PJM460: Project Leadership

PJM460: Project Leadership
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:
This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of
material is covered in 8 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can
expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as
well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-25 hours per
week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing
papers, completing projects, and doing research.
Faculty Information
CSU-Global Email:
Virtual Office Hours:
Course Description and Outcomes
Course Description:
This course focuses on leadership as a necessity to ensure the continued success and completion of a project.
Students will explore techniques and skills that promote success in dealing with personnel in the project
management environment, including the responsibility to communicate with the entire team and individually.
Project success often relies on the ability of a project leader to create and sustain team unity and minimize the
inherent risk of conflict while maintaining open lines of communication.
Course Overview:
Being an effective leader is key for being a successful project manager. In this course, you will explore various
aspects of leadership, examining key leadership roles and traits. You will learn tools and strategies for
successfully leading teams. In addition, you will examine organizational leadership skills, tools and strategies,
including the strategic management framework, and strategies for handling resistance to change.
As part of your work in this course, you will conduct a series of self-assessments to help you better understand
yourself as a leader. You will use the information gathered in your self-assessments to guide the development of
your final Portfolio Project.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Summarize key theories and principles relating to the study of leadership and organization in project
2. Describe the fundamental influence processes inherent in leadership processes and procedures.
3. Assess one’s own strengths and development needs associated with these leadership skills.
4. Develop leadership competencies and assess the approaches, styles, and strengths one brings to the
leadership process.
5. Describe the key skills and competencies associated with leading others in a project management
6. Evaluate different approaches to leading effective project teams.
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success at CSU-Global Campus.
Failure to verify your attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some
reason you would like to drop a course, please contact your advisor.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget
your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical
problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your
instructor know as soon as possible.
Course Materials
Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2013). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development (5th Ed.). Mason, OH:
Cengage/Thomson South- Western. ISBN-13: 9781111827076
Project Management Institute. (2013). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)
(5th Ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. ISBN-13: 9781935589679
NOTE: All non-textbook required readings and materials necessary to complete assignments, discussions, and/or
supplemental or required exercises are provided within the course itself. Please read through each course module
Course Schedule
Due Dates
The Academic Week at CSU-Global begins on Monday and ends the following Sunday.
 Discussion Boards: The original post must be completed by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MT and Peer
Responses posted by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. Late posts may not be awarded points.
 Mastery Exercises: Students may access and retake mastery exercises through the last day of class until
they achieve the scores they desire.
 Critical Thinking Activities: Assignments are due Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
Week #
 Readings
Chapter 1 in Leadership Theory Paradigms section Chapter 2
inPersonality Traits and Leadership section through
Leadership Attitudes section
Chapter 4 in Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skills
Chapter 1 (Defining Leadership section through Managerial
Leadership Roles section) in Leadership: Theory, Application,
and Skill Development
Chapter 3 in Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (75 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (75 points)
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Chapters 6 & 7 in Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill
Bonebright, D. (2010). 40 years of storming: A historical
review of Tuckman’s model of small group development.
Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 111-120.
Tuckman, B. W. (2001). Developmental sequence in small
groups. Group Facilitation, 3, 66-81.
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (20 points)
Critical Thinking (100 points)
Chapter 8 in Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Chapter 11 (beginning of chapter through Review Questions
section) in Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Critical Thinking (100 points)
Chapter 10 in Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (10 points)
Julian, J. (2008). How project management office leaders
facilitate cross-project learning and continuous
improvement. Project Management Journal, 39(3), 43-58.
Hobbs, B., & Aubry, M. (2007). A multi-phase research
program investigating project management offices (PMOs):
The results of phase 1. Project Management Journal, 38(1),
Review Chapter 11 inStrategic Management Framework
section through Chapter Summary section in Leadership:
Theory, Application, & Skill Development
Discussion (25 points)
Mastery (20 points)
Portfolio (350 points)
Assignment Details
This course includes the following assignments/projects:
Module 1
Critical Thinking: Normative Leadership Theory and Leadership Styles (75 Points)
For this assignment, select a project example and summarize it. For the following five different
combinations of project phases and project stakeholders, explain how a different one of the five
normative leadership theory leadership styles (see the list—linked to on the Week 1 assignments page—
from the course text for an overview of the five styles) could be applied, using a specific situation that
might be encountered in the selected project:
Initiating Phase- Customer
Planning Phase- Project Sponsor
Execution Phase- Project Team
Execution Phase- Functional Manager
Monitoring and Controlling Phase – Finance
Your well-written paper must be at least four pages in length and formatted according to the CSU-Global
Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Cited references must include the Module 1 assigned readings
and at least two additional scholarly references. The CSU-Global Library is a good source for these
Module 2
Critical Thinking: Leadership Competencies and Project Planning (75 Points)
By performing research in the CSU-Global Library and citing your sources, identify and describe five
leadership skills. Explain how each is applicable at some point in the following planning phase project
management situation, considering the period before the May 15 meeting, during the meeting, and
after the meeting, ensuring that all five leadership skills are covered.
