MYP 10 Vol_of_GasesWS2

MYP 10 Chemistry 2012-13
Volume of Gases Worksheet
Name: _________________________________ ( )
Class: _________ Date: _____________
Reacting volumes of gases
1. Calculate the volume of oxygen needed to burn 200 cm3 of propane.
C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)  3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)
2. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide produced by the combustion of 0.500 dm3 of butane, C4H10.
[2.00 dm3]
3. Excess steam and methane react together according to the equation below.
H2O(g) + CH4(g)  CO(g) + 3H2(g)
What volume of hydrogen can be obtained from 200 cm3 of methane, measured at the same temperature
and pressure?
4. 10 cm3 of ethene, C2H4, is burned in 40 cm3 of oxygen, producing carbon dioxide ad some liquid water.
Some oxygen remained.
(a) Write the equation for the complete combustion of ethene.
(b) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide and the volume of oxygen remaining.
[(b)20 cm3CO2,10 cm3O2]
5. What volume of sulphur dioxide , measured at r.t.p., is produced on heating 9.1 g of nickel sulphide, NiS,
in oxygen?
2NiS + 3O2  2NiO + 2SO2
6. When 20 cm3 of a gaseous hydrocarbon is reacted with excess oxygen the gaseous products consist of
80 cm3 of carbon dioxide, CO2, and 80 cm3 of steam, H2O, measured under the same conditions of
pressure and temperature. Deduce the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon.
Molar volume of a gas
7. Calculate the volume of
(a) oxygen in dm3 at stp that contains 1.35 mol of molecules.
(b) 0.020g of hydrogen at stp.
8. Calculate the amount of hydrogen gas in 175 cm3 at stp.
9. Calculate the number of molecules present in 2.85 dm3 of carbon dioxide at stp.
[7.81 x 10-3mol]
[7.65 x 1022]
10. Calculate the density ( in grams per cubic decimetre, gdm-3) of argon gas at stp. [The relative atomic
mass fr argon is 39.95].
11. 20.8 grams of a gas occupies 7.44 dm3 at stp. Determine the molar mass of the gas.
12. When 3.06 grams of potassium chlorate(V), KClO3, is heated it produces 840 cm3 of oxygen ( at stp)
and leaves a residue of solid potassium chloride, KCl. Deduce the balanced equation. [The molar mass
of potassium chlorate(V) is 122.5 gmol-1]
The gas laws
13. A sample of gas collected in a 350 cm3 container exerts a pressure of 101kPa. Calculate the volume of
this gas at a pressure of 150 kPa (Assume that the temperature remains constant)
[240 cm3]
14. A 4.50 dm3 sample of gas is warmed at a constant pressure from 300 K to 350 K. Calculate its final
[5.25 dm3]
15. 10 dm of a gas is found to have a pressure of 97 000 Pa at 25.0 C. What would be the temperature
required (in degree Celsius) to change the pressure to 101 325 Pa?
16. The temperature of a gas sample is changed from 27 C to 2727 C at constant volume. What is the ratio
of the final pressure to the initial pressure?
17. At 60 C and 1.05 x 10 Pa the volume of a sample of gas collected is 60 cm . What would be the
volume of the gas at stp?
[51 cm3]
18. At 273 K and 101 325 Pa, 12.64 grams of a gas occuy 4.00 dm3. Calculate the relative molecular mass
of a gas.
19. Calculate the relative molecular mass of a gas which has a density of 2.615 gdm-3 at 298 K and
101 325 Pa.
20. A balloon, which can hold a maximum of 1000 cm3 of nitrogen before bursting, contains 955 cm3 of
nitrogen at 50C.
(a) Determine whether the balloon will burst if the temperature is increased to 300C.
(b) Use the kinetic theory to explain what happens to the molecules of nitrogen inside the balloon as
the temperature is increased to 300C.
[(a)1041 cm3]
21(a) Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas evolved at 273 K and 1 atm pressure when 0.623 g of
magnesium reacts with 27.3 cm3 of 1.25 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid.
(b) Calculate the volume occupied by the hydrogen evolved if the gas had been collected at 220C and at
a pressure of 1.12 atm.
(c) The actual volume of hydrogen collected under these conditions was 342 cm3 Determine the
percentage yield.
[(a)0.382 dm3(b) 369 cm3(c)89.5%]