Liberty Debate Document1 Page 1 of 21 N. Ryan ****1NC**** 1 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 2 of 21 N. Ryan T - Procurement Financial incentives are grants or loans—government purchases and tax credits are distinct. Czinkota et al., Georgetown Business professor, 2009 (Michael, Fundamentals of International Business, pg 69, ldg) Incentives offered by policymakers to … and investments in infrastructure facilities. Vote Negative: 1. Limits - Broad definitions could include 40 different mechanisms Moran, Center for Global Development non-resident fellow, 1986 (Theodore, Investing in Development: New Roles for Private Capital?, pg 29, ldg) Guisinger finds that if “incentives” are … of individual government instruments. 2. Ground – They do not spend federal money, this eliminates key ground on spending, politics, and trade-off debates – it also allows them to have highly specific evidence about their mechanism – they acquire additional solvency. 2 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 3 of 21 N. Ryan HIA CP The United States Federal Government should initiate a binding substantive environmental impact statement, including but not limited to a health impact assessment regarding the consequences of [substantially increasing financial incentives for the procurement of tactical weapons from Russia for the sole purpose of nuclear energy production in the United States] and adopt such measure only if it can be made consistent with the results of the statement. We’ll clarify. CP solves-public participation is key and equity norms make the plan more sustainable Bratspies, CUNY law professor, 2010 (Rebecca, “The Intersection Of International Human Rights And Domestic Environmental Regulation”, 8-20,, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) There are many lessons to draw from … the Chukchi Sea leases less likely. Increases public health and care accessibility is key to stop bioterrorism Green, Ontario Genomics Institute Outreach Director, 2004 (Shane, “Bioterrorism and Health Care Reform: No Preparedness Without Access,”, May Virtual Mentor, the AMA Journal of Ethics, Vol. 6, No. 5, ldg) But with the US presently engaged … with easy access to health care. Extinction Ochs, Chemical Weapons Working Group president, 6/9/02 [Richard, "Biological Weapons Must Be Abolished Immediately,” google] While a "nuclear winter," resulting from a …such plagues? HUMAN EXTINCTION IS NOW POSSIBLE. 3 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 4 of 21 N. Ryan Immigration DA Will pass-momentum Baker, Pallet Enterprise, 3-1-13 (DeAnna, “Is Immigration Reform on the Way?”,, DOA: 35-13, ldg) There are now many discussions … there’s a lot of common ground.” Energy policy kills Obama PIW 2012 (Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, “Obama Plays Safe on Energy Policy” 1-9, lexis, ldg) With less than a year to go until he … other energy policy areas ( PIW Feb.23'09 ). Immigration reform prevents a shortage in the aerospace industry Aubrecht, Cornell engineering PhD, 2009 (David, “The Aerospace Workforce”, Federal News Service, 12-10, lexis, ldg) And finally, despite our best … they just can't get the visas. That collapses the aerospace sector --- tanks air power Aubrecht, Cornell engineering PhD, 2009 (David, “The Aerospace Workforce”, Federal News Service, 12-10, lexis, ldg) Aerospace systems are of considerable … that our entire space sector relies on. Nuclear war Tellis, RAND senior political scientist, 1998 (Ashley, “Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century”, http://www.rand. org/publications/MR/MR897/MR897.chap3.pdf, DOA: 2-9-13, ldg) This subsection attempts to synthesize …during the time frames examined in this report. 4 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 5 of 21 N. Ryan Outsiders-Within K Threat of a nuclear meltdown divorces rationality and emotion- turns life into a numbers game Nelkin, former NYU professor, 81 (Dorothy, authored over 25 sociology books, “Nuclear Power as a Feminist Issue,” Environment 23:1, February 1981, page 18, National Science Foundation EVIST program, accessed 360 Link- Environment, 10-11-12, mee) The feminist anti-nuclear discourse … radiation-ejaculation nuclear power.” White Supremacy has found its place in global society as the controlling force behind all forms of oppression by connecting and exploiting the existing differences that exist between us causing continued exclusion and disenfranchisement Rabaka, Associate Professor of Africana Studies in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007 (Reiland, Affiliate Professor of Women and Gender Studies and a Research Fellow at the Center for Studies of Ethnicity and Race in America (CSERA), August 4, “The Souls of White Folk: W.E.B. Du Bois’s Critique of White Supremacy and Contributions to Critical White Studies”, Journal of African American Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 1-15, pgs. 2-4) Traditionally “white supremacy” has been treated in race …and “non-white” (Allen 1994, 1997; Goldberg 1997; Harris 1999; Lopez 1995, 1996; Omi and Winant 1994; Roediger 1994, 1999). The alternative is to evaluate all axes of oppression in order to fully understand domination and completely re-conceptualize social relations. This allows for the empowerment of currently oppressed groups. The role of the ballot should be to assess which team best performs a methodology that approaches multiple intersections of oppression. Knowledge is key to this change of lens- means only our epistemology solves Collins, 91 (Patricia Hill, “Black Feminist Thought in the Matrix of Domination,” From “Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment,” pgs 221–238, da 2-13-12,, mee) Knowledge is a vitally important part … has far greater implications. 5 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 6 of 21 N. Ryan Grid DA Transmission investments are increasing now – but will take a while. Powergrid International, 12-17-12 (“2013 trends for the power industry”,, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg) In the absence of some major … problem isn't much different from that." Nuclear trades off and collapses the smart grid Froggat et al., Chatham House senior research fellow, 2010 (Anthony, “Systems for Change: Nuclear Power vs. Energy Efficiency + Renewables?”, Heinrich Böll Foundation, March,, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) Global experience of nuclear … energy sector for at least a generation. Grid upgrade solves warming-unlocks renewable potential and increases innovation. Coughlin, IEEE's Society on Social Implications of Technology member, 2011 (Sierra, “Smart Grid: A Smart Idea For America?”, 11-27,, DOA: 2-14-1, ldg) The natural environment is by far the most important … demand for electricity increases. Warming causes extinction – geological history proves Bushnell, NASA Langley Research Center chief scientist, 10 (Dennis M. has a MS in mechanical engineering, won the Lawrence A. Sperry Award, AIAA Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Award, the AIAA Dryden Lectureship, and is the recipient of many NASA Medals for outstanding Scientific Achievement and Leadership, "Conquering Climate Change," The Futurist 44. 3, May/Jun 2010, ProQuest, accessed 10-3-12, mtf) Unless we act, the next … sound, they're actually conservative. 6 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 7 of 21 N. Ryan Case – Solvency Global opposition has halted the renaissance Lovell, E&E European correspondent, 12 (Jeremy, March 19, 2012, “Public opinion turns anti-nuclear after Fukushima, but the industry soldiers on”,, 8/15/12, atl) LONDON -- Global public opinion has … and the United States more or less evenly divided. 7 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 8 of 21 N. Ryan Case – Terrorism 1. Terrorists won't use nuclear weapons- the risk of failure is too high Levi 07 ( Michael A., CFR (Council for Foreign Relations) Science and Technology fellow, 4-13-07, "How Likely is a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on the United States?," ion%2Fby_type%2Fonline_debate) How likely is a nuclear terrorist … may be much less likely than many expect. 2. Acts of terrorism will remain small scale Stevenson et al., Naval war college strategic studies professor, 2010 (Jonathan, “Focus on thwarting 'simpler' attacks,” 5-4, But the attempt to bring a less destructive …claiming roughly 2,200 and 1,000 lives, respectively. 3. Expert consensus concludes no loose nuclear material Mueller, political science professor Ohio State University, 2008 (John, “THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD”, January 1, 2008,, ldg) There has been a lot of worry about "loose … available for purchase in some way (2007, 56). 8 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 9 of 21 N. Ryan Case – Russia Relations 1. Relations resilient- Russia accepted U.S. “reset” Lieven, 11 Anatol Lieven, New America Foundation July 11, 2011,, L/N, d/a, 1/3/12, SRG Faced with this new reality, the Obama … and illegitimate extension of hard power. No Russian aggression- internal focus, structural shifts in nationalism Popescu, ECFR research fellow, 2-3 (Nicu, European Council on Foreign Relations, "Russia’s liberal-nationalist cocktail," 2-3-12,, accessed 2-11-12, mss) One of Vladimir Putin’s recent pre-election articles dedicated to the … and ‘Migrants today, Occupiers tomorrow’. 2. Israel strikes answer No Iran strikes Leverett, New America Foundation senior fellow, 2-2-12 (Flynt, “Hype Or Reality: Will Israel Attack Iran Before The U.S. Presidential Election?”,, DOA: 2-4-12, ldg) All of the relevant unclassified assessments and, it would …—has seemed to us a low-probability outcome. Israel strikes stabilize the region and permanently cripple Iran’s nuclear ambitions Yadlin, director of Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies, 2-29 (Amos, NY Times, February 29, 2012, “Israel’s Last Chance to Strike Iran”,, 3/12/12, atl) Today, Israel sees the prospect of a … than an Iran with nuclear weapons. 