PAN-PACIFIC CONFERENCE XXIX Collaboration and Co-creation for Innovation May 24 - 27, 2012 Haikou, Hainan Island, China Edited by Sang M. Lee Guohua Fu Guoliu Hu Zhaohong Lin Publication of the Pan-Pacific Business Association in cooperation with Hainan University, China ©PPBA, 2012 ISBN: 1-931649-27-2 A Message from the Program Chair This publication represents proceedings of the Pan-Pacific Conference XXVIX being held in Haikou, Hainan Island, China. The Pan-Pacific Conference has served as an important forum for the exchange of ideas and information to promote understanding and cooperation among the peoples of the Pacific-Rim countries. This year’s conference theme, “Collaboration and Co-creation for Innovation" is especially appropriate in view of the emerging innovation imperative for creating value in the fast changing global environment. Haikou, the capital city of Hainan Province, is a well-known area. However, it is also a fast developing center of knowledge-intensive service industries. We are delighted to work closely with our host institution, Hainan University. We are especially grateful to the Conference Organizing Committee members, Professors Guohua Fu, Guoliu Hu, and Zhaohong Lin. We also recognize the splendid support of Michael Shang of the University of Nebraska for his superb coordinating work. This year's conference in Haikou will have several familiar but different features. On May 24, there will be three interesting activities: plant tours, sightseeing tours, and the golf tournament at the famed Mission Hills GC. In the evening, the Welcome Reception and Cultural Show will be held at the Grand Ball Room of the Howard Johnson Hotel. In addition to the welcome speech, two keynote addresses will be made by prominent government officials. The Plenary Panel highlighting the conference theme presents global experts from academia and business. Another highlight of the conference will be the Gala Dinner on May 25 prepared by two renowned South African chefs. The President's Luncheon meeting will be held on May 26. Pan-Pacific Conference Peer Review Process All papers/abstracts for the conference are submitted electronically through the Pan-Pacific Conference website ( by the designated deadline. All submitted papers are double-blind reviewed by at least two experts in the field of business. Each submission is reviewed for (1) relevance to the conference theme; (2) quality of the paper in terms of its theoretical foundation and significance of the topic; and (3) appropriateness of the methodology used. The submission is judged to be Accepted, Rejected, or in need of Revision. For those submissions needing revision, the author is notified of the reviewers' suggestions and encouraged to submit the final paper with appropriate changes. All revised papers for the Proceedings publication undergo the second round of the double-blind review process. The review committee rejects submissions that are not deemed of high quality, relevant to the conference theme, or complete in terms of following the reviewers' suggestions for revision. All accepted submissions in the appropriate format are published in the Proceedings of the Conference. This Proceedings contains the accepted papers that were blind refereed by two reviewers and condensed to allow for a reasonable size publication. We welcome everyone to Haikou and hope the conference will be another success in terms of learning from each other and renewing our friendship. We wish to welcome all participants to the 30th Anniversary Pan-Pacific Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa next year. Please watch for information as it will be posted on the Pan-Pacific Business Association website ( very soon. Sang M. Lee, Program Chair 2011 PAN-PACIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Sang M. Lee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Chairman 2 Leopoldo Arias Bolzmann, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile Daesung Chang, Kyonggi University, Korea André Everett, University of Otago, New Zealand Den Huan Hooi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Jaejung Lee, Pukyong National University, Korea Weixing Li, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Zhaohong Lin, Hainan University, China Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Motofusa Murayama, Chiba National University, Japan Ram Narasimhan, Michigan State University, USA Atsuto Nishio, Takushoku University, Japan Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Chew-Yoong Wan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore D. Clay Whybark, University of North Carolina, USA LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Guohua Fu Guoliu Hu Zhaohong Lin FELLOWS OF THE PAN-PACIFIC BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Leopoldo Arias-Bolzmann, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile Claudia Bird Schoonoven, University of California – Irvine, USA Daesung Chang, Kyonggi University, South Korea Guoquan Chen, Tsinghua University, China Dharma DeSilva, Wichita State University, USA Lester A. Digman, University of Nebraska – Lincoln Robert Doktor, University of Hawaii, USA Ken J. Doyle, University of Technology - Sydney, Australia André M. Everett, University of Otago, New Zealand Xiaoguang Fang, F.G. Consulting, China David Flynn, Hofstra University, USA Kyung-il Ghymn, University of Nevada – Reno, USA Chan K. Hahn, Bowling Green State University, USA Den Huan Hooi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Robert J. House, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA Mansour Javidan, Thunderbird, USA Masaki Kawato, Forest of Life Resort, Japan Basheer Khumawala, University of Houston, USA Chong Kim, Marshall University, USA Duk Choong Kim, Ajou University, South Korea Kee Young Kim, Yonsei University, South Korea Thanu Kulachol, Bangkok University, Thailand Sang M. Lee, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA Motofusa Murayama, Chiba University, Japan Ram Narasimhan, Michigan State University, USA Atsuto Nishio, Takushoku University, Japan 3 Graham Pratt, University of Technology – Sydney, Australia Lyman W. Porter, University of California – Irvine, USA