Name: Unit 11 Study Guide: The National Government SOL: CE.6 1

Name: _______________________
Unit 11 Study Guide:
The National Government
12. Which branch has the power to approve and
confirm actions of the President?
Legislative Branch
1. What document defines the current structure
and powers of the national government?
Constitution of the United States
13. Which branch prepares the budget, appoints
cabinet members, ambassadors, and government
Executive Branch
What branch of the Government…
2. Congress?
14. Which branch administers the federal
Executive Branch
3. The President?
15. Who has the power of Judicial Review?
The Supreme Court
4. Supreme Court?
16. Judicial Review means a law or act can be
declared …
5. Makes the laws?
6. Executing, enforcing, and carrying out the
17. What is it called when the power of the
government is limited by dividing the power
among three branches?
Separation of Power
7. Interprets the laws?
18. What part of the Constitution defines the
powers of the three branches?
Articles I, II, and III
8. What terms means a legislature with two
19. What system in the Constitution keeps the
branches from getting too much power?
Checks and Balances
9. The number of members from each state in
the House of Representatives is based onPopulation
20. Which branch can prepare the budget,
appoint federal judges, and call Special Sessions
of Congress?
Executive Branch
10. How many members does each state have in
the Senate?
11. Which branch can declare war, raise money
through taxes, and regulate interstate trade?
Legislative Branch
21. When a bill is vetoed it is a check by the
_____________ over the ____________.
Executive; Legislative
22. Who has the power to override a veto and
Legislative Branch
23. Which branch approves Presidential
appointments and treaties?
Legislative Branch
24. When the President calls a special session of
Congress. What branch is being checked?
Legislative Branch
34. What is the name of the President’s annual
speech in which he proposes new laws?
State of the Union Address
Appealing directly to the people
Approving or vetoing legislation
Appointing officials to carry out the laws
25. What branch’s only power is to declare laws
and acts unconstitutional?
Judicial Branch
35. Who can influence policymaking in the ways
listed above?
The President
26a. Who appoints members of the Supreme
The Executive Branch
36. Who helps the President carry out the laws?
Cabinet, Departments and Regulatory Agencies
26b. Who approves members of the Supreme
The Legislative Branch
27. What are powers specifically listed in the
Constitution called?
28. What powers that are given, but NOT
specifically listed in the Constitution called?
29. What do elected officials write in order to
solve problems and issues plus due to concerns
of interests groups?
30. Who can introduce a bill into Congress?
A Senator or Representative
31. What happens to a bill after it is introduced
and sent to committee?
Floor Debate
32. Before a bill goes to the President it must
pass in ….
Both houses of Congress
33. Whose signature can turn a bill into a law?
37-40. Identify the President’s Role…
Ceremonial head of the government Chief of State
Head of the executive branch of government Chief Executive
Proposer of the legislative agenda Chief Legislator
Head of the nation’s armed forces Commander-in-Chief
Architect of American foreign policy Chief Diplomat
Leader of the political party that controls the
executive branch Chief of Party
Representative of all of the people Chief Citizen