3. Transition will be peaceful MacDonald and Parent, Williams College, University of Miami, pol sci assistant profs, 11 (Paul and Joseph, "Resurrecting Retrenchment: The Grand Strategic Consequences of U.S. Decline," May, Policy Brief, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, da 12-19-11, mee Declining great powers are less … in restoring U.S. credibility and reassuring allies. 4. Hegemony triggers conflicts around the globe and undermines cooperation-culminates in extinction. Boggs, National University social science professor, 2005 (Carl, “Planetary Politics: human rights, terror, and global society” ed. Stephen Eric Bronner, pg 80-1, ldg) A potentially explosive contradiction of … and globally – are certain to be disastrous 5. Disease answer (TB) No scenario for superbugs- virulence trades off with transmissibility Orent, anthropologist specializing in evolutionary epidemiology, 2005 [Wendy, interview with Richard Halicks, “ Bird bug has flown the coop," 10-23-5, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, l/n, accessed 12-2310, mss] Transmissibility is the ability of the virus to get out … the disease, it dies with you. 9 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 10 of 21 N. Ryan 10 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 11 of 21 N. Ryan ****2NC**** 11 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 12 of 21 N. Ryan Solvency There’s a global decline in nuclear construction Mez, Freie Universität, Berlin, Professor of Political Science and Social Sciences, 12 (Lutz, May 7, 2012, “Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection?”, 6/29/12, atl) Is the entire world really building … at any rate not be underestimated (Mez et al., 2009). No risk of renaissance – multiple barriers prevent expansion Slocum, director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, 12 (Tyson, February 13, 2012, “NRC Approval Doesn't Signal Much”,, 6/29/12, atl) The Nuclear Regulatory … competing renewable technologies. \ 12 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 13 of 21 N. Ryan CP OutweighsA. Magnitude- only scenario for global extinction Steinbrauner 97 (Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, Committee on International Security and Arms Control, December 22, Foreign Policy, CW, accessed on 8/11/10) That deceptively simple observation has immense … sort but not necessarily its outer limit. B. Probability Matheny 2007 (Jason G. Matheny, Health Economist, Risk analysis 27 November 5, 2007, CW, accessed on 8/14/10) Of current extinction risks, the most … pandemics (Lam, Franco, & Shuler, 2006). C. Turns nuclear war- spurs nuclear retaliation Conley, 2003 (Harry W., chief of the systems analysis Branch, Directorate of Requirements, Air and Space Power Journal- Spring 2003, CW, accessed on 8/13/10) The number of American casualties suffered due to a … possibility, whatever promises had been made.”48 Strong public health mitigates and deters bioterror Kosal et al., Sam Nunn School of International Affairs Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009 (Margaret, “Bioterrorism Deterrence: the Role of Public Health in Security”,, ldg) A strong public health infrastructure … weaken the global terrorist network. CP solves better: 1. Public participation-gives the project legitimacy and nullifies future backlash that will derail the deal. Wolsink, Amsterdam geography professor, 2010 (Maarten, “Contested environmental policy infrastructure: Socio-political acceptance of renewable energy, water, and waste facilities”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review Volume 30, Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 302–311, ScienceDirect, ldg) In the example case of the IPWA (InterProvincial …far below the level of Germany for example (Agterbosch and Breukers, 2008). 2.Equity-review would maintain intergenerational equity-that solves overexploitation and deploying risky technology that would make the project end in environmental disaster-that’s Bratspies 3. At worst minor repairs boost solvency. Wernham, MD and Health Impact Project director, 2011 (Aaron, “Health Impact Assessment: A Tool That Can Build A Healthier America”, 15,, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Yet officials in transportation and other … minimum investment of time and expense. 4. Leads to future policies that solve better. Bhatia et al., San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2009 (Rajiv, “Integrating human health into environmental impact assessment: an unrealized opportunity for environmental health and justice”, July/Aug,, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) The case examples also illustrate …for a number of large industrial proposals. 