Jang Ra, University of Alaska – Anchorage,USA Narendra Reddy, University of the South Pacific, Fiji Islands Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa John W. Slocum, Southern Methodist University, USA Norio Takemura, Senshu University, Japan Toshiyujki Tamura, Nishogakusha University, Japan Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia Rodney Turner, Victoria University, Australia Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University, USA Chew-Yoong Wan, Nanyang Technological University, Sinapore Hui Wang, Peking University, China Zhongming Wang, Zhejiang University, China D. Clay Whybark, University of North Carolina, USA The Pan-Pacific Business Association The Pan-Pacific Business Association (PPBA) emerged from two U.S. – Japan Business Conferences held at the University of Nebraska in 1981 and Tokyo, Japan, in 1983. These Conferences led to the formation of the PPBA in 1984 with the first PPBA Conference being held in Hawaii that same year. The basic goal of PPBA is to provide a forum for scholars, executives, and government officials from Pacific Rim countries to discuss important issues relating to a better quality of life in this region. Emphasis has been placed on more effective utilization of human resources, technology, and multilateral economic activities across the borders. The primary focus of PPBA has been its annual international conference, which usually attracts 400 participants from more than 30 countries. The conferences have been held in such locations as Honolulu, Seoul, Taipei, Singapore, Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, Calgary, Beijing, Bangkok, Dunedin-Queenstown, Chiba, Fiji, The Gold Coast, Viña Del Mar, Anchorage, Shanghai, Busan, San José, Shenzhen, Bali and Daejeon. The objectives of the PPBA are: To provide business scholars, executives, and government officials from the Pacific countries an opportunity to discuss industrial and trade policies of their respective countries. To help management scholars and practitioners assess the adaptability of various new management approaches to their own business environments. Emphasis is placed on networked organizations, productivity improvement, quality management, employee empowerment, modern technology-based management systems, and world-class organizations. To help business practitioners and scholars gain an understanding of the socio-cultural background of the economies and businesses in various Pacific countries. To facilitate the development of research and the exchange of ideas for promoting international economic activities in the Pacific region. To assist in the establishment of export education programs through cooperative arrangements with regional and world trade centers and bilateral and multilateral trade associations. 4 For additional information on PPBA, please contact us at: PAN-PACIFIC CONFERENCE XXIX 5 Howard Johnson New Port Resort Haikou, China PROGRAM AT A GLANCE THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012 AM Golf Tournament – Mission Hills (TBA) AM Plant Tour (TBA) AM Sightseeing Tour (TBA) 15:00 – 19:00 Registration desk is open for the Pan-Pacific Conference Hotel Lobby 19:00 – 21:00 Opening Reception and Cultural Performance Hotel Ballroom PROGRAM AT A GLANCE 6 FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2012 All sessions will be held at the Howard Johnson Hotel 7:30 – 9:00 Conference Registration Hotel Lobby 9:00 – 10:30 Opening Plenary Session Grand Ballroom Welcome - TBA Opening Address Sang M. Lee, President of PPBA, USA Keynote Speech: TBA Keynote Speech: TBA 10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break 10:50 – 12:00 SPECIAL PANEL SESSION OF ACADEMIC AND BUSINESS LEADERS Innovation Imperative in the Dynamic Global Environment Chair: J. Clay Whybark, Distinguished University Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA Panel Members Attila Chikan, Corvinus University, Hungary Xiaoguang Fang, FG Consulting, China Den H. Hooi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Daneel Van Lil, University of Johannesburg, South Africa 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch (The Organizing Committee) PROGRAM AT A GLANCE 7 Grand Ballroom FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2012 All sessions will be held at the Howard Johnson Hotel 13:30– 15:00 Concurrent Sessions ROOM California Florida Missouri Virginia Alaska SESSION CODE FP11 FP12 FP13 FP14 FP15 Special Session: Publishing Opportunities & Strategies for Your Research Work Research in Health Care Services Research in Contemporary Management Research in ICT Research in International Business SESSION TOPIC 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 – 17:00 Concurrent Sessions ROOM California Florida Missouri Virginia Alaska SESSION CODE FP21 FP22 FP23 FP24 FP25 SESSION TOPIC A Special Tutorial: Psychological Entrepreneurship Innovation and International Capital: Theory, and Small Competitiveness Marketing Strategy Applications, and Business Real Impact 18:30 - 20:30 Gala Dinner (University of Johannesburg) SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2012 8 Research in MIS 7:30 – 12:00 Conference Registration Desk is open at Hotel Lobby 8:30 – 10:00 Concurrent Sessions ROOM California Florida Missouri Virginia Alaska SESSION CODE SA11 SA12 SA13 SA14 SA15 SESSION TOPIC Psychological Capital and Performance Innovation Research in Global Business Through Smart Service Related Issues I Phones: Adoption Issues and Application 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30– 12:00 Concurrent Sessions Global Business Issues II ROOM California Florida Missouri Virginia Alaska SESSION CODE SA21 SA22 SA23 SA24 SA25 SESSION TOPIC Research in Service Business Issues in Hospitality & Tourism 12:00 – 13:30 Air Travel Services Global Issues Entrepreneurship President's Luncheon Program (Ballroom) SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2012 9 Tourism & Hospitality Management 13:30– 15:00 Concurrent Sessions ROOM California Florida Missouri Virginia Alaska SESSION CODE SP11 SP12 SP13 SP14 SP15 SESSION TOPIC Innovative Ideas Corporate Human Resource Issues in Global for Business Innovation in SCM Strategy Issues