Rectangular pyramid Triangular pyramid Pentagonal pyramid Compare the data of the three countries. How are they similar? How are they different? The only thing similar in the three countries’ data is that the populations are comprised of men and women. Each country follows a different growth pattern. France is in the shape of a rectangle, which means slow growth, Kenya is triangular in shape, which means rapid growth, and Poland is pentagonal in shape, meaning a declining population. What conclusions can you draw about the characteristics of rapidly growing countries, countries with moderate growth, and shrinking countries? Population pyramids in the shape of widebottomed triangles indicate a high birth Triangular population pyramids, such as rate andindicate a lower death rate slightly Kenya’s, a highpyramids, birthand andsuch death Pentagonal population as higher expectancy rate, andlife aindicate short lifeaexpectancy. can Poland’s, low than birth triangular andWe death pyramids. We canlife conclude that countries conclude that countries with a rapidly rate and a long expectancy. We can with a moderately growing population are growing population arewith economically conclude that countries a shrinking economically developing. Mexico, for under-developed and that the high birth population are economically developed instance, israte not fully rate, developed and the and death and short life expectancy with a high literacy easy access to quality life spreads unevenly throughout are of probably due to little access toand contraceptives and good healthcare, the nation. So while the population contraceptives andmost good and have favorable livingofhealthcare conditions. has access contraceptives good poor living to conditions such asand a lack of healthcare, there’s stillfertile a portion Mexico clean water, little land,ofetc. who do not have this access and are living in poor conditions. Based on the data in your pyramid, what might you expect the pyramid to look like in five years? In 10 years? In 50 years? In counties like Kenya, programs offering health services, contraception, and education usually take a couple years just to Poland, France islike an France, economically is an developed take off the ground. So in 5economically years, Kenya’s country, developed country israte currently butlife in the slow declining growth birth andwhich death and expectancy will probably stage. growthFor stage. be thearound next For the 5 the and next same, 105years, and resulting 10 France’s years, in a similar shape as it isthe now. In 10 years, the we population can predict pyramid that will population probably look pyramid the birth and death rate go down and life same. will Within look similar, 50 years, butwill we showing can assume signs ofthere expectancy lengthen but not changing will be improvements due to might advances in medicine in medicine andand significantly. the only thing technology, the modernization soSothe of pyramid its healthcare willnoticeably continue system. to different might be that the little bulge has Inbe 50inyears, the shape the pyramid of a rectangle, willprobable mostbut likely with beain flattened. In 50 years, it’s that larger the shape population of start a rectangle, of indicating indicating asimilar slow Kenya might toolder havecitizens, an outlook the lengthened life expectancy to Mexico’s with agrowth. wide-bottomed triangle improvements in medicine support. population pyramid indicating a lower death rate, higher life expectancy, moderate population growth, and a developing economy. Use the population pyramids to make predictions about each country’s future. What problems might each country face if its population trends continue? France’s future includes a never-ending growth in its population. France and Poland could Kenya’s possibly future run into looks bumpy. Though it’s possible for them trouble trying such a large and to begin onsupport the road to economic ever-growing population with take healthcare, development, it will probably several food, natural etc. Kenya’s decades andresources, radical changes to its problems include a lack ofPoland’s resources and culture and government. future medical looks bright. careInstead to decrease of declining, the death Poland rate will probably evolvelife into a slowly growing and lengthen expectancy. population. What are the implications of each type of pyramid structure? France’s pyramid structure implies that the country is economically developed and most, if not all, of the population lives in favorable living conditions with easy access to good healthcare, the ability to read and write, and a high life expectancy. Kenya’s pyramid structure implies that the country is young and economically under-developed with the percent of the dependent population being significantly larger than the percent of the workers supporting them. This also leads to the conclusion that the birth and death rate is high and the life expectancy is short. Poland’s pyramid structure also implies that the country economically developed and very similar to France's population. Think about the demographics of your town or state. What shape do you think a population pyramid of your town or state would have and why? I think Florida would have a rectangular population pyramid with a high percentage of dependents. This is because Florida is mainly a tourist and retirement state attracting families with children and elderly people ready to retire.