13 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 14 of 21 N. Ryan 1. Mutually exclusive – impact assessments is an alternative strategy that rejects immediacy – either links to net benefit or severs – that’s Bratspies. Severance is a voter: makes offense impossible. 2. Intrinsic – adds non-binding review – in neither plan nor counterplan. Voting issue: allows them to fiat out of offense 3. Binding key-ad hoc voluntary measures doesn’t cause a spillover Cole et al., UCLA School of Public Health, 2008 (Brian, “Building Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Capacity: A Strategy for Congress and Government Agencies”, December,, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Some degree of institutionalization … an HIA is even conducted in a particular situation. 3 4. Corporate interests co-opt non bindng measures. Bhatia et al., San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2009 (Rajiv, “Integrating human health into environmental impact assessment: an unrealized opportunity for environmental health and justice”, July/Aug,, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) Industry proponents should also be viewed as … and sustainable development planning. 5. Perm’s assessment would be useless-doesn’t solve net benefits. Jackson et al., UCLA environmental health sciences professor, 2011 (Richard, “Improving Health in the United States: The Role of Health Impact Assessment”,, DOA: 8-22-12, ldg) The committee emphasizes that as long as … health needs of the advantaged. 2. Severs certainty: Resolved means firm in purpose Random House Dictionary, 2009 [ Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, "resolved,", mss] re⋅solved [ri-zolvd] –adjective firm in purpose or intent; determined. Mechanism mandates certainty – “increase” must be a mandate HEFC 2004 (Higher Education Funding Council for England, “Joint Committee on the Draft Charities Bill Written Evidence”, June,, ldg) 9.1 The Draft Bill creates an obligation on t… obligation could be considered to be ever-increasing. “Substantial” mean unconditional Words & Phrases 64 (40 W&P 759) The words “outward, open, actual, … others; undivided; sole; opposed to inclusive. 3. Severs immediacy – “should” means done now Summer, Oklahoma Supreme Court, 1994 14 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 (Justice, “Kelsey v. Dollarsaver Food Warehouse of Durant”,, ldg) Page 15 of 21 N. Ryan 4 The legal question to be resolved by the court is … effective in the future [in futurol]. See Van Wyck v. Knevals, 106 U.S. 360, 365, 1 S.Ct. 336, 337, 27 L.Ed. 201 (1882). Counterplan solves modeling better DeSombre, Wellesley university environmental studies and political science professor, 2010 (Elizabeth, “The United States and Global Environmental Politics: Domestic Sources of U.S. Unilateralism”,, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg) U.S. leadership (or even level of … regulations that give it the incentive to do so. . Signal-sends a clear prioritization of the environment Matthew, UC Irvine IR professor, 2000 (Richard, “In Search of Environmental Leadership”,, DOA: 8-1812, ldg) What Washington Should Do. as" the world's …, pragmatic, entrepreneurial, and daring. 15 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 16 of 21 N. Ryan Politics Ag industry’s collapsing now---immigration’s key Serrano, Time magazine, 2012 (Alfonso, “Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws”, 9-21,, DOA: 2-12-13, ldg) The Broetjes and an increasing number of farmers … American Farm Bureau Federation Shorter yields, complacency, and doubling demand guarantees domino effect of mass starvation, most qualified source AND turns political stability worldwide World Net Daily, 9 ("New Forecast: Mass Starvation", 6-19-9,, accessed 2-23-13, AT) A commodities expert has launched…, with some 265 million people who do not get enough food. Will pass but continued presidential leadership key to passage Helderman, Washington Post politics writer, 2-26 (Rosalind S., "McCain, Graham say Obama understands border concerns," 2-26-13,, accessed 2-27-13, mtf) President Obama understands GOP concerns about the … for the quiet Senate negotiations. Will pass- bipartisan agreement emerging, but continued push key to solidify the effort Reuters, 2-26 ("Senator McCain upbeat on immigration reform outlook," 2-26-13,, accessed 2-27-13, mtf) Senator John McCain on Tuesday predicted …United States on a path to citizenship. Will pass- outlook on passage improving Benen, MSNBC contributor, 2-27 (Steve, producer for The Rachel Maddow Show, "Glimmers of hope for immigration reform," 2-27-13,, accessed 2-27-13, mtf) Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John … than what Goodlatte said last week. Obama can get immigration despite sequestration Mirengoff, Power Line, 2-27-13 (Paul, “Obama Knows Best, Or Better Than E.J. Dionne Anyway”,, DOA: 3-5-13, ldg) Obama does have a shot at passing … left-liberal agenda than E.J. Dionne and Mickey Kaus do. Plan drains capital and causes an immediate fight