Growing Industry and BIG Business (____________ - ____________)

Growing Industry and BIG Business (____________ - ____________)
Between the end of the end of the Civil War (_________) and World War I (_________), the
United States was transformed from an ________________________ to an
___________________________ nation
Part I. Manufacturing Areas
 Manufacturing areas were created near places with large ____________________
Part II. Why Industrialize…
1. __________________________ - Better Transportation
Brought _________________________ from the ____________ to the factories in the
Copper, lead, and iron ore
_________________carried _____________ (finished products) from ______________to
people all over the country
This creates _____________________________________
___________________ that stretch across the continent
Now people can___________ things from ______________ around the____________
• Advertising was a way to reach _________________________________
Consumer: a person who _________________________________ to use
Industries started __________________ – ___________________; people could
order____________________ from home and the _________________would deliver them
2. New _____________________________
New ___________________________ created __________________________ and
__________________________________ in the United States
Henry Ford
• Born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, ________________________
Worked as an ______________________________
Founded _____________ __________ ______________
Invented the _______________ automobile (not the 1 car) using
the ____________ _______________
_________________________: arranging workers in such a way to manufacture a product
_______________________and ________________________
Each _________________________ has __________________
Impact on Industry: other factories copied __________ ___________ of using
Thomas Edison
 Born in 1847 in __________________________ (later moved and worked in
Only completed ___________________________________ of school
Started General Electric (GE)
Invented the ___________________________________________ in 1879
Invented ______________________________________
Impact on Industry: _________________ the work _____________
Alexander Graham Bell
 Born in Scotland - ______________________to America in 1871 (US citizen in 1882)
Worked with deaf children
Bell’s wife and mother were both deaf
President of __________________________________________________
Invented the ____________________________________ in 1876
Created ______________________________________- a telephone service
Impact on Industry: Improved _______________________
3. Increase in Labor
Cities were growing _____________________!
Thousands of __________________________ were moving to the US for a better life
Immigrants were used as ___________________ (_______________) in factories
Workers were not always treated fairly
4. Access to Raw Materials
Raw Material: a material that comes from ___________________that is used to
Examples: _______________, lead, ______________…
Raw materials were found in the ______________ and transported east using the
_______________ was brought from the west to __________________to make ___________
5. Mass Production
Mass production: making __________________________ (_____________________) of a
product ________________ and ________________
Factories would produce goods using the _________________________________
Assembly line allowed factories to produce goods ___________________________________
Part III. BIG Business
Rich business leaders used __________________ and ______________ to create
____________________________________ = BIG Business
______________________ – when a company has __________________________________
over an industry, product, or service
Examples of Big Business:
Big Business - ___________________________
1. Oil is used as a __________ _________
2. __________________ can be ______________________________ from the
John D. Rockefeller – “Captain of the ____________ Industry”
Formed ____________________________________ in 1870 in __________
Larger than others companies and able to set his prices
_________________________ than others
He bought other __________________________________ and was able to create a
Big Business - _________________________________
Steel can be manufactured quicker and cheap
__________________________________________ makes it easy to make steel
o Heat iron
o Makes steel cheaper
Andrew Carnegie – “Captain of the Steel Industry”
First ______________factory in _______________________________
____________companies that performed all ________________of ______
production (railroad, ships, steel mill, Iron ore deposits, etc.)
Kept costs ___________________ and prices ______________________
Smaller companies were at a disadvantage because they were not able to make ___________
_______ __________________
Known for giving money to charities - _______________________________________
Big Business - _________________________________________
Improvements in ___________________________________ (railroads) helped boost
Railroads create ___________________________ across the country
Easy to move _______________________________________ (copper, lead, and iron ore) to
factories in the __________________________
Easy to transport ________________________ and _____________________________
Cornelius Vanderbilt – “Captain of the Railroad and Shipping Industry”
Owned ________________________________ and
Connected the east coast to Chicago
Big Business - _________________________________________
Bank – a company that ___________________ and ___________________ capital (money)
Loan: _________________________ money
Invest: giving money to a ______________________________.
o If company does well: ___________________ ___________________!
o If company fails: ______________________ ____________________.
J.P. Morgan – “Captain of the Banking Industry”
 Started his own company, __________________________________________________.
o Began as a ____________________ _____________________
_________________________ which became a leading
___________________________ firm in the nation
Merged Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company
to form ________________________ _____________________.