Management Finance I Education 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 – 17:00 Concurrent Sessions ROOM California Florida Missouri Virginia Alaska SESSION CODE SP21 SP22 SP23 SP24 SP25 SESSION TOPIC Issues in International Economics Issues in Global Finance II Current Research Research in Research in in International Global Economy Entrepreneurship Finance PROGRAM AT A GLANCE 10 SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2012 Individual activities in Haikou CONFERENCE CLOSES Thank you for your participation in this year’s Pan-Pacific Conference! We hope to see you at next year’s conference (once in a life time opportunity) Johannesburg, South Africa June 2-5, 2013 Pan-Pacific Conference XXIX Program Schedule Code 11 Friday Afternoon, May 25, 2012 Saturday Morning, May 26, 2012 FP1 1-5 = Friday, 13:30 – 15:00 SA1 1-5 = Saturday, 8:30 – 10:00 FP2 1-5 = Friday, 15:30 – 17:00 SA2 1-5 = Saturday, 10:30 – 12:00 Saturday Afternoon, May 26, 2012 SP1 1-5 = Saturday, 13:30 – 15:00 SP2 1-5 = Saturday, 15:30 – 17:00 ___________________________________________________________________________________ FP11 A SPECIAL SESSION: PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITIES AND STRATEGIES FOR YOUR RESEARCH WORK Moderator: Sang M. Lee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Editor-in-Chief, Service Business: An International Journal Panel Members Fred Luthans, Distinguished University Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Editor-in-Chief: Journal of World Business, Organizational Dynamics, and Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies Jong C. Rhim, Professor of Finance, University of Southern Indiana, USA Editor, Global Business and Finance Review Jose E. Vila, Professor of Business, University of Valencia, Spain Executive Director, INBAM (The International Network of Business and Management Journal Editors (a network of 15 SSCI class journals) FP12 RESEARCH IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES CHAIR: Sang-Man Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea The Role of Risk and Efficacy in Health Information Seeking and Avoidance through Emotional Response Jin-Nam Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Ki-Hyun Um, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Sang-Man Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea The Effect of Trust Toward a Medical Consultant on Intention to Receive Treatment in a Primary Medical Institute Ki-Seong Cho, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Min-Ah Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Sang-Man Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Comparative Research on Health Expenditure between China & OECD Countries Contribution of Total, Public and Government Expenditures Mike Guang-yi Xu, Tsinghau University, China Diana Xiao-dan Qiu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China FP13 RESEARCH IN CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT CHAIR: Motofusa Murayama, Chiba University, Japan Art and Management -- Referring to Peter Drucker's Work 12 Motofusa Murayama, Chiba University, Japan Nina Murayama, Tamagawa University, Japan A Study on Stratified Management and Its Opitimization Guohua Fu, Hainan University, China The Influence of Consumers' Awareness for Corporate Social Responsibility on Overall Brand Evaluation Jiwon Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Inwon Kang, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Hunjoo Jung, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Corporate Social Responsbility, Financial Performance, and Market Performance: Evidence from Indonesia Consumer Goods Industry Evelyn Setiawan, Pelita Harapan University of Surabaya, Indonesia Gupita Janet Tjiang, Pelita Harapan University of Surabaya, Indonesia FP14 RESEARCH IN ICT CHAIR: Carl Marnewick, University of Johannesburg, South Aftrica The Impact of IT Consumerisation on IT Service Management Carl Marnewick, University of Johannesburg, South Aftrica M-Commerce and Information Privacy Concerns Jaejung Lee, Pukyung National University, South Korea Jim Q. Chen, St. Cloud State University, USA Ruidong Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA Toward an Optimal Selection Model of IT Research Projects: Focusing on Public Sector Myung-Hwan Rhim, ETRI, South Korea Yeong-Wha Sawng, ETRI, South Korea Gang Hoon Kim, ETRI, South Korea Ji-Hyong Chung, ETRI, South Korea FP15 RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CHAIR: Akio Yamamoto, Kajima Corporation, Japan How Did the BCP Work after the East Japan Earthquake? - A Case Study of a Japanese Construction Company Akio Yamamoto, Kajima Corporation, Japan Comparative Research on Premium Capacity of Globe Car Brands in China Auto Market Mike Guang-yi Xu, Tsinghua University, China Diana Xiao-dan Qiu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Producer Service, Manufacturing Efficiency and 638Threshold of Openness--Empirical Analysis based on inter-provincial data in China Xing Yao, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Dong Yuan, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China A Study on the Outward FDI of Chinese Enterprises in Developed Countries and Independent Innovation Capabilities Yang Wang, University of International Business and Finance, China 13 Chunguang Ma, University of International Business and Finance, China FP21 A SPECIAL TUTORIAL - PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL: THEORY, APPLICATIONS, AND REAL IMPACT CHAIR: Hui Wang, Peking University, China PRESENTER: Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA FP22 INNOVATION AND COMPETITIVENESS CHAIR: Attila Chikan, Corvinus University, Hungary Connection of ICT Development and National Competitiveness Attila Chikan, Corvinus University, Hungary A Framework of Customer Participation in Business Ecosystems: Case Study Approach Jaehun Joo, Dongguk University, South Korea Azizbek Marakhimov, Dongguk University, South Korea Mie-jung Kim, Dongguk University, South Korea Wongyong Joo, Pusan National University, South Korea Fostering Organizational Creativity for Innovation Chanuk Park, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Kyungsin