Szondy, former university lecturer in history and archeology, 12 (David, award winning freelance writer for Gizmag, a science magazine, February 16, 2012, “Feature: Small modular nuclear reactors - the future of energy?”, 11-1-12, ara,) [language modified] The problem is that nuclear energy is …must farm this out to overseas manufacturers. New spending especially controversial—violates bipart spending agreement to keep the government running Walsh, CNN, 9-11-12 (Deidre, “Congress has little motivation for compromise before election”, lexis, ldg) 16 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 After a five-week summer recess, Congress Page 17 of 21 N. Ryan … as violating the bipartisan debt deal. Congress votes on all new spending Kepplinger, GAO General Counsel, 11 (Gary, General Counsel of the Government Accountability Office, DePaul University School of Law, J.D., “They Can’t Spend What You Don’t Approve: Rethinking the Appropriations Clause,” 1-24-11,, accessed 9-19-12, ara) Separation of powers, though …to limit, most notably, executive action. XOs are unpopular AND takes out solvency – Congress will force rollback Savage, NY Times, 12 (Charlie, “Shift on Executive Power Lets Obama Bypass Rivals,” 4-22-12,[], accessed 9-19-12, ara) The focus, said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House … push back against his “power grabs.” 17 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 18 of 21 N. Ryan ****1NR**** 18 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 19 of 21 N. Ryan DA Venture capital shifting to grid modernization now CNBC 2012 (Dinah Wisenberg, “Clean Tech Investing Shifts, With Lower-Cost Ventures Gaining Favor”, 3-1,, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) For many investors, that change … 250 percent increase and 47 percent deal increase. Electricity prices are low due to competition-plan reverses this Malina, COMPETE Executive Director, 1-29-13 (Joel, “Facts Are Stubborn Things: Markets Deliver Unambiguous Benefits for Consumers”,, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) The good news about competition in … clamoring for customers in the Windy City. Efficiency solves better than nukes – cost and time Lovins et al., Rocky Mountain Institute chief scientist, 2009 (Amory, “Nuclear Power: Climate Fix or Folly”,, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg) This semi-technical article, summarizing a … thermal power plants: if you start in 2010 to build a new 500-MW coal-… rivals will instead reduce and retard climate protection. Manufacturing key to competitiveness DoC 2012 (Department of Commerce, “The Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the United States”, January,, DOA: 2-15-13, ldg) A flourishing manufacturing sector in the … catastrophic supply chain disruptions. Competitiveness prevents great power war Baru, Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy visiting professor, 2009 (Sanjaya, “Geopolitical Implications of the Current Global Financial Crisis”, Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 2 March 2009,, DOA: 2-15-13, ldg) Hence, economic policies and … sustain economic growth and military power. Turns leadership Brzezinski, Former National Security Advisor, 97 (Zbigniew, “The Grand Chessboard,”, da: 02/15/2013, lmm) America’s economic dynamism provides …their Western European and Japanese rivals. 19 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 20 of 21 N. Ryan Terror 20 obstacles to acquiring nuclear weapons-odds are on in three billion. Mueller, OSU political science professor, 2010 (John, “Calming Our Nuclear Jitter”, Issues in Science and Technology, ldg) In contrast to these predictions, terrorist …to one in well over three billion. No retaliation in response to a terrorist attack. Erwin and Magnuson, Editor-National Defense Magazine and Washington DC based journalist, 2009 (Sandra and Stew, “7 Deadly Myths About Weapons of Terror”, National Defense, June 2009, lexis, ldg) Under the nightmare scenario of a … complicate the forensics work. 20 Liberty Debate Liberty Debate Document1 Page 21 of 21 N. Ryan Russia No Russian aggression- interdependence News Europe, 11 ("The ties that bind: Nord Stream opening strengthens EU-Russia interdependence," 11-13-11,, accessed 2-11-12, mss) The ties that bind: Nord Stream … European economy and gas demand would grow. Russia is just saber-rattling for the election- will moderate immediately after Brooke, VOA Moscow correspondent, 2-9 (James, "Kremlin attacks on US Embassy: Electioneering or End of Reset?," VOA News, 2-9-12,, accessed 2-11-12, mss) During the past three years the two presidents … Cold War rhetoric will melt away, along with February’s snow and ice. Co-evolution and adaptation prevents risk of extinction Achenbach, Washington Post Staff Writer, 03 [Joel, November, 2003, “Our Friend, the Plague”,, 9/22/11, atl] Whenever a new disease appears … nothing—just a touch of plague. 21 Liberty Debate