SECTION 5: RESIDENCY There is no residency requirement, durational or other imposed which excludes any individual from receiving services. All applicants must be available to participate in all phases of the eligibility determination process, assessment of Vocational Rehabilitation Needs (AVRN), and their Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). The Division will accept applications from individuals who maintain a domicile in the State of Nevada at the time of filing an application, this includes aliens with visas that do not prohibit work. *Supreme Court of Nevada: Tarango v. State Industrial Insurance System, 117 Nev. 444: Prohibits unauthorized workers from receiving vocational rehabilitation benefits. “Unauthorized Workers,” describes immigrant workers who do not possess authorization to be employed pursuant to U.S. law. This group includes workers who are in the United States legally for various reasons (e.g. student visas, asylum applicants) but who nevertheless lack the authorization to work. “Undocumented Worker” is used to describe immigrants whose presence in the U.S. is illegal. These workers form a subset of the immigrant population that is unauthorized to work. PARTICIPANT SERVICES POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Bureaus of Vocational Rehabilitation & Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired Revised: 2006 Page 7