Park, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Jiwon Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Hunjoo Jung, Kyung Hee University, South Korea FP23 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRATEGY CHAIR: Chew Yoong Wan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Rethinking Marketing Strategy in China: The Case of Korean-wave and Korean Products Inwon Kang, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Matthew Shin, Claremont Graduate University, USA Moving from a Reactive to a Proactive Marketing Research: Forecasting in the Former Soviet Republics Nadira Pardo, California Southern University, USA Phillip Pardo, Ritsmeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan William Claster, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Study on Collaboration and Co-creation of the Indonesian Retail Tea Brands Study on Collaboration and Co-creation of the Indonesian Retail Tea Brands Herry Hudrasyah, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Fakhri Rasyidi, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia FP24 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS CHAIR: Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Entrepreneur Biographical Data as Antecedents in the Entrepreneurial Orientation Model Magda Hewitt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Entrepreneurial Mindset Education: Strategy, Structure and Pedagogy - Myths and Realties Den Huan Hooi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chew Yoong Wan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 14 Measuring the Resulting Commitment Behavior of Employed Family Members in a Family Business Lodewikus Janse van Rensburg, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Magda Hewitt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa FP25 RESEARCH IN MIS CHAIR: Soon Goo Hong, Dong-A University, South Korea Evaluating the Website Performance of Belize's e-Government Portal Freida Palma, Dong-A University, South Korea Soon Goo Hong, Dong-A University, South Korea Hyung Rim Choi, Dong-A University, South Korea Min Je Cho, Dong-A University, South Korea A Study on Affecting Factors of SaaS Adoption Seung Hoon Chae, Ajou University, South Korea Sang-Gun Lee, Sogang University, South Korea Kyung Min Cho, Ajou University, South Korea Jay Ick Lim, Ajou University, South Korea A Study on the Relevance of ICT Trade and GDP Sang-Gun Lee, Sogang University, South Korea Silvana Trimi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Chang-Gyu Kim, Ajou University, South Korea Improving Supply Chain Collaboration with RFID: A Case Study of GLOVIS America Hwanyong Kim, Troy University, USA Rodger Morrison, Troy University, USA Ingyu Lee, Troy University, USA Jeong-hwan Park, Telecomland Ltd., South Korea SA11 PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL AND PERFORMANCE CHAIR: Dennison Bhola, HUMANeX Ventures, USA Evidence-based Management (EBM) for PsyCap: Role of Scientist-Practitioners and PractitionerScientists Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Dennison Bhola, HUMANeX Ventures, USA The Stressor by Customer Affect Employees' Perception, Emotional Labor and Turnover Intention: The Perspective of Psychological Capital Xiaoyan Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Erhua Zhou, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China The Impact of Ethical Commitment on Employee Performance and Psychological State - An Application of Ethics to Pharmaceutical Companies Gwang-Hee Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Ji-hyun Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Sang-Man Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea SA12 GLOBAL BUSINESS ISSUES I CHAIR: Roberto Bergami, Victoria University, Australia 15 It Takes Two to Tango: The Story of FTA Explosion World-wide 1948-2011 Dharma DeSilva, Wichita State University, USA Masud Chand, Wichita State University, USA Sourcing Engineered Parts in the Manufacturing Industry: Local versus Low Cost Country Suppliers - an Industry Perspective Nicholas Tzoras, Foster Group, Australia Roberto Bergami, Victoria University, Australia Forecasting in Kazakhstan and other FSS: Market Expansion for Future Profits Nadira Pardo, California Southern University, USA William Claster, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Phillip Pardo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Firm Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions David Broadstock, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Alan Collins, University of Portsmouth, Great Britain Lester Hunt, University of Surrey, Great Britian Konstantinos Vergos, University of Portsmouth, Great Britain SA13 INNOVATION THROUGH SMART PHONES: ADOPTION AND APPLICATION Chair: Jaehun Joo, Dongguk University, South Korea A Method of Recognizing Objects on Camera Photos of Smart Phones Using Electronic Maps Jaegeol Yim, Dongguk University, South Korea Jaehun Joo, Dongguk University, South Korea Silvana Trimi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA The Effects of Dissatisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Response in Smartphone Application Service Jeongil Choi, Soongsil University, South Korea Yonghee Kim, Soongsil University, South Korea Sang-Myung Lee, Hanyang University, South Korea Hyunjung Lim, Dankook University, South Korea A Study of the Factors in the Adoption of Smartphone Yunchu Huang, Honam University, South Korea SA14 RESEARCH IN SERVICE RELATED ISSUES CHAIR: Daesung Chang, Kyonggi University, South Korea Impact of Flight Attendants' Emotional Intelligence on the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty Jiseon Jeon, Kyonggi University, South Korea Sung-Kyung Yang, Kyonggi University, South Korea Yun Ju Lee, Kyonggi University, South Korea A Study on Efforts to Recover from Lack of Service Jung-Hyun Lee, Howon University, South Korea Min-su Kim, Hanseo University, South Korea Sunran Jeon, Hanseo University, South Korea Yong Sook Lee, Osaka University of Economics, Japan A Study on Locations and Service Type of Coffee Shops in Korea Doo Bock Kim, Kyonggi University, South Korea Daesung Chang, Kyonggi University, South Korea Gyujin