Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014
Virgil Pizzeria
ATTENDANCE: Nina Cole, Bill Charnetski, Martin Quick, John Boot, John Julien, Ursula
Kucharski, David Haddow, Peter Manning.
Regrets: Lorna Penman, Jeannie Manning, Matt Bedrosian
1. Approval of Agenda
m/ John Julien
s/ Martin Quick
2. Approval of Minutes – June 23, 2014
m/ Ursula Kucharski
s/ Martin Quick
3. Business Arising
 Questionnaire:
o 24 replies to date.
o See the Club Service Report for details. Dave will provide trends in the responses
at the next meeting
 Termination:
o George Dell resigned (although never inducted into the club)
o Jamie Slingerland – no response to letter reminding him of his status, hence
4. Club Assembly
5. Correspondence
6. Treasurer’s Report
 Year-end financial report
o m/ John Boot s/ Ursula Kucharski Approved
 Donation Money for 2014-2015
o Becas Program (support for two students in Mexico):
 ACTION - Don MacDonald to make a formal request to the International
Service Committee for the annual donation. It was also thought
appropriate that Don should make a presentation to the Club on the
o Donations from the Ice Wine Evening – the recipients of the income from the Ice
Wine Evening have been committed. Next year approval from the Board should
be sought before the commitment is made.
o Dieter Janus fund:
 ACTION: Peter Manning to request Patrick MacNeill to approach Dieter’s
wife for her input for the recipient of the funds.
o Willow Cake and Pastry – the Community Service Committee to decide on future
donations for the Canada Day cake.
TD Bank accounts – Board approved the closure of the two accounts in the TD Canada
trust Bank (one account for CAD funds, one for USD funds).
Red Roof Retreat:
o ACTION: Community Service Committee to review future donations.
o Through the discussion on the Red Roof donation it was suggested that future
donations by the club be tracked for success and reports made to club members.
RI Foundation – Moved that the club reconfirm the annual donation of $5,000 to the RI
Foundation Share Fund to be presented to the DG at the September 2 meeting.
m/ Bill Charnetski
s/ Dave Haddow
Friend of Fort George – in previous years the club had donate $600 to the Friends.
o DECISION: hold off the payment until it is determined what the club’s role is in
the Canada Day event.
Storage – Ian McEwan offered his storage unit to the club at the end of August. This unit
is 5’ x 10’. This unit may be too small especially with the two BBQs. John Boot offered to
store the BBQs in his warehouse.
o ACTION: Martin Quick to determine the feasibility of using the 5x10 unit.
7. Community Service
No report
8. International Service
 The committee met in June. Have about $35k for donations of which 50% will be for a
major project and the remainder split between 3 to 5 minor projects.
 For the major project have chosen the “Marsabit Schools Wash & Educational Project”
in Kenya. The host club is Nakuru in Kenya while the partner will be the Maumee Rotary
Club in Ohio. This project has been defined by the host club and money will flow to this
club. John Boot plans a trip to Nakuru in September.
 Minor projects will be decided by the committee with any received input from
9. Club Service
 See the Club Service Committee Report attached.
 August 25 Rotary Day at the Buffalo Bison Stadium – Cost is $9.00.
10. New Generations
No report
11. Fundraising
 Canada Day
o Group will meet next week to discuss the club’s potential involvement in the
Canada Day celebration in Simcoe Park.
 Website
o Local Website has offered 5 hours per month for 6 months pro bono to add
additional features to the site (build the site for fundraising et al)
o Eventbrite will be used for the HHT this year for on-line ticket sales.
o Square will be used rather than Elavon for phone and e-mail ticket sales (POS
o The HHT account will be moved to the Foundation. This, plus the fact that we
have a list of previous ticket purchasers will allow the club to send out an
“eBlast” to customers and avoid violating the Anti Spam regulations.
12. New Business
 At Board meeting last year it was approved that the use of money raised in one year be
spent on donations the following year.
DECISION: to continue with this practice.
 Posting of Board Minutes in ClubRunner (except in camera meetings)
DECISION: the minutes will be posted after they have been approved by the
Board and to copy Cliff Brown after they have been issued (before the approval).
 Christmas Chorale Report – the Chorale Committee met and made the following
recommendations to the Board:
1. Cancel plans to produce the Christmas Chorale for the year 2014
m/ Bill Charnetski
s/ John Julien Approved with one abstention (Ursula)
2. Disband the current committee
DECISION: rejected
3. Establish a new committee to include those Rotarians who have some skill in
producing a newly formatted annual “Christmas Chorale” celebration.
m/ Bill Charnetski
s/ Ursula Kucharski Approved
 Proposal to continue the discussion from last meeting about proposed member option
to donate part of dies to the NOTL Club Foundation.
DECISION: not to be pursued
 Election of RI Director – no nominees
 Owen Bjorgan – Paul Harris award
Deferred to January meeting
13. Meeting Adjourned at 9:30
14. Next Meeting – Monday August 18, 2014 at Virgil Pizzeria