Fundamentals of Vocational Assessment Mike Ahlers MMDS, CVE Roles of the Evaluator Vocational/Career Expert Disability Specialist Educator Vocational Assessment A general term for the process of identifying and appraising an individual’s level of functioning in relation to vocational preparation and employment decision making. Purpose of Assessment To gather employability related information with an individual that will assist/empower that individual in making vocational decisions. Outcome of Assessment To help identify and plan for services or activities needed to assist the person in his/her career goals. Outcome of Assessment To increase the individual’s knowledge of his/her capabilities and jobs so appropriate occupational choices can be made. Principles of Assessment Behavioral observation and personal interaction are critical Information (findings) must be verified It is essential to use a variety of approaches and methods to provide fair and accurate vocational assessment Principles of Assessment Assessment is ongoing and developmental Assessment is required to make decisions and develop plans Assessment represents an integral part of larger processes or systems To have value, it must be used and useful Principles of Assessment Assessment requires collaboration and several sources of input Information must be current, valid, and relevant Assessment is systematic and organized, but flexible Informed Choice A decision made by a person served that is based upon sufficient experience and knowledge, including exposure, awareness, interactions, or instructional opportunities, so that the choice is made with adequate awareness of the alternatives and consequences of the options available. Team The team, at a minimum, should include the person served and the primary personnel directly involved in the participatory process of defining, refining, and meeting goals. 2002 CARF Standards Glossary Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Standards Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation Services Vocational Evaluation 1. 2. 3. An individual written evaluation plan is developed for each person The plan is prepared by the person seeking employment and the evaluator The plan identifies questions to be answered, how they will be answered, who will answer them, and assistive technology to be used Vocational Evaluation 4. 5. 6. The plan is modified as necessary A vocational evaluator or vocational specialist provides or supervises the services One or more of the following are used: Work samples, situational assessment, psychological testing Vocational Evaluation 7. 8. 9. When work samples are used, written instructions specify the materials used, layout, methods, and scoring When situational assessments are used they are evaluated as to appropriateness based upon individual needs When psychological testing is used, it is done by qualified persons Vocational Evaluation 10. When a functional capacities assessment is performed, the report identifies functional strengths and needs, accommodations, and supports available for community inclusion. Vocational Evaluation 11. Vocational Evaluation services have the capability to assess or obtain the following: a. b. c. d. Ability to learn about oneself Educational and vocational achievements Assistive technology needed Community and employment supports needed e. Environmental conditions needed Vocational Evaluation f. Tool/job site modification or adaptive equipment needed g. Work and non-work needs h. Independent living skills i. Intellectual capacities j. Interests, aptitudes, and career aspirations k. Job-seeking and job-keeping skills l. Knowledge of occupational information Vocational Evaluation m. Learning styles, including ability to understand, recall, and respond n. Loss of access and/or loss of earnings o. Personal, social & work related behaviors p. Physical and psychomotor capacities q. Possible employment objectives r. Transferable skills s. Work skills and tolerances t. Modes of communication Vocational Evaluation 12. The information in each written evaluation report: a. Answers the referral questions b. Is shared with the person seeking employment c. Is disseminated in a timely manner d. Is relevant to the desired employment outcome Transferable Skills “Occupationally significant characteristics not directly affected or eliminated by the individual’s physical or emotional disabilities.” Skills Transfer Definition A person is considered to have skills that can be used in jobs other than those performed previously when the skilled or semi-skilled work activities from past jobs can be used to meet the requirements of skilled or semiskilled work activities of other jobs or kinds of work. Adaptive Transferable Skills Arrives to work on time Comes to work regularly Works scheduled hours Calls in when absent Works without constant supervision Gets along with others Follows rules Turns out quality work Functional Transferable Skills Makes complex decisions Deals with people Works to standards Performs a variety of duties Lifts/carries Applies common sense Sees pertinent details Performs arithmetic operations Content Transferable Skills Machines Methods Tools Equipment Work Aids Knowledge Rehabilitation Hierarchy 1) 2) 3) The client can return to work at the same job with the same employer without modifications; The client can return to work at the same job with the same employer with modifications; The client can return to work with the same employer at a different job without modifications and at equal or better pay; Rehabilitation Hierarchy 4) 5) 6) The client can return to work with the same employer at a different job with modification at equal or better pay; The client can return to work with a different employer at the same job without modifications at equal or better pay; The client can return to work with a different employer at the same job with modifications at equal or better pay; Rehabilitation Hierarchy 7) 8) 9) The client can return to work with a different employer at a job in which he or she has never been employed, but for which the client has transferable skills and formal training is not required; The client may return to work only if formal training is available and the client has the ability to successfully complete such training; The client does not have potential for competitive employment. Referral Questions What do you want to know? What information do you already have? Type of assessment will depend upon the questions asked. Assessment There are three levels: Level I – Screening Level II – Clinical/Exploratory Level III – Vocational Evaluation Level I – Screening The initial process designed to arrive at a decision for vocational planning. This approach may consist of interviews, functional assessment, limited standardized testing, collecting and analyzing background information. It is used to assess one or two specific skills related to a specific vocational option. Level II – Clinical/Exploratory A process to further investigate vocationally relevant information. It may include additional interviewing, additional vocational counseling, additional standardized testing, transferable skills analysis and/or job matching. Adaptive transferable skills are usually not an issue. Vocational options are not yet known. Level III – Vocational Evaluation A comprehensive process when more indepth information is needed beyond Levels I and II that systematically uses work to assist individual’s vocational development and career decision making. The process can use work samples, standardized tests, situational assessments, behavioral observation, community based assessment, transferable skill analysis, job matching and background analysis. Adaptive and functional transferable skills are questionable or not known. Taxonomy The DOT, O*Net & SOC Occupational Network replaces the Dictionary of Occupations Titles Over 12,000 job titles reduced to 900 Standard Occupational Classification Assessment Tools Behavior observation Psychometric testing Work samples Situational Assessment Community-based work assessment Additional Services: – Rehabilitation Engineering – Physical Therapy assessment – Occupational Therapy assessment Psychometric Testing Interest Inventories Personality profiles Aptitude tests Achievement tests Dexterity performance tests Learning style assessments Values identification surveys Work Sample A well-defined work activity involving tasks, materials, and tools that are identical or similar to those in an actual job or cluster of jobs. Valpar JEVS McCarron Dial Situational Assessment Systematic observation process for evaluating work related behaviors and skills within a controlled or semicontrolled work setting. Although any type of task or situation may be used, real work is most often recommended for relevance and authenticity. Community-based Work Assessment Prior to the community-based work assessment, the evaluator should have information from a Job Analysis. This Job analysis describes what the worker does in terms of activities or function; How the work is done; Results of the work; Worker characteristics; and context of the work in terms of environmental and organizational factors. Community-based Work Assessment A specific tool used in the Level III Vocational Assessment Usually part of an individualized comprehensive vocational assessment Uses real work in a competitive, integrated setting Work consistent with the client’s stated, implied, tested interests Community-based Work Assessment Performances are evaluated by evaluation personnel in coordination with the employer and supervisor. Not intended to result in employment. This is an assessment tool, not a placement tool! Community-based Work Assessment Answers the referral questions Results / report should include: Learning style Performance, quality, consistency, stamina Transferable skills Potential for success, possible training Accommodations Other options Community-based Work Assessment Done when the questions are answered Paid for participating Workers Compensation coverage Additional Services Rehabilitation Engineering Physical Therapy Assessment Occupational Therapy Assessment Vocational Assessment Report A synthesized interpretation of assessment information that provides rationale for recommended steps and plans. Report Format Basic Headings Services Provided Identifying Information Assessment Summary Behavior Observations Conclusion Report Format Dream Intermediate Entry-level Program Evaluation KANSAS REHABILITATION SERVICES CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTERS CUSTOMER ASSESSMENT FOLLOW UP We are very interested in your comments about the Career Development Centers (CDC) services. Please spend a few minutes completing this form so we can collect information about our program. Please mark one answer for each statement corresponding to whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Any suggestions on how we can improve our services will be welcomed and appreciated. KANSAS REHABILITATION SERVICES CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTERS Your Name:_________________________________ 90 DAY FOLLOW UP 1) The assessment results were helpful to make some decisions about work options In or to develop a order to measure our program effectiveness, we need to collect some brief information on the vocational plan. Circle one: Strongly Agree Agree Disagree person listed below. Please take a minute to respond. Any suggestions on how we can improve our services will be welcomed and appreciated. Strongly Disagree Comments or Suggestions: __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Consumer Name ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Referral Counselor 2) I felt I was included throughout the assessment. Circle one: Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Comments or Suggestions: ______________ Admit date ______________ Exit date _______________________________ CDC Staff Strongly Disagree 1. Is the consumer identified above, employed or in training consistent with the individual’s unique strengths, priorities, concerns, capabilities, career interests and informed choice? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ YES NO 2) When did the employment or training start? __________________________________ 3) If employed, what is the job title? __________________________________ 3) Job options and support services were identified for me. Circle one: Strongly Agree Agree Comments or Suggestions: Disagree Strongly Disagree 4) If employed, what is the consumer’s present salary? _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5) If employed, does the consumer’s job include benefits? ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ YES NO Comments:____________________________________________________________________ 4) Overall, I was generally satisfied with the services provided by the Career Development Center. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Circle one: Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly______________________________________________________________________________ Disagree ______________________________________________________________________________ Comments or Suggestions: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Method of data collection: Please return to: Diane Allen Kansas Rehabilitation Services White Lakes Mall 3640 SW Topeka Blvd. Suite 150 Topeka, KS 66611 Please return to: 1)exit interview 2)phone consumer 3)phone DO 4)mail consumer Diane Allen Kansas Rehabilitation Services White Lakes Mall 3640 SW Topeka Blvd. Suite 150 Topeka, KS 66611 5)mail DO Quality “The age of the customer” has arrived in employment and community services… We should accept for our families only those services that measure up to the ultimate criterion —“those we would want for ourselves!” 2001 Consumer and Family Guide to Quality Services - CARF Mike Ahlers