THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION : relevant vocabulary Spinning-wheel; to spin; cottage handloom; power loom; spinning; thread; weaving; blacksmith; forge; mines/pits/colliery; tunnels; coal transported by water; Duke of Bridgewater; from 7d. a sack to 3d. a sack; barge; 5 locks on a canal; embankments; empty boat; top gets open bridges; river Dee; James Watt; Newcomen had already drained mines; pumped water; consumed a lot of coal; separate condenser; 2/3 (two/thirds) less with steam engines under pressure; cage in the shaft; charcoal was scarce; Derby; in a furnace; iron production; all iron instead of wood and stone; (Railway Station) iron bridge on the river Severn; smelting steel; (iron + small quantities of carbon and other minerals); crucible; higher temperature; combined with carbon in Sheffleld; unmarried daughter: spinster; yarn for the shuttle through the threads; 1733: flying shuttle; James Heargreaves; Arkright: spinning frame; stronger threads; water wheels and water frames; Crompton : the mule (mixing of Arkright and Heargreaves discoveries) still used; quality power; driven mills in town; no longer near rivers; drift from countryside; very low wages; working long hours; pollution was accepted as an unavoidable evil; flanks from pits; environment; transport; roads were bad; toll gates to pay customs; money for new roads; bridge near Bristol; rail; steam engines; 1st passenger train to run a time-table; the Rocket; locomotion by George Stevenson; Manchester; viaducts; Robert Stevenson was George’s son; Brunel; also ships; extreme poverty; middle class developed; maids were cheap ornaments; pottery; 1851: Crystal Palace; Royal Botanical Garden; Great Exhibition: 1.5.1851; iron dome; drawbacks. Some useful questions: 1- What were the main inventions and their inventors? 2- How was coal transported in the beginning? And later? 3- What was the practical consequence of the building of the Bridgewater canal? 4- What’s “charcoal”? 5- What’s “steel”? 6- Which English town is famous for steel industries? 7- How were roads improved? 8- When was the Great Exhibition opened? By whom? 9- Which new social class emerged? 10-Which factories moved from near rivers to towns? Why? What were the consequences? 11-What about the working class? And wages?