Population Pyramids: Kenya, Germany, US Worksheet

Population Pyramid Practice
1. What is the 10 year age group that contains the largest percentage of the population?
2. About how many million people in Kenya are economically active?
3. About how many million people in Kenya are dependents?
4. Based on this pyramid, how would you describe Kenya’s population? What are trends you
5. Kenya’s population pyramid is described by Demographers as “Rapid Growth.” What is
meant by this?
1. What is the 10 year age group that contains the largest percentage of the population?
2. About how many million people in Germany are economically active?
3. About how many million people in Germany are dependents?
4. Based on this pyramid, how would you describe Germany’s population? What are trends you
5. Germany’s population pyramid is described by Demographers as “Negative Growth.” What
do you think is meant by that?
1. What is the 10 year age group that contains the largest percentage of the population?
2. About how many million people in the US are economically active?
3. About how many million people in the US are dependents?
4. Based on this pyramid, how would you describe the United States’ population? What are
trends you see?
5. The United States’ population pyramid is described by Demographers as “Slow Growth.”
What do you think is meant by that?