Economics Class 7th hour 2/26/13 Questions About Globalization Does globalization reduce cultural identity? How will globalization change in the next few years? How does one’s country influence the perception of globalization? What are the benefits of globalization? What are the drawbacks of globalization? How does globalization affect business? How is cultural diffusion different from globalization? [How] Does it affect different countries differently? If something “goes wrong,” are there dangerous effects? Does it regulate salaries? What is the main form of transportation of goods? How does it affect me? Does every country participate with globalization? Why does it exist? What is the alternative to globalization? Does it affect corporations only? How often does globalization occur? (Vince please explain) Does it increase economic equality? What does “liberalizing trade” mean? What are the cultural effects of loss of identity? Economics Class 7th hour 2/26/13 What was America like before globalization? How did imperialism affect globalization? What are some factors of production that affect globalization? How does enhanced transportation and communication catalyze globalization? Globalization Questions 1. How does it affect economics? 2. How does it affect business? 3. How does it affect natural environment? 4. What factors help make some countries more globalized than others? 5. Are there any other reasons why businesses go global besides money? 6. How does it affect the global economy? 7. How does globalization make a nation weak? 8. What’s the benefit to the average citizen? 9. How do you achieve globalization? 10. Is globalization good or bad? 11. Can everything be globalized? 12. What makes a company globalize? 13. What companies are globalized? 14. Why do companies globalize? 15. Is globalization a good or bad thing? 16. How does globalization affect less developed nations? 17. How does globalization affect nationalism and a nation’s identity? 18. Does globalization work in a traditional economy? 19. When did globalization become a factor in economics? 20. What countries are not globalized? 21. How are tax havens possible? 22. How can a free trade policy be measured? 23. How were things done before technology? Economics Class 7th hour 2/26/13 24. How do I participate in globalization? 25. How can it be a problem? 26. Is there a way to stop it from being a problem? 27. Can globalization be a good thing or bad thing? 28. Does every place benefit from globalization or are some economies better off without it? 29. Has globalization affected the US during the present recession? 30. Why is it taking so long for globalization to work? 31. Why do they need to break barriers of trade? 32. To be honest, I do not understand globalization. (?) 33. What does the definition of globalization mean? 34. Is everything globalization? 35. Does globalization have to do with money and companies? 36. How does globalization affect me as a young adult? 37. What are some negative consequences of globalization? 38. What are some benefits of globalization? 39. How does it work? 40. Does every country do this? 41. How long has this been going on for? 42. What problems can stem from globalization? 43. Why is globalization beneficial? 44. What role do corporations play in globalization? 45. What are the benefits of globalization for the average person? 46. What are the setbacks of globalization for the average person? 47. How did globalization originate? 48. How did globalization begin? 49. How is globalization regulated? 50. Does barter have a strong effect on it? Economics Class 7th hour 2/26/13