Chae, Chungwoon University, South Korea 16 SA15 GLOBAL BUSINESS ISSUES II CHAIR: Chong W. Kim, Marshall University, USA A Study on the Deindustrialization in Japan: Influence which Deindustrialization has on Quality Atsuto Nishio, Takushoku University, Japan Measuring Student Worldviews across Nations: Extending a Survey Technique Michael Newsome, Marshall University, USA R.G. Akkihal, Marshall University, USA Roger Adkins, Marshall University, USA Kyung-Soo Park, Chonbuk National University, South Korea Chong W. Kim, Marshall University, USA The Investigation of User's Satisfaction upon ASP Subscription in China Xiao Tang, University of Buffalo, USA Chung-Yean Chiang, SolBridge International School of Business, South Korea Jianzong Lin, Xiamen University of Technology, China SA21 RESEARCH IN SERVICE BUSINESS CHAIR: Teresa Betts, Murray State University, USA Construction of a Service Classification: Comparisons of Process Selection and Strategic Fit Teresa Betts, Murray State University, USA Customer Perceptions of Service Quality in Instant Messenger Shopping Mall Hyungseok Yoon, Yonsei University, South Korea Insu Cho, Yonsei University, South Korea Heejun Park, Yonsei University, South Korea Residential Quality to Regulate the Practice Research Yongge Xu, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, China Dan Cui, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, China Exploring the Key Success Factors for Partner Selection of Intellectual Property Services Industry Cheng-Wei Chang, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, ROC Ta-Jung Lu, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, ROC SA22 ISSUES IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM CHAIR: Jeong-Gil Choi, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Relative Influences of Affect and Cognition on Behavioral Intentions in Medical Tourism Sang-Man Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Ki-Hyun Um, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Jin-Nam Kim, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Sentiment Mining: Psychological Implications for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Nadira Pardo, California Southern University, USA William Claster, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Phillip Pardo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Choice of Hotel Financial Strategies on the Business Cycles Jeong-Gil Choi, Kyung Hee University, South Korea 17 Cultural Differences in Evaluating Hospitality Services Rossy Sjarifah Sjarif, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia Nils Van De Winkel, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia SA23 AIR TRAVEL SERVICE ISSUES CHAIR: Myungsook An, Kyungin Women's College, South Korea Effects of Organizational and Social Rewards on Positive Emotional Display Chongho Lee, Korea Aerospace University, South Korea Myungsook An, Kyungin Women's College, South Korea Jiseon Jeon, Kyonggi University, South Korea Hyunjung Lim, Dankook University, South Korea An Empirical Study of Airline Service Quality Affecting on Internal and External Customers' Satisfaction Jiyoung Yeon, Inha University, South Korea Jeongil Choi, Soongsil University, South Korea Jongwoo Park, Soongsil University, South Korea The Performance Willingness of Service Quality Factors and Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty of the Flying Attendants Hee-Rim Nam, Kyonggi University, South Korea Myung-sook An, Kyungin Women's College, South Korea Joo Hee Kim, Kyonggi University, South Korea SA24 GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHAIR: Say-Wei Foo, Nanyang Technnological University, Singapore Technology Based Entrepreneurship Say-Wei Foo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Social Enterprises in Japan: Reality and Future Ayako Sendo, Takushoku University, Japan An Empirical Study of the Effects of Relational Embeddedness on Entrepreneurial Resources Acquisition: Evidence from Chinese New Ventures Network Weiming Li, Hainan University, China Chunyan Li, Hainan University, China Zhaohong Lin, Hainan University, China SA25 TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CHAIR: Martin Lusticky, University of Economics in Prague, Czechoslovakia Selection of the Appropriate Partners for Destination Benchmarking Martin Lusticky, University of Economics in Prague, Czechoslovakia Vladislav Bina, University of Economics in Prague, Czechoslovakia Lucie Vachova, University of Economics in Prague, Czechoslovakia Veronika Zelena, University of Economics in Prague, Czechoslovakia The Moderating Effect of Market Segmentation Variables in the Prediction of Tourist Retention Magdalena Petronella (Nellie) Swart, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa 18 Cultural Tourism Innovation Engineering in the Development of Hainan International Tourism Island Donghong Cai, Hainan University, China Jun Feng, Hainan University, China Xiaoxue Cao, Hainan University, China Impact of Cultural Factors on Satisfaction Level of International Lodging Customers Hong-Hee Lee, Dankook University, South Korea Choong Kwon Lee, Keimyung University, South Korea Byeonghwa Park, Keimyung University, South Korea SP11 INNOVATIVE IDEAS FOR BUSINESS EDUCATION CHAIR: Dharma DeSilva, Wichita State University, USA Globalization and New World Economic Order Demands Management Education Reforms to Meet 21st Century Business Needs World-wide Dharma DeSilva, Wichita State University, USA Growth of Marketing Curriculum and Research in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of the US and China Sang-Heui Lee, Pittsburg State University, USA Hong-Kai Li, South China University of Technology, China Knowledge Mapping Methodology in Education and Teaching at School of Business and Management Technology of Bandung Mila Jamilah Khatun Badriyah, Institute of Technology of Bandung, Indonesia Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Institute of Technology of Bandung, Indonesia Lenny Martini, Institute of Technology of Bandung, Indonesia SP12 INNOVATION IN SCM CHAIR: Seongbae Lim, St. Mary's University, USA Innovative Organizational Culture and Green Supply Chain Management Performance Sung Tae Kim, SolBridge