Name that Term! - Brookwood High School

Name that Term!
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 “Two dozen four-wheeled wagons
could not have stirred the tonnage
of that rock from where he wedged
it over the doorsill.”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 “Sing in me, Muse, and through me
tell the story of that man skilled in
all ways of contending, the
wanderer …”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
From the Invocation: Part 1 of Homer’s Odyssey
 “But not by will or by valor could he (Odysseus) save
them (his men), and he (Odysseus) weathered many
bitter days and nights in his deep heart at sea, while
he fought only to save his life.”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
“My home is on the peaked sea-mark of Ithaca
Under Mount Neion’s wind-blown robe of leaves …
A rocky isle, but good for a boy’s training.”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 “I am Laertes’ son, Odysseus …”
 “Son of great Laertes, Odysseus, master mariner
and soldier …”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 “Now Zeus the lord of cloud roused in the
north … ”
 “Zeus, the son of crooked-minded
Cronus …”
 “The servants armed themselves and all three
took their place beside the master of
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Odysseus
 Hercules
 Achilles
 Finn from Adventure Time
 Larger than life figures from history or legend who are
epic literature’s (specifically epic poetry) central
characters. These characters undertake long and
dangerous voyages while demonstrating traits such as
courage, loyalty, and honor that are valued by the
society from which the work of literature originates.
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Both the Illiad and the Odyssey are examples of this
genre of literature.
 These are long narrative poems that tell the story of
the deeds of gods or heroes. These works are elevated
in style and usually follow certain patterns. The poet
or bard usually begins by asking a muse – one of the
beautiful nine black-haired daughters of Zeus -- for
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 The Hangover
 Step Brothers
 This is the End
 A literary work, typically a film or a play, written to
amuse audiences. These works show characters that
are in conflict with society. Plot twists that involve
misunderstandings, deceptions, and concealed
identities are typical of this genre of literature.
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Wily temptresses
 Epic Heroes
 Knights in Shining Armor
 Earth Mothers
 Faithful Wives
 Villains and Traitors
 A character type that crosses time, cultures, societies,
languages or other barriers – a prototype or model
from which all things of the same kind are copied.
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Script or words in a literary work spoken by
characters or actors.
 “You are a ninny, or else you come from the other
end of nowhere, telling me, mind the gods! We
Cyclopes care not a whistle for your thundering Zeus
or all the gods in bliss; we have more force by far.”
Polyphemus, mighty Cyclops, son of Poseidon
Identify the below example of a literary term …
Identify the point of view in the below selection:
"OFF THERE to the right--somewhere--is a large island," said Whitney." It's rather a
"What island is it?" Rainsford asked.
"The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island,"' Whitney replied." A suggestive name, isn't it?
Sailors have a curious dread of the place. I don't know why. Some superstition--"
"Can't see it," remarked Rainsford, trying to peer through the dank tropical night that was
palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht.
"You've good eyes," said Whitney, with a laugh," and I've seen you pick off a moose moving
in the brown fall bush at four hundred yards, but even you can't see four miles or so
through a moonless Caribbean night."
"Nor four yards," admitted Rainsford. "Ugh! It's like moist black velvet."
"It will be light enough in Rio," promised Whitney. "We should make it in a few days. I
hope the jaguar guns have come from Purdey's. We should have some good hunting up the
Amazon. Great sport, hunting."
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 A feeling or emotion created by the choice of words,
the characters and their actions, and the setting.
Imagery is often used to create this in a literary work.
 “By night our ship ran onward toward the Ocean’s
bourne, the realm and region of the Men of Winter,
hidden in mist and cloud. Never the flaming eye of
Helios lights on those men at morning … ruinous
night being rove over those wretches …”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of
life as the simple truth.
Charles Dickens
 A central message, idea, or truth found in a literary
work. It refers to a universal statement about life
and/or society that can be discerned from a text.
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Encompasses the author’s attitude toward the subject and
toward the audience implied in a literary work. This may be
formal, informal, solemn, somber, playful, serious, ironic,
condescending, or many other possible attitudes. Each piece
of literature has at least one theme, or central question about
a topic, and how the author approaches this theme within the
literary work is known as this literary device.
 “And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don’t know
why they died; they just died. Something wrong with the soil
possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the nursery wasn’t the
best. We complained about it. So we’ve got thirty kids there,
each kid had his or her own little tree to plant and we’ve got
these thirty dead trees. All these kids looking at these little
brown sticks, it was depressing.”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Oh, this rain
It will continue
Through the morning
As I'm listening
To the bells
Of the cathedral
I am thinking
Of your voice...
