Psychology Research Methods Assignment

Psychology 231
Research Methods in Psychology
Dr. McBride
Spring 2013
DUE: beginning of class Thurs 2/21
Late policy applies for any papers turned in late!
Journal Article Summary Assignment
The article for this assignment is:
Weiss, M. W., Trehub, S. E., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2012). Something in the way she sings:
Enhanced memory for vocal melodies. Psychological Science, 23, 1074-1078.
This article can be downloaded from the Milner Reserve Readings web page. You will need your ULID
and password to download the article.
Please write a paragraph or two summarizing each major section of the article (Introduction, Method,
Results, and Discussion). Please type and double-space your summary. Use your ISU UID# for
identification. Do not put your name on your paper. Your summary must be stapled when you hand it
in or points will be deducted. Your summary should be about 3 pages in length, but it will be graded
based on its content and writing style, NOT based on how long it is. However, if your paper is much more
than 3 pages, you have likely included too much detail in your summary. Three pages is a guideline.
Be sure to USE YOUR OWN WORDS. Any instance of plagiarism in your summary will result in a
severe grade penalty. Refer to the plagiarism guidelines discussed in lab or ask me if you are unsure what
constitutes plagiarism. Write your summary in paragraph form using complete sentences. Do not quote
from the article. This is a summary and should be in your own words. You will lose points from your
grade if you quote from the article. A component of your grade will be for your writing style for this
If you have any questions about your assignment or the article, please come see me. Think about the
questions we asked you about the Assefi and Garry (2003) article you worked on as a lab assignment and
about the things we discussed in lecture for reading journal articles. That may help you determine what
information to include, but also use the following guidelines for each section (I will look for the
information below when I grade your paper):
Summarize the background for the study. Be sure to include the research question and hypothesis as well
as the support the authors provide for the importance of their study. Try to find their underlying argument
for what their study adds to the knowledge in this area. Be sure to summarize their argument. Do not state
it in their words; use your own. For example,
eady know about effects of music on memory and cognition?
at new knowledge will be gained by the study that is described?
Summarize the method for the study the authors reported. Include:
measured, etc.)
ariables - be sure to distinguish between
true independent and quasi-independent/subject variables
But remember that this is a summary so every detail of the Method does not need to be mentioned.
However, be sure to indicate what the independent variable(s), levels, and dependent variable(s) are.
Make very clear statements in your paper listing the variables and what kind they are. Remember that
tables and graphs can help you identify the IVs and DVs.
Describe the results found in the study. Place particular importance on results that provide an answer to
the research question you identified in the Introduction. Try not to focus too much on the statistics in the
Results section. Instead, focus on the differences and relationships they report were found.
State what answer was found for the research questions and what results gave them the answer.
e these results useful?
If you come across any terms that aren't in the dictionary, try looking them up in the index of your text.
You are also welcome to ask me or your TAs about them.
-mail me ( or come by if you have questions.