Your well-written paper must be 3-4 pages in length and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide
to Writing and APA Requirements. At least one scholarly source from the CSU-Global Library must be
referenced and cited.
On May 1, the PM of a computer system upgrade project sets up a synchronous Webex meeting for May
15 with the project team, all of whom are assigned part-time from different business units that are in
various time zones.
Each team member has been assigned the task of estimating the duration and identifying the
precedence relationships associated with a set of tasks in the WBS. This information will be used to
convert the WBS into a project schedule. In the May 15 meeting, each team member is to review his or
her assigned tasks, explaining the forecast and precedence relationships for each one and the rationale.
In the meeting, Sue joins the meeting from Connecticut in the same conference room as the PM, who
hosts the meeting. She is prepared with all of her assigned tasks estimated and precedence relationships
between her assigned tasks and other tasks, both within her assigned set of tasks and from the larger
set of projects associated with the entire project, identified. She is able to clearly convey her rationale
and analysis approach.
Ronald joins from a business unit in California. He has not yet started the work and has nothing to
present. He explains that he did not fully understand the purpose of the meeting.
Lily joins from China. She indicates that she has been overloaded and was able to estimate the task
durations, but not the precedence relationships. It also appears that Lily may not understand what is
meant by “precedence relationships.” It is a bit of a struggle to understand Lily’s English.
Mark joins from Toulouse, France, late and indicates that he was confused about the time of the
meeting, given that he is in a different time zone, and also that his manager has assigned him to another
project so he is no longer to work on this project.
Module 3
Portfolio Deliverable: Self-Assessment I (0 Points)
Using the link found on the Week 3 assignments page, complete the following self-assessment from
your textbook: Developing Your Leadership Skills I: Improving Attitudes and Personality Traits. Submit
the raw results and a 100-word (minimum) discussion of your initial thoughts regarding the results in the
form of a Word document as objective evidence of completion.
Though you will not receive immediate points for this deliverable, it is a part of your final Portfolio
Project requirements and points will be deducted from your final project grade if the deliverable is not
completed and submitted as assigned. Please see the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course
Information page for more details.
Module 4
Critical Thinking: Team Leadership and the Execution Phase: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
Theory (100 Points)
Using the links found on the Week 4 assignments, perform the following self-assessments from Chapter
7 in your textbook: Self-Assessment 1, Self-Assessment 2, and Self-Assessment 3 in Chapter 7. In a wellwritten paper, describe the LMX theory and its applicability to your role as a follower in a current or
former relationship with a real-world manager, as well as your role as a leader in an actual or
hypothetical project management situation, drawing upon what you learned from completing the above
Your paper must be three to four pages in length and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to
Writing and APA Requirements. At least two scholarly sources from the CSU-Global Library must be
referenced and cited. Include the raw results of the self-assessments in an appendix after your paper
and references page.
Module 5
Portfolio Deliverable: Self-Assessment II (0 Points)
Using the links found on the Week 5 assignments page, complete the following self-assessments from
Chapter 8 in your textbook: Self-Assessment 1, Self-Assessment 2, and Self-Assessment 3. Submit the
raw results and a 100-word (minimum) discussion of your initial thoughts regarding the results in the
form of a Word document as objective evidence of completion.
Though you will not receive immediate points for this deliverable, it is a part of your final Portfolio
Project requirements and points will be deducted from your final project grade if the deliverable is not
completed and submitted as assigned. Please see the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course
Information page for more details.
Module 6
Critical Thinking: Organizational Leadership: Initiating Phase (100 Points)
You have been selected as the project manager for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) project that
involves transitioning your sub-business unit from the JDE Edwards (JDE) ERP system to the SAP ERP
system. This project is a part of a larger vertical supply chain integration strategic initiative to
consolidate multiple business units in your corporation that are in the same supply chain into a single
consolidated major business unit to enhance competitiveness in the marketplace.
A link on the Week 6 assignments page to a page from the course textbook lists eight options that can
be utilized by leaders attempting to successfully effect change. In this assignment, you will match each
of them with one of the following eight project stakeholders and explain the relationship between that
option and that stakeholder during the project initiation phase.