International School of Business, South Korea Taewon Hwang, Valdosta State University, USA Seongbae Lim, St. Mary's University, USA Effects of Non-Optimal Forecasting Methods on Supply Chain Performance Youqin Pan, Salem State University, USA Robert Pavur, University of North Texas, USA Integrating Sales Force Management, Marketing Research and Distribution Systems in a large Asian MNC: Redefining JIT with Modern AI Applications Nadira Pardo, California Southern University, USA William Claster, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Phillip Pardo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan SP13 CORPORATE STRATEGY ISSUES CHAIR: Guoquan Chen, Tsinghua University, China A Study on the Corporate Governance Reform in Korea Byung S. Min, Griffith University, Australia Jong C. Rhim, University of Southern Indiana, USA Peter Cashel-Cordo, University of Southern Indiana, USA 19 Influence of CEO Celebrity on Organizational Attractiveness: Moderating Role of Business Ownership Erhua Zhou, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Yanlin Yan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Yang Ji, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China An Institutional Innovation from Formal Decentralization to Substantive Decentralization -- from the Perspective of the Development of Small and Micro Enterprises Er'sheng Zhang, Hainan University, China Yuyi Chen, Hainan University, China SP14 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CHAIR: Zhaohong Lin, Hainan University, China The Effectiveness of HR Outsourcing on Firm Performance: A Proposed Intermediate Impact of Attitudes and Behavior Zhaohong Lin, Hainan University, China Guoliu Hu, Hainan University, China David Broadstock, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Japanese Human Resources with Global Mindset and Transcultural Competency Emiko Magoshi, J.F. Oberlin University, Japan Work Identity, Work Engagement and Turnover in Multicultural Workplaces Francois Bester, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Anita Bosch, University of Johannesburg, South Africa The Validation of the Turnover Intention Scale Gerhard Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa F.C. Bothma, University of Johannesburg, South Africa SP15 ISSUES IN GLOBAL FINANCE I CHAIR: Weidong Huo, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China How Can CAFTA Adjust Global Imbalances Weidong Huo, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Biqin Yang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Oligopolistic Competition among a Number of Financial Intermediaries in the Financial Market with a Linear Demand Function Shigeru Nishiyama, Kyushu International University, Japan The Analysis of China's Subnational Debt Sustainability Jun Lei, Hainan University, China Yan Fan, Tianjin University, China Wen Juan Gong, Xiamen University, China SP21 ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS CHAIR: Fan Wu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China 20 Dynamic Economic Development Effects of Chinese State-owned Investment - Considering the Regulation Development of Chinese Regional Financial Platforms Fan Wu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China C.Roe Goddard, Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA Yangchun Lu, Sichuan Academy of Social Science, China Xiutao Zeng, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Housing Price Game and Economic Regulation Research under the Asymmetric Information Yongge Xu, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, China Dan Cui, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, China The Empirical Analysis on the Influence Factors of Regional Income Divergence in China Huifang Guo, Hainan University, China Liqun Sun, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China Yonghui Zhang, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China SP22 ISSUES IN GLOBAL FINANCE II CHAIR: Brossa Wong, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong A Cross-Jurisdiction Study of Etax System for Individual Taxpayers Daniel Ho, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Brossa Wong, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong Investment Strategy Innovation: Asset Allocation and Rebalancing Strategy Using Indonesia Panin Mutual Fund Subiakto Soekarno, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Sylviana Maya Damayanti, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia The Determinants of Capital Adequancy Ratio (CAR) in Indonesian Banking Post Bank Crisis in 1998 and Global Financial Crisis 2008 Achmad Herlanto Anggono, Institut of Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia SP23 CURRENT RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CHAIR: Mohammed Nishat, Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan Determinants of Bank Credit in Pakistan - A Supply Side Approach Mohammed Nishat, Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan Kashif Imran, University of Karachi, Pakistan Bank Payment of Obligation - A New International Trade Finance Option? Roberto Bergami, Victoria University, Australia Exploring the Hidden Reason of Low Investment in Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Kinsenary Tjendrasa, Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia SP24 RESEARCH IN GLOBAL ECONOMY 21 CHAIR: Gwo-Jiun Mike Leu, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Economic Development and Sustainable Development in China and Japan Gwo-Jiun Mike Leu, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Indonesia Economy Development Transitional Strategy from Natural Resources-Based to KnowledgeBased Economy Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia Adityawarman Adityawarman, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia The Roles of Creative Economy in China's Creative Transformation Jianpeng Zhang, Hainan Medical University, China SP25 RESEARCH IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHAIR: Gerald Ng, Kaplan Higher Education Australia, Australia Entrepreneurship, Optimism and Economics: An Interdisciplinary Model Gerald Ng, Kaplan Higher Education Australia, Australia Analysis on