CHECKLIST FOR PREPARING TERM PAPERS 1) You MUST cite your sources. (see 2 below) 2) Make sure that you have carefully read through the plagiarism Power Point presentation available from the Department of International Relations Webpage at 2) Make sure that you have read and give evidence of having utilized at least 2 On-line Database Articles from the University library’s subscription services. 3) Seperate Bibliography 4) Include Page Numbers 5) Use “Spellcheck” 6) 14pt Times New Roman font for text 7) Double-Spaced 8) Max. 15% of total words should be direct quotes (and quotes should only be used if they are particularly significant) 9) Be sure to read through and check your work for basic errors at least once after completing 10) Cover Page should use the template on the following page: or else if you want to design your own, it must include all the info on the template. 11) There is NO NEED to place your papers in plastic folders or files. Just MAKE SURE all the pages are securely STAPLED (NOT held together with a paper-clip) POLITICAL HISTORY OF EUROPE I EURO201 ASSIGNMENT FALL SEMESTER 2009-10a TOPIC: WAS THE EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI POLITICALLY NECESSARY?b STUDENT NAME: AHMET ESMEROĞLUc STUDENT No: 050218 GROUP No: 01d “I declare that this essay/report was fully prepared by myself, and that I have cited and referenced all quotations and paraphrases from the writings of other authors. I acknowledge that my paper and course grade will be reduced according to the Plagiarism Policy of the Department of International Relations if cases of plagiarism are detected, and that disciplinary consequences may follow”. Signed: __________________________________e a Change the semester (i.e. FALL/SPRING) and the academic year as appropriate. Change the topic title by inserting the exact title as agreed with your instructor. c Give your full name and surname d Insert your group (i.e. section) number as appropriate. e MAKE SURE that you have read, understood and SIGNED the plagiarism statement. b