(1) Functional managers who must each assign a member of their staff to your project team
(2) Individual team members who have been assigned to your team by their functional
(3) The majority of employees in all functional departments who will have to learn to use the
new ERP system and are either supportive of the change or neutral about it
(4) The minority of employees in all functional departments who will have to learn to use the
new ERP system and are vocal about their resistance to the change
(5) PMs in other sub-business units who are managing projects to implement SAP in their subbusiness units within the same major business unit
(6) Suppliers who will be ultimately be receiving POs from SAP instead of JDE
(7) IT personnel who are experts in JDE but must now become experts in SAP and on whom you
will rely for technical support
(8) Executive managers who are concerned about the transition from JDE to SAP disrupting their
functional areas and ability to achieve their objectives
Your well-written paper should contain a section title for each of the eight options listed on the textbook
page linked to above. Within each section, you should explain why you feel that option is particularly
applicable to one of the eight stakeholder groups and discuss how the option could be leveraged to help
the project be successful.
Your paper should be four to five pages in length and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to
Writing and APA Requirements. At least two scholarly sources from the CSU-Global Library must be
referenced and cited.
Module 7
Portfolio Deliverable: Self-Assessment III (0 Points)
Using the link found on the Week 3 assignments page, complete Developing Your Leadership Skills 1:
Strategic Planning from Chapter 11 in the course textbook. Submit the raw results and a 100-word
(minimum) discussion of your initial thoughts regarding the results in the form of a Word document as
objective evidence of completion.
Though you will not receive immediate points for this deliverable, it is a part of your final Portfolio
Project requirements and points will be deducted from your final project grade if the deliverable is not
completed and submitted as assigned. Please see the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course
Information page for more details.
Module 8
Portfolio Project: Project Management Leadership Self Assessment (350 Points)
For your final Portfolio Project, prepare a single paper that summarizes key insights and lessons learned
from the self-assessment exercises (I, II, and III) you did in Weeks 3, 5 and 7 and then explain how what
you learned from each of the self-assessments is or is not applicable to each of the following major
project management phases: Initiation, Execution, and Closure. You will include the raw results from
your self-assessments (I, II, and III) in appendices. Arrange your paper so that it contains the following
Summary of Key Insights Gained
Initiation Phase (sub-sections: Assessment I, Assessment II, Assessment III)
Execution Phase (sub-sections: Assessment I, Assessment II, Assessment III)
Closure Phase (sub-sections: Assessment I, Assessment II, Assessment III)
Appendix A for Assessment I Raw Results
Appendix B for Assessment II Raw Results
Appendix C for Assessment III Raw Results
Your well-written Portfolio Project should be eight to 10-pages in length and formatted according to the
CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. You should include a minimum of three outside
sources in your paper. The CSU-Global Library is a good source for these outside sources.
Course Grading
20% Discussion Participation
10% Mastery Exercises
35% Critical Thinking Activities
35% Final Portfolio Paper
Grading Scale and Policies
95.0 – 100
90.0 – 94.9
86.7 – 89.9
83.3 – 86.6
80.0 – 83.2
75.0 – 79.9
70.0 – 74.9
60.0 – 69.9
59.9 or below
In-Classroom Policies
For information on late work and incomplete grade policies, please refer to our In-Classroom Student Policies
and Guidelines or the Academic Catalog for comprehensive documentation of CSU-Global institutional policies.
Academic Integrity
Students must assume responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other
work designated by the instructor of the course. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication, facilitating
academic dishonesty, plagiarism, reusing /re-purposing your own work (see CSU-Global Guide to Writing and
APA Requirements for percentage of repurposed work that can be used in an assignment), unauthorized
possession of academic materials, and unauthorized collaboration. The CSU-Global Library provides information
on how students can avoid plagiarism by understanding what it is and how to use the Library and Internet
Citing Sources with APA Style
All students are expected to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements when citing in APA
(based on the APA Style Manual, 6th edition) for all assignments. For details on CSU-Global APA style, please
review the APA resources within the CSU-Global Library under the “APA Guide & Resources” link. A link to this
document should also be provided within most assignment descriptions on your course’s Assignments page.
Respect the diversity of opinions among the instructor and classmates and engage with them in a courteous,
respectful, and professional manner. All posts and classroom communication must be conducted in accordance
with the student code of conduct. Think before you push the Send button. Did you say just what you meant?
How will the person on the other end read the words?
Maintain an environment free of harassment, stalking, threats, abuse, insults or humiliation toward the
instructor and classmates. This includes, but is not limited to, demeaning written or oral comments of an ethnic,
religious, age, disability, sexist (or sexual orientation), or racist nature; and the unwanted sexual advances or
intimidations by email, or on discussion boards and other postings within or connected to the online classroom.
If you have concerns about something that has been said, please let your instructor know.