Traditional "Cultural Genes" affecting Chinese Entrepreneurs' Behavior Xiaoyan Chen, Hainan Normal University, China Jianrong Tang, Hainan University, China The New Ways of Relationship Marketing Strategy Toward the BOP to Develop Entrepreneurship in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines Aditya Salya, Universite de Paris X, France 22 23 Schedule Code Friday Afternoon, May 25, 2012 ........... FP1 1-5 = Friday, 13:30 - 15:00 FP2 1-5 = Friday, 15:30 - 17:00 Saturday Morning, May 26, 2012 ......... SA1 1-5 = Saturday, 8:30 - 10:00 SA2 1-5 = Saturday, 10:30 - 12:00 Saturday Afternoon, May 26, 2012 ...... SP1 1-5 = Saturday, 13:30 - 15:00 SP2 1-5 = Saturday, 15:30 - 17:00 INDEX Adityawarman, Adityawarman................. SP24 Adkins, Roger .......................................... SA15 Akkihal, R.G. ........................................... SA15 An, Myung-sook ...................................... SA23 Anggono, Achmand Herlanto .................. SP22 Badriyah, Mila Jamilah Khatun................ SP11 Bergami, Roberto .................................... SA12, SP23 Bester, Francois ...................................... SP14 Betts, Teresa ........................................... SA21 Bhola, Dennison ...................................... SA11 Bina, Vladislav ......................................... SA25 Bosch, Anita ............................................ SP14 Bothma, F.C. ........................................... SP14 Broadstock, David ................................... SA12, SP14 Cai, Donghong ........................................ SA25 Cao, Xiaoxue ........................................... SA25 Cashel-Cordo, Peter ............................... SP13 Chae, Gyujin............................................ SA14 Chae, Seung Hoon .................................. FP25 Chand, Masud ......................................... SA12 Chang, Cheng-Wei .................................. SA21 Chang, Daesung ..................................... SA14 Chen, Guoquan ....................................... SP13 Chen, Jim Q. ........................................... FP14 Chen, Xiaoyan ......................................... SP25 Chen, Yuyi ............................................... SP13 Chiang, Chung-Yean ............................... SA15 Chikan, Attila ........................................... FP22 Cho, Insu ................................................. SA21 Cho, Ki-Seong ......................................... FP12 Cho, Kyung Min ....................................... FP25 Cho, Min Je ............................................. FP25 Choi, Hyung Rim ..................................... FP25 Choi, Jeong-Gil........................................ SA22 Choi, Jeongil............................................ SA13, SA23 Chung, Ji-Hyong ..................................... FP14 Claster, William ....................................... FP23, SA12, ................................................................ SA22, SP12 Collins, Alan ............................................ SA12 Cui, Dan .................................................. SA21, SP21 Damayanti, Sylviana Maya ...................... SP22 DeSilva, Dharma ..................................... SA12, SP11 Fan, Yan .................................................. SP15 Feng, Jun ................................................ SA25 Foo, Say-Wei .......................................... SA24 Fu, Guohua ............................................. FP13 Goddard, C. Roe ..................................... SP21 Gong, Wen Juan ..................................... SP15 Guo, Huifang ........................................... SP21 Hewitt, Magda ......................................... FP24 Ho, Daniel ............................................... SP22 Hong, Soon Goo ..................................... FP25 Hooi, Den Huan ...................................... FP24 Hu, Guoliu ............................................... SP14 Huang, Yunchu ....................................... SA13 Hudrasyah, Herry .................................... FP23 Hunt, Lester ............................................ SA12 Huo, Weidong ......................................... SP15 Hwang, Taewon ...................................... SP12 Imran, Kashif ........................................... SP23 Janse Van Rensburg, Lodewikus ........... FP24 Jeon, Jiseon ............................................ SA14, SA23 Jeon, Sunran........................................... SA14 Ji, Yang ................................................... SP13 Joo, Jaehun ............................................ FP22, SA13 Joo, Wongyong ....................................... FP22 Jung, Hunjoo ........................................... FP13, FP22 Kang, Inwon ............................................ FP13, FP23 Kim, Chang-Gyu ..................................... FP25 Kim, Chong W. ........................................ SA15 Kim, Doo Bock ........................................ SA14 Kim, Gang Hoon ..................................... FP14 Kim, Hwanyong ....................................... FP25 Kim, Jin-Nam .......................................... FP12, SA22 Kim, Joo Hee .......................................... SA23 Kim, Mie-jung .......................................... FP22 Kim, Min-Ah ............................................ FP12 Kim, Min-su ............................................. SA14 Kim, Sang-Man ....................................... FP12, SA11 ................................................................ SA22 Kim, Sung Tae ........................................ SP12 Kim, Yonghee ......................................... SA13 Lee, Chongho ......................................... SA23 Lee, Choong Kwon ................................. SA25 Lee, Gwang-Hee ..................................... SA11 Lee, Hong-Hee........................................ SA25 24 Lee, Ingyu................................................ FP25 Lee, Jaejung ............................................ FP14 Lee, Ji-hyun ............................................. SA111 Lee, Jiwon ............................................... FP13, FP22 Lee, Jung-Hyun ....................................... SA14 Lee, Sang Gun ........................................ FP25 Lee, Sang-Heui ....................................... SP11 Lee, Sang-Myung .................................... SA13 Lee, Yong Sook ....................................... SA14 Lee, Yun Ju ............................................. SA14 Lei, Jun .................................................... SP15 Leu, Gwo-Jiun Mike ................................ SP24 Li, Chunyan ............................................. SA24 Li, Hong-Kai............................................. SP11 Li, Weiming.............................................. SA24 Li, Xiaoyan............................................... SA11 Lim, Hyunjung ......................................... SA13, SA23 Lim, Jay Ick ............................................. FP25 Lim, Seongbae ........................................ SP12 Lin, Jianzong ........................................... SA15 Lin, Zhaohong ......................................... SA24, SP14 Lu, Ta-Jung ............................................. SA21 Lu, Yangchun .......................................... SP21 Lusticky, Martin ....................................... SA25 Luthans, Fred .......................................... FP11, FP21 ................................................................ SA11 Ma, Chunguang ....................................... FP15 Magoshi, Emiko ....................................... SP14 Marakhimov, Azizbek .............................. FP22 Marnewick, Carl....................................... FP14 Martini, Lenny .......................................... SP11 Min, Byung S. .......................................... SP13 Morrison, Rodger .................................... FP25 Murayama, Motofusa .............................. FP13 Murayama, Nina ...................................... FP13 Nam, Hee-Rim......................................... SA23 Newsome, Michael .................................. SA15 Ng, Gerald ............................................... SP25 Nishat, Mohammed ................................. SP23 Nishio, Atsuto .......................................... SA15 Nishiyama, Shigeru ................................. SP15 Palma, Freida .......................................... FP25 Pan, Youqin ............................................. SP12 Pardo, Nadira .......................................... FP23, SA12 ................................................................ SA22, SP12 Pardo, Phillip ........................................... FP23, SA12 ................................................................ SA22, SP12 Park, Byeonghwa .................................... SA25 Park, Chanuk........................................... FP22 Park, Heejun............................................ SA21 Park, Jeong-hwan ................................... FP25 Park, Jongwoo......................................... SA23 Park, Kyung-Soo ..................................... SA15 Park, Kyungsin ........................................ FP22 Pavur, Robert .......................................... SP12 Qiu, Diana Xiao-dan ................................ FP12, FP15 Rasyidi, Fakhri......................................... FP23 Rhim, Jong C........................................... FP11, SP13 Rhim, Myung-Hwan ................................ FP14 Roodt, Gerhard ....................................... FP24, SA25 ................................................................ SP14 Salya, Aditya ........................................... SP25 Sawng, Yeong-Wha ................................ FP14 Sendo, Ayako.......................................... SA24 Setiawan, Evelyn .................................... FP13 Shin, Matthew ......................................... FP23 Sjarif, Rossy Sjarifah............................... SA22 Soekarno, Subiakto................................. SP22 Sun, Liqun ............................................... SP21 Swart, Magdalena Petronella (Nellie) ..... SA25 Tang, Jianrong ........................................ SP25 Tang, Xiao ............................................... SA15 Tjakraatmadja, Jann Hidajat ................... SP11, SP24 Tjendrasa, Kinsenary .............................. SP23 Tjiang, Gupita Janet ................................ FP13 Trimi, Silvana .......................................... FP25, SA13 Tzoras, Nicholas ..................................... SA12 Um, Ki-Hyun ............................................ FP12, SA22 Vachova, Lucie ....................................... SA25 Van De Winkel, Nils ................................ SA22 Vergos, Konstantinos .............................. SA12 Vila, Jose E. ............................................ FP11 Wan, Chew Yoong .................................. FP23, FP24 Wang, Hui ............................................... FP21 Wang, Yang ............................................ FP15 Wong, Brossa ......................................... SP22 Wu, Fan .................................................. SP21 Xu, Mike Guang-yi .................................. FP12, FP15 Xu, Yongge ............................................. SA21, SP21 Yamamoto, Akio...................................... FP15 Yan, Yanlin .............................................. SP13 Yang, Biqin .............................................. SP15 Yang, Sung-Kyung .................................. SA14 Yao, Xing ................................................ FP15 Yeon, Jiyoung ......................................... SA23 Yim, Jaegeol ........................................... SA13 Yoon, Hyungseok.................................... SA21 Yuan, Dong ............................................. FP15 Zelena, Veronika ..................................... SA25 Zeng, Xiutao............................................ SP21 Zhang, Er'sheng ...................................... SP13 Zhang, Jianpeng ..................................... SP24 Zhang, Ruidong ...................................... FP14 Zhang, Yonghui....................................... SP21 Zhou, Erhua ............................................ SA11, SP13 25