December 2, 2011

Curriculum Committee
December 2, 2011
BH 140, 1 p.m.
Members Present: Janice Alexander, Rick Halverson, Brenda Hanson, Rich Haptonstall, Don
Hickethier, Kristen Jones, Sue Justis, Phil MacGregor, Pat Pezelle, Brenda Rudolph, Pete Wade
Others Present: Carole Bergin, Jessica Hopkins, Mary Jordt, Cindy Kiefer, Sharon Nau, Marlene
Stoltz, Dan Voermans
Approval of November 11, 2011 minutes – APPROVED
Phil MacGregor moved to approve the minutes; Brenda Hanson seconded the motion.
Sharon Nau proposed a clarification that just the Administrative Assistant AAS will be taken
out of moratorium, not the CAS. Approving the minutes with that clarification was
unanimously approved.
Action Items
 WRIT 101 College Writing I (revision), APPROVED
Carole Bergin explained that the proposal came as a result of the English program review.
Having more than 20 students in WRIT 101 is too difficult. The larger the class size the less
personal attention students get. The English department would rather add sections of
smaller classes for the benefit of students and instructors. Brenda Hanson moved to
approve the proposal; Brenda Rudolph seconded. Pat Pezzelle mentioned that from the
extended learning point of view, this class size limit is in line with national norms for online
classes of this kind. The motion passed unanimously.
 Graduation Requirement Substitution, APPROVED
Discussion ensued about whether the proposed course would be accepted as a Humanities
course. Central course questions on the course syllabus are humanities based, although
MSU uses the course as a communications course. Brenda Hanson mentioned that the
course goals speak to communications. Pete Wade mentioned that the course texts lean
towards humanities. Pat Pezzelle said the syllabus matches current humanities courses
taught at FVCC. Rick Halverson moved to accept the proposal; Rich Haptonstall seconded
the motion. This proposal only applies to this student at this time. The course will be kept
as a communications course in the future. Eleven in favor, one abstention, and the motion
 SR 80 Age-ing to Sage-ing and Drawing for Seniors (new) TABLED
The committee needs more information on these courses before they can be approved.
 AVIA 150 Aviation Ground School (revision), APPROVED
Mary explained that the course is often cancelled due to low enrollment. Other Aviation
classes are running on a fee basis. Brenda Hanson explained that it needs to be one-on-one
so should be taught with a fee as a directed study. Pete Wade moved to approve. The
description will be need to be revised from the current catalogue, and the size limit is going
to be removed. Brenda Hanson 2nd the motion, which passed unanimously.
 PHL 191 Seminar: Obstacles in Critical Thinking (revision) NOT APPROVED
As the college is no longer going to run credit classes concurrently with Continuing
Education classes, this course was not approved.
Fall 2011 Program Review Summaries: English, Art, Theatre, HHP/Personal Trainer
Geology/Geography, APPROVED
Jessica pointed out some highlights and recommendations of each Program Review
completed in the Fall 2011 semester. Jessica explained that the Curriculum Committee
votes to approve the recommendations or add any. Kristen Jones added that she and Jessica
Hopkins have been meeting with department faculty after each program review to discuss
the recommendations. Janice Alexander and Sue Justis commended Jessica Hopkins on the
usefulness and readability of the Program Review summary document. Phil MacGregor
moved to accept the recommendations; Brenda Rudolph seconded the motion, which was
approved unanimously.
AHMA 203, AHMA 298 Updated course learner outcomes (revision) TABLED
Sharon Nau pointed out that there are more than just outcomes changed on these profiles.
Janice Alexander moved to table the proposal; Rick Halverson seconded the motion, which
was unanimously approved.
 A discussion began about whether a student who challenges WRIT 101 should still have to
pay for the course. Financial aid can only pay for classes that the student is actually
attending. Discussion followed about the challenge process for all courses. Cindy Kiefer
recommends doing course challenges before classes begin. Kristen Jones summarized that
the process will be changed so students will not register for a class they want to challenge,
and will have to pay a fee to challenge. FVCC will set the challenge fee. Students will only be
able to challenge a course one time. Brenda Hanson will research how other schools set
their course challenge fee. Students who successfully challenge a course will receive a pass,
not a letter grade, on their transcript.
 The Institutional Assessment Plan is complete and available on the FVCC webpage: This link will be shared with all employees on Monday, Dec. 5th .