And of (the memory of) the midnight picnic
Once upon a time
Before the rain began...
I finish up my coffee
It's time to catch the train
Suzanne Vega “Tom’s Diner”
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Quagmire Family Guy
A character that shows only
one trait.
 Otto the Bus Driver Simpsons
 Peppermint Butler Adventure Time
 Thomas the Intern Regular Show
 The Zombies Walking Dead
 Montez Workaholics
 Nurse Joy Pokemon
 Mrs. Joe Great Expectations
 The Suitors the Odyssey
Identify the below example of a literary term …
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 A character or force in conflict with a main character
or force in a literary work.
 The Joker Batman
 Venom Spiderman
 The Ice King Adventure Time
 The Geese Regular Show
 Frieza Dragonball Z
 Team Plasma Pokemon
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 “A man surfcasting on a point of rock for bass or
mackerel, whipping his long rod to drop the sinker and
the bait far out, will hook a fish and rip it from the
surface to dangle wriggling through the air: so these
(men) were born aloft in spasms toward the cliff.”
Description of Scylla wrenching Odysseus’s men from the boats
 “Backward and down he went, letting the wine cup fall
from his shocked hand. Like pipes his nostrils jetted
crimson runnels, a river of mortal red, and one
last kick upset his table knocking the bread and
meat to soak in dusty blood.”
Description of the death of Antinous, the suitor
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Joe Gargery Great Expectations
 Anders Workaholics
 Princess Bubblegum Adventure Time
 Muscle Man (Mitch) Regular Show
 Pikachu Pokemon
 Daryl Dixon Walking Dead
 A character that shows many different traits such as
faults and weaknesses.
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Troy
 Ismarus
 Land of the Lotus Eaters
 Island of the Cyclops
 Erebus
 Hades
 Ae0lia
 Aeaea
 Ithaca
 Ogygia
the Marshes
The Forge
Satis House
The Blue Boar
Barnard’s Inn
Wemmick’s Castle
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 The main character of a literary work; the reader is
meant to sympathize and identify with this
 Odysseus the Odyssey
 Pip Great Expectations
 Finn Adventure Time
 Ash Pokemon
 Rick Walking Dead
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 A character that does not change through out a
literary work.
 Yoda Star Wars
 Swiper Dora the Explorer
 Poseidon Homer’s Odyssey
 Team Rocket Pokemon
 Shelby the Worm Adventure Time
 Jaggers Great Expectations
Odysseus to Telemachus
by Joseph Brodsky
 Formal
division of
lines in a
poem or a
or unit.
My dear Telemachus,
The Trojan War
is over now; I don't recall who won it.
The Greeks, no doubt, for only they would leave
so many dead so far from their own homeland.
But still, my homeward way has proved too long.
While we were wasting time there, old Poseidon,
it almost seems, stretched and extended space.
I don't know where I am or what this place
can be. It would appear some filthy island,
with bushes, buildings, and great grunting pigs.
A garden choked with weeds; some queen or other.
Grass and huge stones . . . Telemachus, my son!
To a wanderer the faces of all islands
resemble one another. And the mind
trips, numbering waves; eyes, sore from sea horizons,
run; and the flesh of water stuffs the ears.
I can't remember how the war came out;
even how old you are--I can't remember.
Grow up, then, my Telemachus, grow strong.
Only the gods know if we'll see each other
again. You've long since ceased to be that babe
before whom I reined in the plowing bullocks.
Had it not been for Palamedes' trick
we two would still be living in one household.
But maybe he was right; away from me
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Character that develops and grows throughout a
literary work.
 Jake the Dog Adventure Time
 Mordecai Regular Show
 Goku Dragonball Z
 Lori Walking Dead
 Odysseus Homer’s Odyssey
 Wemmick Great Expectations
Identify the below example of a literary term …
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 The five small
• Ithaca
• The Tapestry or
Shroud Penelope
weaves for Laertes
• Odysseus’s Bow
• The Wine Dark Sea
gravestones in the
beginning of the novel
Satis House
Havisham herself
Mrs. Joe herself
The Mists on the Marsh
The chains on the
Something that represents
itself concretely and
something else (normally an
London in the 1860s
abstraction) outside of itself.
Identify the below example of a literary term …
 Jimmy Fallon History of Rap with Justin