12.1 RE & SG answers & notes - wswildcats

Changing agricultural practices
 Growing population
 Capital to invest
 Plentiful natural resources (coal, iron ore)
 Huge empire provided markets for goods
Factory owners wanted machines
running all day & all night
 This led to the development of shifts
 Employees came to work for set hours
 Employees did the same work over and
Belgium, France,
German States
Because their
governments took
an active role in
supporting the
development of
Larger population
 Urbanization (the growth of cities)
 Creation of a new middle class
 Creation of a new working class
 Changes in family roles & structure
 Birth of socialism
All of the steps in the production process
were done by individuals in their homes
Near water
 Early machines relied on water power
James Watt improved the steam engine
so it was able to power machinery - 1782
 Steamboats
A decline in death rates (less war &
 Abundant food supply
› More healthy people
› More resistant to disease
The growth and development of cities
 Less labor was required in the rural areas
b/c farming had become more
 People flocked to growing cities to find
jobs in the new factories
› Long hours
› Repetitive work
› Low wages
› Dangerous
› Strict discipline
› Use of child labor
› Excessive hours for women
› Lower wages for children & women
Often the entire family had to work in
some capacity b/c they needed the
money to afford living in the city
 Men became the “breadwinner”
 Women became the caregiver to the
 Before everyone in the family helped
with all tasks
A system where society (really, the
government) owns and controls all of the
means of production
› Natural resources (mines)
› Transportation industries
› Factories
 Cooperation
Enclosure Movement:
› Laws allowing large landowners to fence in
common lands, which forced peasants to urban
areas in search of work in the new factories
› Money to invest in machinery and buildings
› Businessmen who look for new ways to make a
profit and are willing to take risks with their
Coal was CRUCIAL to industrialization!
› It was burnt to power steam engines
› It was an ingredient in the iron making
› New iron making process developed by
Henry Cort that resulted in a higher quality,
stronger product
› Iron was used to construct taller buildings,
machines, and new modes of transportation
Construction of new lines created jobs
 Less expensive transportation costs led to
lower prices for consumers & larger
 Larger markets & lower prices = more
 More profits allowed owners to reinvest in
new/more machinery