books and DVDs for EFMP
Employment Expo: Columbus AFB takes part
in an annual Employment Expo held each Fall.
Electronic resumes may be submitted to other
job fairs in the state.
Employment Assistance Program: Provides
individual assessment and career counseling to
military families and DoD civilian members.
The goals of the program are to assist military
families and DoD civilians in preparation for
future career endeavors via education, job
search, or self-owned business objectives in the
local area.
Small Business: This workshop includes
information on obtaining small business loans
and marketing strategies.
Resume and Electronic Job
Search Info!
Jun 2014
Located at 166 C Circle, across
from the Medical Clinic.
Operating hours: 0730-1630,
Monday thru Friday.
For more information on
programs, call 434-2790 or
Welcome to Columbus Air Force Base
The Columbus AFB Airman & Family
Readiness Center is the service organization for
base families and is a one-stop location where
individuals can obtain reliable information and
assistance on a wide range of important topics
Programs and Services include:
Air Force Aid Society: Provides emergency
financial assistance to eligible military members
for basic needs such as emergency travel or
unexpected vehicle repairs. Programs
sponsored by the agency include the following:
Bundles of Joy: Discusses finances, labor and
delivery, and infant care for active duty and/or
spouses who are pregnant or have a child up to
4 months of age. Includes a FREE gift package
for baby!
Car Care Because We Care: Provides oil &
filter replacement for spouse whose sponsor is
deployed, remote, or on extended TDY 30 days
or more.
Child Care for PCS: Members can receive 20
hours of child care per child within 60 days of
arrival to or departure from Columbus AFB.
Child care is provided by the CDC or Youth
Center and paid for by the AFAS.
Pre-Paid Phone Card: Deployed, remote, or
going TDY for 30 days or more? Keep in touch
with this free $20 pre-paid phone card.
Respite Care: Paid care for a family member
with special needs. Referral from Exceptional
Family Member Program Medical Office
(EFMP-M) is required.
Heart Link Spouse Welcome: An orientation
program designed especially for spouses who
have been with the Air Force 5 years or less or
new to CAFB.
Personal Financial Readiness Program:
Provides education, information, counseling,
credit management, financial planning, TSP
information and education.
Personal Financial Readiness Planning: A
workshop that deals with basic financial
management to include learning to invest,
budgeting and credit management.
Basic Investment: Seminar that provides
information and education to include definitions
and basic knowledge of investing.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP): Learn about TSP
and its options and benefits at this workshop.
Insurance Needs: An seminar to learn about
insurance of all types.
Relocation Program: Helps all military and
DoD members prepare for relocation. Assists in
planning moves, deals with unique situations
and addresses concerns that may occur in the
moving process.
Smooth Move Workshop Valuable information
for relocating members/families. Learn what to
expect before you move from TMO, Housing,
Military Pay, Lodging, Tri-Care, Medical
Records and A&FRC. Advance registration
Sponsorship Training: Offered monthly to teach
newly assigned sponsors the duties and
responsibilities of being a good sponsor. Our
online E-Sponsor package is available at
Wing Newcomers Orientation: Held every three
weeks from 0800 -1200 for newly arrived AD
and civilian personnel.
Relocation Resources: Plan My Move and
Military Installations are available at Plan My Move
provides you with access to information about
your entitlements and benefits, points of
contact, checklists, planning tools, and
information on education and employment.
Some base brochures, videos, and language
tapes are available for checkout.
Loan Closet: Household items are available on
a loan basis to tide you over once your
household shipments are gone or prior to their
arrival--located at Outdoor Rec.
Family Readiness Program: Provides
planning, education and training to alleviate the
stressors associated with deployment.
Hearts Apart: Monthly social event for family
members whose sponsor is deployed, remote or
on extended TDY 30 days or more.
Give Parents A Break Program: Designed to
allow parents to have a break from child care.
This program pays for child care at the Child
Development Center or Youth Center one day
each month. Hours vary.
Car Care Because We Care: Provides oil &
filter replacement for spouse whose sponsor is
deployed, remote, or on extended TDY 30 days
or more.